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Persona: Simulacrum - IC Thread


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Whoa... Their conversation was getting somewhat lengthy. The third year girl was named 'Akane', and... whatever Aoi did wasn't looking like her only problem, honestly. Whatever put her at that mood must have been still bothering her. Aoi made a few surprisingly sharp comments, as well as a bit shocking one. A-Aoi hit her in the chin?! They were fighting? Note made: Don't piss Aoi off.

Still, if the girl was so caught up in that where Aoi was simply pardoned... Then... maybe she got on a bigger fight after? Maybe that's when she got hit on the leg? What if the broke something? Some concern sprouted up, but too late, as Akane was already walking away. "U-Uh..." Eliana tried to speak up, which was rather embarrassing with her mastery of Japanese. "I-if something serious, you should see the infirmary, please?"

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What was with this act? It was a bit annoying. There was something wrong, and Aoi wasn't gonna give up that easily! "Hey! Stop trying to act so cool!" She grabbed Akane's arm, giving her the stare down. "She's right. If there's something wrong, then go see the nurse. Geez... I swallowed my pride and apologized, you'd think the act would wear off on some people around here." That was probably stupid. But she couldn't help the snark, this girl was being troublesome. "J-Just, go to the nurse's office, or whatever."

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"I said I'm fine." Akane replied with annoyance, as she jerked .her arm away. Luckily, she had grabbed her strong side, and it hadn't been a dead give-away, but damn this girl was stubborn.

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Kinji made it to MediPaX, and went to go buy some medicine to help him sleep. After picking it up, he went to the store clerk.

"How much for this?" he asked them. Hopefully, he has enough money to buy it, since he only has 237Â¥ on him.

Find out next time, on Kinji Kaito, the Mr. Boring Man's Adventure!

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"Ah, geez, hey... What's your deal? We're just trying to help..." Aoi wasn't going to grab her again if she was going to be this stubborn, but it still hurt that they couldn't get anything out of her. Aoi huffed, and put her hands on her hips, giving her the ol' stare down, but without knowing if there was anything else she could say. Well, whatever... If she doesn't want to talk, then-- oh! "Well, wait. Seriously, just a sec." She dove into her backpack and pulled out a pen and a scrap of paper, scribbling her number down again. She practically shoved the scrap into Akane's hand, nodding. "Alright, so, just... Text, or call if you ever need any help!" Could Aoi get more awkward? Probably. Only time would tell.

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"What, your phone doesn't have IR? Or are you that old fashioned, that you get all giddy if a girl writes down her number for you?" Akane replied, holding back a chuckle. What was up with this Aoi girl, really now?

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"Dh, ghf... S-Shut..." Aoi grumbled and turned a faint shade of red, quietly reaching back into her bag and pulling out of phone instead of trying to come up with an excuse. There wasn't one, anyway. It really had just slipped her mind. That was all it was. But if this Akane was fine with it, then they could trade numbers this way. She hadn't said no, anyway.

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Setting up the IR connection, Akane waited for Aoi to do the same. It didn't really bother her that much, anyhow.

"Don't be too expectant, though. Chances are you'll never get a call from me."

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"Just, call if you need help, with whatever." 'Whatever' meant if she was in trouble, or something to that effect. Aoi got into fights, but she did her best to try and direct that anger towards the right stuff, so if Akane was getting into trouble that she didn't want people knowing about, it was probably the right sort of stuff to direct herself towards... As long as she wasn't the perpetrator in these seemingly illicit dealings. "Himura, huh?" Well, maybe she wasn't that bad. Perhaps she was only so angry earlier because Aoi had gotten in the way of her smoke.

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By some miracle, Brant managed to get through lunch without having to elaborate about himself much, as Yuko and Mii got caught up in their own discussion for most of it, and rarely asked him anything. The self-centeredness of others was sometimes a blessing. They all managed to finish their lunches in time, as well, even with Yuko and Mii talking up a storm. With afternoon classes starting up, Mii had to return to class with the rest of the second years, and Brant had to get back to his seat in the back row. Somehow, Brant's phone number had been shared during lunch and he wasn't entirely comfortable with that.

Once classes were over for the day and Brant was finished tidying up his own area, he grabbed his bag and made his way to the lockers near the entrance. He'd gotten there a bit behind most of the students heading straight from school after classes, so there weren't as many people to deal with. He did, however, see those same two girls from the roof. He sure as hell didn't have time for that, right now, and swapped his shoes before heading for the entrance. He had more research to do once he got home.

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"Well, bye, then." Aoi huffed again. That attitude was something special. But, hey! Her awful day turned around just like that! The fight had still happened, but that Akane girl wasn't so bad, if she was that forgiving. And now Aoi could bug her with texts. Even better. She turned back to Eliana with a smile. "I was wrong! Today is just fine, if you wanted to come over. We can, like, play games, or watch TV." Oh. "O-Or, actually study, just a bit. Eheh..." Oops...

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Call Me, Beep Me

Takako hadn't been having much luck in the way of customers of late. Sure, there were plenty of young people living in Kyoshoku who could be getting tattoos, but there was just something that kept the parlor from being as busy as it should. Maybe it was the fact that the place smelled like burnt metal all the time. He really needed to get some sort of air freshener for the place.

As he was putting the finishing touches on his latest - and, hopefully, greatest - creation, his phone went off. Groaning, Takako checked who it was, and sighed. Of course the kid wants to come in and help today. I'm hurtin' for money to keep this place afloat as is... The artist thought, though he still felt sorry for the kid as he texted him a quick reply.

Fine, but only until 6. Slow day today, so there ain't much work for ya.


The cashier at MediPaX - a twenty-something girl with lots of piercings and a penchant for bubble gum - nonchalantly took the medicine bottle from Kinji's hands and scanned it across their till. Unfortunately for Kinji, the price was more than twice the amount of cash he had on hand.

"It's 549Â¥, kid. Hope ya got enough." The cashier told him bluntly, blowing a small bubble of gum and letting it slowly deflate with a tiny pop. She really didn't get paid enough for this.

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...IR? Eliana flipped her phone out, trying to check if she even had that option. Why did my dad give me one of these things, anyways? Pouting for a brief moment, Eliana tinkered enough until she ended up activating her own IR. ...Oh, so that is how. I-I see.

It seemed conversations were over, and Aoi was in a notable better mood, even turning around on the invitation. "Oh, today? Ah, okay. I could call my dad, should be fine." Eliana replied, and did smile when Aoi slipped. "You had a full day, yes? Is ok. My first time in your house, you could show me around."

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Finally, that was over and done with. Akane sighed to herself, as she began walking off in the direction of her apartment.

'I wonder what I should buy to eat, today...?'

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'Hmmm...Feels like I'm missing something,' Ken thought to himself as he walked on his way home. However, a small breeze reminded him as he stopped his music and realized. 'I forgot my hoodie!' He turned around and quickly sprinted back towards the school, trying desperately not to run into anything. 'Oh dear, I hope no one stole it.' He got back onto what he hoped to be the main walkway to school. "My brother is going to kill me if he finds out I lost it!" He said aloud to no one in particular.

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Ichirou barely had time to throw his bag into his room and say a short hello to his mother before his phone emitted a familiar tune. Hope it's Guru.

Checking the received text, Ichirou was thankful yet also felt a small tinge of guilt. Drei-Hard wasn't the most successful enterprise and it felt like he was taking advantage of the man's kindness. Guess I could help him out for free. I owe him a lot, after all.

Throwing on his usual casual attire, Ichirou made his way outside while shouting a short farewell to his mother. She didn't seem as concerned about him leaving after school hours as she once did.

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"Sure, sure, go ahead. Just hope my brother doesn't cause too much grief over today. He sort of saw the whole thing..." Aoi sighed, and stared at her sleeve. The bruise was most definitely still there, on her nose, and she'd have to toss the uniform directly into the wash. No parents, no annoying brother; she didn't want anything to get in the way of that, especially after the situation had been resolved.

Something did catch her attention though, and it made her chuckle. "Seems someone forgot something," she said, looking at another third year who had dashed into the school. She shrugged, turning back to Eliana. "You're sure? It's not a very big house... It's an apartment, really. I mean, I guess we don't have to study, but I should probably give you something to help."

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"Oh, alright--" Before Eliana would call her father, some student came in the hall shouting, leaving her bewildered. "Uh--um--what." Eyes widened, Eliana just watched the boy until Aoi chuckled. "Maybe. He should take care not to slip, if running. Enough accidents today." Eliana commented, and immediately bit her lips. That... was tactless. Ooops. "Oh, yeah, I don't mind. I just meant a small break first? Of course we study. Sorry." Clarity, Eliana's ever present foe.

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'Catch your breath...Catch your breath...' Ken cursed himself for not being so physically fit. He had no real interest in sports so he had no reason to work out. At least, not until today. He was breathing heavily, but he needed to get home. He grabbed his hoodie and started running again, only to nearly trip up near the stairs. "AH!" He quickly attempted to grab the bar as he fell on one of the steps. His motor skills were clearly lacking. He got up, disregarding the injury to his face, and started running again, although much slower than before. Was it getting warm or was it just him?

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Kazumi was relieved to hear the bell finally ring in the afternoon. All clear for the day then. he figured, stretching his legs in his seat to shake off the numbness in them that came from sitting still for too long. He quickly stuffed his belongings back into his bag, slung it over his left shoulder as he got up and left the classroom.

"Kazoo!" called a voice from down the corridor. The terrible nickname had came from Arata, who hurried over to him, grinning like an idiot. "What's up dude? I didn't see you anywhere at lunch!" If he expected Kazumi to tell him about the fight, he was going to be disappointed.

"I already told you, that's a stupid nickname." he sighed. And kind of an embarrassing one too... Of course, all Arata did was laugh. "And I had some stuff to do over lunch, it wasn't anything important." Kazumi shrugged, although it didn't seem to convince him.

"On the first day back?" He sneered slightly. "Did you manage to get into trouble with Schwartz or something like that?" Kazumi shook his head, and headed downstairs, leaving Arata to follow along.

"Nah, I just needed to check something about one of my classes." he insisted, waving his hands about slightly in frustration. "Like I said, don't worry about it." They were drawing close to the lockers now, where a bunch of other students were waiting around and talking. He didn't even notice Aoi until they were almost at the exit, but he was preeeeeeeetty sure that she saw him.

He had no idea what to say to her after she'd left him on uh... less then friendly terms earlier, but just ignoring her probably wasn't a great idea either. Bracing himself for something, he approached Aoi and the girl she was talking to, Arata still following along, and greeted them with a half-hearted "Uh, hey." The awkward begins again.

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Aoi laughed. That tumble caused her to squeak out a much louder chuckle, refraining from pointing at him over it, but still, it was obvious what she was laughing at. "Ahhh, I see that even third years aren't the peak and form of grace, all the time." She had her quick laugh over that, and decided that Eliana was right. A break would probably be a good idea. "I could use a break. You any good at super smash bros.?" she casually asked, as a certain other slight problem made himself apparent.

Not that he was much of a problem right now, not in this mood. "Hey little bro," she joked, throwing an arm around his shoulder and giving him both a hug and a noogie at the same time. "How was your first day back to class? Make any more friends? I totally made two friends today! New record, am I right?" She let him go after her little assault and pat him on the shoulder. "Hope you don't mind, but, I'm gonna bring Eliana back home, and we're gonna hang out and study and stuff." She pointed her thumb back at the probably still confused girl behind her.

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Disappointed that he didn't have the money to buy the sleep medicine, Kinji put it back on the shelf and left.

"Damn, what was I gonna do today?" He wondered to himself. As he wondered that, he got a text from his mother.

"One of the dogs got out, can you look for him?"

Kinji's response was:

"1st where, 2nd which one"

After a little bit of waiting, she responded again:

"1) He headed toward the business district

2) It was Bruce

thanks for helping!"

He text his mom that he was on it afterwards. He then had a thought:

"Well now, I guess today's going to be more than I assumed it was gonna be. Still though, catching a pitbull might be harder than I think."

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Ken could feel his heart beating faster than usual. This wasn't good. He had barely made it outside of school before he was wheezing. 'I have to get home,' he thought 'I have to take care of the house. I have to keep everything clean. I have to make sure everything is in order. I have to...I have to...' Ken stumbled and sat down. It wouldn't do him or his parents any good if he ended up dead on the sidewalk. He needed to catch his breath. He felt tired. Perhaps a little nap wouldn't hurt. He laid down on his side as he placed his hoodie, now bunched up to simulate a pillow, and tried to rest for a little bit, before slowly losing his consciousness.

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"Wha-Hey!" Kazumi was promptly pulled in by Aoi, and tried to shake her off. "Hey, I'm bigger then you... and older. " he muttered back. Still can't get her off me though... Not until she let him go by herself, anyway. Arata just smirked in the background while this was all going on, doing a pretty bad job of stifling a laugh. "Shut up..." Kazumi groaned, rubbing the his head soothingly.

"My day was so-so." he replied to Aoi, shrugging. "Schwartz didn't even bother trying to teach us. He just gave us a stupid sheet and told us to correct it. How lame is that?" he sighed, straightening up properly again. "And you're taking her home already sis?" he gestured towards Eliana as he spoke, grinning mischievously.. "At least buy her dinner first..."

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