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Persona: Simulacrum - IC Thread


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Aoi sighed. "There... Okay." The blood was out enough that throwing it into the regular wash wouldn't mess up any clothes, and she was really tired of scrubbing it. No more fighting with people, like that... If they start something, defend yourself, but stop starting shit, dammit... She told herself this. In the heat of the moment, it probably wouldn't stick, but she told herself anyway, because her mostly calm mind was fairly rational. Changing out of her school attire into some sweat pants, sports bra, and a lovely tank top that sported the phrase 'I Flexed And The Sleeves Fell Off', Aoi did a few stretches and cracked her neck. "Thanks for doing the laundry, Mom..." she said to herself, as she cracked her fingers, a pleasant sigh escaping afterwards. "Alright. Time to not mess up this friend thing-- Ah, right, crap." Whoops. Better actually start that load of laundry... The uniform had to be good for tomorrow, or Harada was going to tear into her again.

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''So the war still stands... I thought after the death of Kinzo we would finally know peace. Drats... the organization sure isn't quitting this time around." he played along. Slowly, he began to rummage around in his pockets until finally, he caught what he was looking for, a batch a cigarettes taking one out and putting it in his mouth taking great care that only Yuu and Clayton could see him and no one else. ''We met during a yakuza power struggle back in Osaka, where we were born and raised. Can't believe that after two years out, I hear things are still kicking.''

Retsuya guessed he had better memory than most people, but it was surprising to see that another person of rooftop rundown had appeared before his eyes yet again. Not that he regretted seeing his face, just that is was unexpected to say the least of it all. Also, might as well have some fun messing with guy's head.

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Nope, that definitely isn't a little jokey term then. he thought his eyes widening in surprise, They can't possibly be serious.

"Good one," He laughed uneasily, "All that's behind y'all though right... Water under the bridge and all that" he continued, exaggerating his disbelief. There was no way this could be possible. Not a way, not a how. They were just trying to pull his leg.

Still, you never did know with people nowadays.

"Are you allowed to do that in here?" He asked nervously as Retsuya took out cigarette. He was vaguely tempted to ask for one, but he *was* quitting and such a thing would destroy the progress (not to mention he'd owe Haru over at the gallery like 10 bucks for losing their bet if he came back smelling like an ashtray). A trickle of sweat made it's way down his neck.

This was another one of those uncomfortable situations.

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Wait, what? Did the janitor just... Yuu's face was that of confusion, but only so a moment; his expression changed to a more serious one. He seriously needed to stop playing Crest of Flame, even if CoF: when was amazing. That series was old as heck. Who even played that stuff anymore? Yuu was pretty sure people nowadays played stuff like Otherworldy Sword Tales Cross, or Ultimate Illusion XV.

"A while after Kinzo fell, the organization pretty much went ballistic. Stuff began to blow up, like it was a fireworks show or something," his head drooped a bit, and he clenched his teeth for a bit before continuing, albeit in a hushed voice, so only Retsuya and Clayton could hear. "I... couldn't keep her safe. I'm sorry, Retsuya. There were so many of them, and I... ran away from Osaka like a... coward."

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Her- There's a "her" involved now?!? Clayton thought, barely able to comprehend what was going on anymore. Whatever these guy's history was, it had to be wild. He couldn't discount the possibility that something was up and that he would be seeing hidden cameras and a whacky television host at any minute, but at the same time he really didn't think he should let his guard down.

"T-that sure is a downer..." He said shakily, trying to stifle a nervous laugh. "D"you wanna join us for a bite. I mean you're working but it uh, doesn't seem too b-busy yet... R-right after I go to the bathroom of course."

With those words, he leaped up and walked briskly over to the men's room. There, he splashed his face with cold water from the faucet. He could really use that cancer-stick right about now. Well Clayton my boy, you hoped that things would get more exciting than buying the right type of goat cheese filo pastry amuse-gueules for Haru's big penis themed gallery opening... He thought to himself, watching water droplets fall from his forehead in the mirror. Whether this is real or you're being grievously Prank'd, it'll be a wild ride.

He slowly made his way out of the washroom, his confidence (and composure) slightly rebuilt. For now, he reckoned, he should keep playing along with them, just coast on by and take it as easily as he could.

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Kenzo finally managed to tear his eyes away from the screen in front of him. He been working hard ever since he ad Sarada returned from lunch and he was finally at a point where he was content with what he'd managed to get done. Almost everyone else had left by now and the office lights had been shut off, leaving only the computer displays and personal desk lamps to add light to the floor; not that it all that dark yet. From what Kenzo could tell there were still two people left, his boss and... Sarada. Kenzo let out a sigh as he picked up his suitcase and powered down is desktop; his light was already off since he never bothered to turn it on in the first place.

He made his way over to Sarada's cubicle and tapped him on the shoulder. Sarada jumped and quickly spun around in his chair looking panicked though he quickly relaxed once he saw it was Kenzo. "Jeez you nearly gave me a heart attack... What do you want, Kenzo?" Kenzo paused. Why had he come over and bothered Sarada? "How late do you intend to stay tonight?" There, a normal enough question... right?

"Until I'm done with this bit of code... Why do you ask?" Again, Kenzo paused to find an answer to the question. "Ersatz," Kenzo finally answered. That was what people worried about now, right? "Going home alone is dangerous if you're out too late," he elaborated. Sarada stopped his furious typing and seemed to ponder it for a few moments before sighing. "I guess you're right, give me a little bit."


"So do you wanna hang out or something? It's still not all that late yet," Sarada asked as he and Kenzo walked down the business district. Kenzo had a car but rarely used it due to living relatively close to his workplace and Sarada didn't have that kind of money yet.

"Where would we go? We've got the age gap to be father and son." They really were an odd pair, a saleryman past his prime and an aspiring worker who had the drive to accomplish what his senior couldn't. Perhaps that was Kenzo didn't like about Sarada, he reminded him of what he'd once been and would probably become what he could've been. The fact that he wasn't really hostile was probably because he knew it was his fault, no one else's.

"Eh, let's just eat at that ramen stand and call it a night then, I'll buy." There was already someone there the duo found out out. Kenzo didn't pay him any mind but Sarada decided they were going to chat, or try to at least. "Hey there, I'm Sarada Izumi and this is Kenzo Watanabe."

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<"Brant speaking,"> he answered his phone in accented English as he approached the school gate. The response was definitely good news for him. <"You're picking me up? I'd ask why but I think I already know,"> Brant replied, just barely containing a smile. <"Sure, I'll wait by the gate until you get here.">

He didn't have to wait outside the gate long before a black RX-7 pulled up. This thing was older than he was but still in very good shape thanks to his older sister's care. She had to take care of it if she didn't want to wind up taking the train to get to and from work in the future. She waved to him from the driver seat, urging him to get in.

Once Brant was seated and his seat belt was on, the car took off down the road. <"So how was your first day?"> The tone in her voice as she asked that question implied great curiosity. Maybe she thought something good would happen. Brant certainly hoped she wasn't expecting anything good because she was going to be disappointed if that was the case.

<"It was a pretty ordinary day,"> he began, <"People asked about mum a few times, which was annoying but that eventually stopped. Let's see ... I wound up giving out my number to a couple of girls at lunch. I'm probably going to regret that at some point. Oh, and two girls were having a disagreement on the roof about cigarettes ... but don't worry, they made up from the looks of things.">

<"... you call that an 'ordinary day' ...? Was it the two girls you gave your number to?">

<"No one died ... and no, these were a different pair,"> Brant explained.

<"Sooo ... rating?">

Brant scowled at the windshield in front of him. <"Six out of ten. But in all seriousness, let's focus on this Ersatz problem. Let me worry about school.">

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"Class isn't so hard, so long as you show up. As for the teachers, they're not any worse than the other years... depends on who ya get." Akane replied, as she continued smoking her cigarette, taking a nice long drag.


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"Huh, okay." Well, it was nice to hear that. Maybe school wouldn't be so hard. "Your last year, yes? When high school is over, what will you do?" Meanwhile, Eliana continued to awkwardly watch again as Akane enjoyed her cigarette. "Is it really nice when you get used to? I heard you start needing it, after a long time without."

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"No clue." Akane replied bluntly, as she finished her smoke. This girl seemed... overly interested in her smoking, if Akane was honest. Maybe she was just trying too hard to make conversation...

"It's great, it really is... as for needing it, well it depends on a couple things. Some people get addicted, some don't. And how often you smoke, along with that, will effect how long you can go before you start craving another cigarette. I mean, you never really need one, but it makes you feel a lot better when you have it."

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The door swung open with gusto, Aoi standing there with her hands on her hips, slogan proudly portrayed-- before coughing a little at the faint smell of smoke wafting in from her balcony. "You're still doing that...? Alright, who's ready to get smashed?" She smirked at the most clever of puns, and picked up a controller, turning the Wii U on. The other meaning of smashed most definitely escaped her. "Comfy on the bed, Eliana?" she asked with a tiny laugh, as she sat herself on the floor. "It's a bit big, but it's just left over from when Kazumi and I had to share. Not that lazy sundays aren't a wonderful time to just sprawl on it and relax~" She sighed, as if reminiscing something so far gone, and clicked into the vs. menu.

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Akane couldn't help but smirk, as she was entirely certain that Aoi had never been properly 'smashed' before in her life... it was doubtful Eliana had been either, on that note. Still, the more timid girl on the bed didn't seem like much of a gamer type, and Akane herself never really had the time to put into such things... was this Aoi's way of trying to set up self-gratification?

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"Uh--" A blunt and short answer. Maybe Akane wasn't in the mood for conversation. "I... I see. Okay." And with the explanation on smoking, Eliana rolled over and sighed. Perhaps it was best to just wait a little.

Thankfully not half as long as she imagined, with Aoi making her entrance clear. "Ready to... the game?" The innuendo also escaped Eliana, whom promptly stood up from the bed when mentioned. "Ah... uh, very comfy, yes. It must be nice, have all that space for one person." She decided to move along and sit on the floor. "So, right, which controller?" Eliana wasn't ignorant of video games, having a few old consoles as hand-me-downs from her father and a nerdy older brother, but she wasn't very savvy about these newer gen types. They are so, so much pricier back at home...

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Now that smokey had finished her business, they were totally free to do whatever the heck they wanted. And seeing as Aoi already had the game open, she decided that would be a pretty good way to start things. "Your bed isn't as big?" she casually asked Eliana, handing her one of the pro controllers. "And, this should be fine. You can use any of them, but, like, things like the game pad are way too big. I might hit hard, but I've still got tiny hands, heheh." She did bite her lip for a second, as the TV spoke out 'Little Mac!' on the character selection screen. "So, uh... Do you want to join us, Akane? I don't know if this is your sorta thing... Well. I guess, unlike Eliana, I don't really know your sorta thing. How about you sit down and talk for a bit...?" This is how you do friends. Definitely.

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"So... Uh... What, do you like, then?" She'd asked her already, but she'd just sat down. Maybe Akane was just as bad as Aoi was at talking to people. That'd be nice! ...But also a bit unfortunate.

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"Like, huh? Never really thought about it." Akane replied, blunt as ever. Seriously, those replies were so blunt that you could use them as an instrument of murder... Aoi, run. Run like you've never run before don't stop don't turn back just RUN!

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Aoi actually flinched from how blunt that was. But that wasn't enough to shake her. She craned her neck back and stared at the older girl. "Then think about it. Movies? Games? Books? Even I read. TV shows? You have to do something other than smoke." Aoi may not have been very good at friends, but she was pretty good at prying into things... Which was probably why she wasn't the best at friends.

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"I mean, I read and watch television of see a movie from time to time, but I dunno if I'd say that I like them. They're something to do." Akane replied, looking over the screen for the game Aoi had set up.

"But I suppose giving it a try couldn't hurt. How does this thing work?"

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"N-no, it's smaller, dad saw no point." Eliana replied, and took the controller. She could understand Aoi's logic, the other seemed needlessly massive. "Okay, thanks." Looking at the screen and following Aoi's directions, Eliana looked for a character to pick. In a moment of 'hey, I know that one!', Eliana picked the blue hedgehog.

Turning her attention away from the TV, it seemed even Aoi was struggling to make small talk with Akane. So it's not just me... Eliana gave a soft smile, having little else to add.

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"Just something to do? That's so weird." Aoi chuckled, not expecting something like that. "That sucks, Eliana-- Oh, hey, Sonic! I hate that guy! This'll be fun!" It was always fun to fight against a character you didn't like; it gave her the chance to try harder, in her head. Not actually expecting Akane to want to join in, Aoi almost started the match, halting herself and going back a screen. "Uh, really? Alright." She had another controller that wasn't the gamepad, so she handed it over. "So, uh... You pick a character. Then you use the A button and the B button to do moves. All the directions do a different move, A and Up, A and Down, B and... You get the picture." Waiting for someone to select a character, always the worst. "And if you hit the A button and a direction at the same time, you do a smash attack; it's way stronger-- Oh, and, the shoulder buttons," she said, holding the controller up and mashing them a few times to indicate where they were, "are for shields! Alright, let's have at it~"

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Well, that might just have been the most rushed explanation the world had ever seen. In what little time Akane had been given to fiddle with the controller whilst on the character select screen, the game ended up exclaiming a name, which she assumed was her character.

"CAPTAIN FALCON!" Was what the game had decided to go with, though Akane wasn't sure what was so falcon-esque about the muscular fellow wearing a pink and white body suit. Either way, judging by the screen, her opponents were to be some boxer known as Little Mac, and... some sot of blue thing known as Sonic. Akane didn't really get a chance to look at the stages before the random option was selected, so she supposed she'd just have to deal with whatever came up, inputting the commands she had been told as the game loaded, for what little practice it would provide.

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Ichirou checked his watch after a couple of hours helping Guru sort out tools and hang up posters at Drei-Hard. 5:48. Time to head back. I don't think Mom would care much if I returned later though.

"Sorry, Guru, but I think it's about time I headed back home." announced Ichirou. "Don't worry about paying me, I'm not hurting for cash at the moment."

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Eliana giggled. Maybe the character she picked was a good one? Thank you, dad's videogames. That said, it was probably smart to listen to Aoi's explanation.

...Or not. It figures out ultra fast Japanese explanation was not something understandable by Eliana's level of mastery. "Uh... huh? Buttons? Directions?" Her face was a bit bewildered, but maybe she just needed to put into practice. "I... okay."

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