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Persona: Simulacrum - IC Thread


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Aww, yet another interloper stepped in, making the chances of an amusing little brawl severely decrease... oh well. There was a bit of back and forth, including the smaller man calling out her... fan, on his photo snapping, which was enough to cause him to instantly tense up, and begin backing away. In the interim, another one spoke up, interestingly enough, a second year who had nonchalantly taken a seat in their room, and hadn't been noticed until this point.

"Nyoooogh, fine. I'll see you later, Akane-chan~ These 3D buffoons clearly can't see our special relationship!" The large potato eventually replied, caving in, and walking over to his seat across the room with a less than attractive jiggle in his step. Still not wanting to speak on it too much, Akane swiftly made a slight gagging motion as the man's back was turned, giving the, admittedly unexpected interloper a friendly wink.

Aand that was when the second year made himself known again, seemingly having grown quite confused, and was muttering to himself under his breath. With a light giggle, Akane fingered her red tie absentmindedly.

"Class 3-2."

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"I... huh." Eliana nodded. The conversation was, at least, going somewhere. Maybe she could get acquainted and end this awkward phase... mostly. "A big pool? That sounds nice, I want to see." Maybe this wouldn't be so bad anymore.

Eliana did feel shocked when Aoi started speaking English at her. She wasn't expecting anybody in her class to speak another language to accommodate to her. Some students shifted their gaze as she spoke, which made the situation a lot more embarrassing. "<Uh, I can. Not very well but I guess it's okay? I took a course.>" Eliana employed the wrong emphasis in a few words, no thanks to the half-assed British accent her own teachers had prior. "Ah, I am from Brazil." She replied, shifting back to Japanese as Aoi did. Maybe I can use english to ask her the words I don't know. Thank God. Finally, some sense of assurance had settled in. Hopefully her teacher would also be as understanding.

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Clay flinched, startled by the voice addressing him. He turned to face a janitor he had vaguely remembered working here when he was still a student.

"I hope not," Clayton responded with a chuckle, trying to diffuse the awkwardness, "I've been hired as part of the uh... beautification initiative, meant to create a more aesthetically pleasing environment and improve student morale." He added, reciting what had been written on the job posting.

"I uh, passed all of the portfolio reviews and was approved by the board." He smiled. The truth was that no one else at the art commune where he interned was particularly interested in the job. They had shunted it onto him, he hoped because they trusted his art skill enough to go take on a solo project. That being said, he wasn't entirely convinced that they hadn't simply given him some grunt work to get him out of their hair.

Hopefully the janitorial staff wouldn't get offended at his presence. Still, this guy looked friendly enough.

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"Class 3-2?! Shit, I'm suppose to be in Class 2-2, thanks for telling me, otherwise, I would've been completely confused all day!"

Kinji Kaito quickly gathered his things, and ran to class 2-2. Once again, he took the seat closest to the door, and made a bit of a ruckus doing so, stomping quickly through the halls, causing most students to hear him.

"Oh thank goodness, this is the right room! I'm too sleepy for this!"

After sitting down, he waited patiently for class to start.

Edited by Nexas
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Schwartz glanced at the clock. It was time. Seems no one was gonna arrive late today, though of course there was those that arrived barely on time.

"Alright class, time to begin," he announced as his gazed moved from the papers to the students. "Put everything non-essential away," he grabbed the papers and stood up to pass them to the front desks so they could be passed to the rest of the class. "For today's class, you'll examine the following paragraphs and correct its orthographic mistakes. Once you're finished leave them on my desk and you can leave."

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Ken sighed as the rather large student went over to his desk. Still, he had no doubt taken several pictures, already. Before he left, he would have to quickly go to the office. He looked over to the female student, now sitting with a smile on her face, as he bowed. "I don't think we've been properly introduced. My name is Ken Sunders."

Edited by Dandragon
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"I don't swim, but I can show you around, if you want." Wow, a friend! This was actually really easy. She just had to... Think. But thinking was hard. Well, if this was the result of thinking, it probably was worth doing, sometimes. And hey, she could even speak English! Even if it wasn't the best, it was still neat. "<Hey, that is great too! You can help me practice. Speaking is still tough.>" A sucky school day was turning into one she could deal with rather quickly. She just had to make it through whatever folktale Mr. Harada decided to spring on them today. "Brazil, huh? That's, like... Somewhere near Mexico?" Geography was far from Aoi's best subject. Far, far and away. Like Brazil. Which was definitely not next to Mexico. Perhaps if she had said Venezuela. Alas...

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And I thought that I was cutting it close... Kazumi smiled to himself, although it soon vanished after being presented with the lesson's work. What does this stuff even mean? He tapped his pen against the desk a couple of times, but he was drawing a blank on a lot of the sentences. How do I words?

English sucks.

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Brant let the rushing student pass, if only to avoid an utter train wreck, and then quietly slipped into room 3-2 just in the nick of time. His seat was, luckily in the back row, so reaching it took all of three seconds, saving him even more time as things began to settle down. While he was taking his seat and securing his bag, he noticed that Yuko girl the other student had mentioned before. He couldn't be bothered to remember the names of people he didn't interact with at least weekly, but he couldn't help but remember faces and figures and that was definitely the one he was talking about. He didn't plan on talking to her anytime soon; he barely knew her, but at least her name might stick on its own this time. Anchoring and whatnot.

Edited by Phoenix
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"Oh, that would be nice. Thank you." Eliana smiled faintly, glad that this sort-of-comfort zone came to be. "<Yeah, speaking is tough. I feel you.>" If only I had someone to share these woes over Japanese too...

Aoi's next question struck Eliana in such a way that could only be reacted with an intense poker face. That... That's really not next to Brazil. Making any other kind of face would be extremely rude, so Eliana just held as good as she could and explained. "That... Brazil is a bit to the south, and a bit to the right. No... uh... uh..." What'sitcalled "<No borders. There's a few countries between.>" The girl wasn't that wrong, in a sense.

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"Akane. Akane Himura." The girl replied, as her gaze travelled across the room to another new face, this one distinctly darker, and admittedly a bit hunkier than the others about the classroom, as the man made it into the class just before the bell, and sat in the seat just behind her... friend. How unfortunate for him, the stench would surely get to him by day's end...

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What does ortograwhatever even mean? Ichirou wished Schwartz spoke in proper Japanese. Looking down at the sheet Ichirou wished he had brushed up on his terminology.

He COULD ask ...but that would be embarrassing. Maybe he meant fix the spelling...?

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"Oh." Don't blush, don't blush, don't blush, don't blush. Too late. Aoi's face turned slightly red as her geography knowledge was pointed out, She tried to smile through it. "I see, further south. Alright. I'll make sure to remember that if it ever gets put on a test." She had to find something else to look at, so she glanced at the teacher, wondering if he was going to start the lesson. "Borders. Gotcha. And don't worry about speaking, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. I'm just lucky. English came naturally to me," unlike anything else, "so I get by with it relatively easily." For someone who really didn't put a lot of effort into studying, getting things wrong was rather embarrassing... She still wasn't looking back at Eliana, even if she was still talking with her.

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Katsumi breathed a sigh of relief as the larger student left for his seat, but the mention from the hoodie wearing student of the larger student taking unsavory photos of the seated girl mildly disturbed her internally. And also that 'special relationship' remark. Katsumi couldn't help but give another sigh. (Clearly you're imagining said special relationship. She honestly looked replused by that larger ones mere presence) she thought internally for it was clear that the young man was locked in his own little fantasy world.

The hoodie wearing males short apology before he called out the larger one on the unsavory photo opt registered in her mind, "Don't worry too much over it now. It's over and done." Katsumi replied, before she introduced herself, "I'm Katsumi Kuriyama," She said with a polite smile.

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"You sound pretty sketchy but I'll let it slide. It's only my second year here but I never forget a face. Glad to see your following your dreams" he said with a tint of mellow happiness. He flung his mop over his shoulder and gave the guy a quick once over and yes he had a distinct idea of who he was although he had never spoken with him. He tended to have a pretty good memory.

This little he was painting mural reminded him of his time preparing for the usual school festivals where everyone laughed and made their memories. It was still kinda odd that he still participated in school life in a very minimal way. He really didn't know why kept waxing sentimental within his own mind. He really needed to fix that filter of nostalgia he viewed the world with especially since he was just 20.

"Names Retsuya, I'm only a year older than you so don't bother with seniority. Also mind if I help, I'm on break and I dabbled in the arts before" he said cheerily with small smile on his face. It wasn't everyday that one could do something relaxing on the job and students wouldn't be out of homeroom until quite a while later. Maybe this guy could indulge him just a little and enjoy a little bit of what he started when he was a little kid.

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"Well, perhaps we should all talk after class is over." Ken bowed once more and walked over to his seat. He took off his hoodie and placed it on the back of his chair before sitting down, preparing himself for whatever the teacher could throw at him.

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And then Aoi turned as red as a tomato. D'awwww. "Is ok. Uh... it is far away, so no problem, yes? And, yeah, you know now." Eliana tried to play it off for her classmate, smiling back. "Yeah, if you speak English well, that is a very good thing later. And you do good in P.E. too, yes? That must be nice." Eliana gave her compliments and noticed Aoi turned to look at the teacher for a moment. Eliana did so too, curious. Is he going to start class soon? The halls are getting quiet... probably.

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"We'll see how nice all of that is, this year." She was slightly reminded that she had to pass this year, or she risked getting expelled. Getting held back was bad enough, and her family had given her more than enough grief over it, so she had to actually try, in the classes she wasn't the best in. Maybe... "Hey, Eliana?" she started to ask, the blush fading as she calmed down, "what classes are you good in?"

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"Yeah, we all should talk more after class finishes," Katsumi replied giving a short bow of her own and returning to her seat for today's lesson. She gave a quick glance behind her to notice another face had joined the class while she had been occupied with the scenario with the larger student and his questionable camera phone photos. She placed her bag on the back of her chair and unpacked her books, her mind already turning to her after school to do list.

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And the little group that had gathered over the stupid fat man's antics finally dispersed. Akane was glad for it, the mass huddling about her desk and all of the glances and stares weren't overly appreciated, even if she wasn't unused to them.

Damn, she could have really used a smoke right about now. But it was too late to ditch, by this point.

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Kinji took out a dictionary he's had for a couple years to look up the definition of Orthographic, and read to himself in his head:

"or·thog·ra·phy (ôr-thŏg′rə-fē)
n. pl. or·thog·ra·phies
1. The art or study of correct spelling according to established usage.
2. The aspect of language study concerned with letters and their sequences in words."
"So we're just correcting spelling, huh? This should be pretty easy," he thought to himself.
Kinji started reading, and continuously found words with incorrect spelling. He snickered.
"Just as I thought, this is pretty easy." He continued to work on the paper, and later on, it got a bit harder, causing him to think things over a bit more, regardless, he corrected mostly all the incorrect spellings, and turned in his work.
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Aoi's passing thought felt a tiny bit ominous, but Eliana let it pass, she didn't know the girl enough to be assuming things. "Uh, me?" Eliana replied, cursing her reflexes internally. Of course it's you, dummy. Who else is gonna have that foreign name here? "Uh, I like history. I know it is different here, but not so hard to catch on, I think? I do Mathematics ok too, yes?" Eliana thought it over, Well, I'm not fantastic, but I did pretty well last test. Totally improving. "I like Art the most, I guess. Not as class, but... yeah."

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"The only sketch you'll find here is this here sketch of what the wall will look like when I'm finished!" He said with a laugh. "I can't really say I'm following my dreams yet though. Mostly just doing gopher work for the artists over at the studio. Setting up galleries, buying the opening refreshments... That sort of thing."

That joke was bad and you should feel bad, Clay thought, mentally chastising himself. At this rate, he was probably going to flub yet another social interaction.

"Uh, sure, you can help. Many hands lighten the load after all!" Clay said, handing Retsuya a brush. "I never really thought I'd be back here you know. It feels a bit like when we used to get everything prepared for school festival time. I always got to paint the banners and stuff because art's pretty much the only thing I've got going for me..." He paused to push up his glasses, which were slipping off his nose again. "Sorry, I'm babbling again. If you want, you could start painting the tree trunks. The stencil is already pasted to the wall so all you really have to do is go over it in black and add some grey highlights once that's dry."

"So, err, how is the custodian business going for you?" He inquired as he set back to work, painting grass and flowers onto the tranquil spring scene.

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After a few (poorly disguised) glances around the room, Kazumi figured out that they were probably just fixing some spelling errors. He didn't pay too much mind to the fact that some others seemed to have almost finished already and kept chipping away at it. He was making progress at least, even if it was kind of slow.

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