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Persona: Simulacrum - IC Thread


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"They can be handful sometimes, but I'm used to it. It wasn't always like this though. Mother used to get them up out of bed and I would help her out... Then she came down with Ersatz Syndrome." Katsumi finished up the meat in her lunch as she reminisced about the mornings spent helping her Mother get her siblings ready before this sickness called Ersatz Syndrome hit. That little memory lane trip was dismissed with the thought of Ken coming over sometime and watching the koi swim in their backyard pond, "Sure, feel free to come by sometime. We can feed them together after school since that's when I usually give them food."

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"Oh uh," He started, swallowing his bite of cinnamon roll, "It's gonna be a spring scene... just a landscape with a few blooming cherry blossom trees and a flowery field. Maybe some people flying kites in the distance. Supposed to make you feel nice and calm, like a warm, sunny spring day."

He didn't recognise the teacher, but figured that was simply because he had never been in his class before. He took a big swig of his (by now lukewarm) tea, "how's the uh, teaching going. I used to be a student here last year but I don't think I've ever been in your class before. My name is Clayton Kochran." He added quickly, figuring it was pretty rude not to at least introduce himself.

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"Then go fucking eat somewhere else, and stay out of my way. If you hadn't noticed, some people managed to eat just fine without throwing a fit, like you." Akane replied with a sigh. She had certainly found herself dealing with an annoying girl... it was getting more and more tempting to just get rid of her, than do this the old fashioned way.

"Sorry 'bout that kid, but looks like your effort was wasted on this dumb broad." Akane noted to the new boy, a second year, before falling into a looser stance, and waiting for the other girl to make a move so she could punish it.

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The sandwich was finished, but Ken could save the apple for later. He took a small sip of his water. "Thank you. I might have time today. Say, why don't we go up to the roof? Some fresh air would be nice, wouldn't you say?"

Edited by Dandragon
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After pretty much finishing up doing what he was instructed by his new acquaintance according, he heard him speak and talk about himself. He gave off the impression of a rather insecure individual, but he found it a bit of an endearing personality trait than anything else. He spoke and then asked a question, but he didn't seem to answer having been immersed with the few instructions on how to paint he had been given by the young man next to him almost as if ignoring his question. He left only saying ''Not that interesting'' with the same smile he had from the beginning of the conversation.

And now since lunch hour began, the pride of a janitor came into play. Bottles, cans, straws, papers, and wasted napkins were strewn all over and with the ever trusty mop, Retsuya began to fulfill his duty to the best of his abilities and began the eternal struggle of keeping the floors of Toradara High School clean. Although for some reason today, the workload was much much easier than expected. There were still plenty of students, but something felt missing. The usual set rabble rousers weren't in the cafeteria at the moment and even though it was load it was at least tolerable to stay there. Maybe he'd go and relax since the workload had relaxed maybe go see the mural or take a smoke up in the roof.

Ultimately, he just ended going back to the mural and then heading over towards the roof if nothing of too much interest was going to go down. In his field of view, he saw the English teacher, Mr Schwartz and the painter. ''Hey pal, I kinda forgot to ask for your name. How's the mural coming?'' he asked apologetically. He didn't want to come off as rude so he also greeted the teacher. ''You doing good, teach?''

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"Some people don't like to put up with stupid bitches." She stuck her tongue out at this point. Seemed this girl was all bark and no bite, if she couldn't come at her head on. She dropped her stance and went to sit with her food. "I'm eating here," she called over, taking bites of rice without a care int he world. "If you don't like that, then move me, but if you pull out your death sticks again, I'm getting rid of them. Go smoke in the parking lot if your ass can't handle that." There wasn't a policy about not smoking there. A lot of the older students did. So why wasn't this one? Whateverrrrr. It's not my problem! I don't care.

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Unfortunately, Akane's attempt to defiantly start smoking another cigarette and not let the little bitch get her hands on it that time was foiled by her now being out of cigarettes.

"You're damn lucky that I'd rather actually get to have my damn cigarette than bother dealing with you." The senior noted, as she tossed the empty carton into a nearby garbage bin, and began walking towards the door, biting into her curry bread as she did so. She'd probably end up coming back late at this rate, too.

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Kazumi let out a huge sigh of relief as Aoi seemed to back down. Maybe what he did to diffuse the situation actually worked? Just as long as I never have to do it again, I'll be happy. He doubted that Aoi would manage to stay out of trouble forever, but he could dream. Still, with the crisis averted for now, all that was really left to do was check on her. "Aren't you gonna get your nose cleaned up first?" he asked, walking over to her. A better question to ask probably would've been 'are you okay?' or 'what was that all about' in hindsight. Oops.

Edited by SB.
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Brant had found a place to sit by the time one of the male students, a brother to one of the girls apparently, had gotten himself thoroughly involved. Thankfully, things didn't appear to be escalating quite as quickly as they ... perhaps should have? Brant wasn't one to complain about cooler heads prevailing, so he stayed silent for the moment and watched, wondering if that would actually happen, here.

The senior indirectly mentioned him when she noted other people managing just fine despite the smoke. Tolerating it, sure, but he was tolerating a lot of things right now. It didn't mean he wanted to. "Well if the smell didn't ruin my appetite, the 'holier than thou' vs the 'brigand' performances bloody well did. Three out of ten," he said, just barely loud enough to carry over to the confrontation.

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"Oh, my name is Clayton Kochran," He replied, happy that his acquaintance had returned from his duties in keeping the school from becoming too chaotic, "It's an odd name, but it's the only one I've got." He added with a sheepish grin. His name wasn't typical for the region, to say the least, but that's what one had to expect when their parents were traveling university professors.

"The mural's coming along alright, I managed to squeeze in a few more buttercups in the meadow region over here." He said, vaguely gesticulating to some bright yellow flowers, "and the border for the sky is almost done. Thanks a lot for your help earlier, it really sped things up!"

It was definitely a buttercups kind of day, whatever that meant.

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"Calm, huh..." Schwartz trailed off. I suppose it's not a bad idea, he thought. With the Ersatz Syndrome, it has certainly kept many in the city on edge. I'm not entirely sure if this could really do the trick, but if it can be of help to at least one person, I guess it'd be worth it.

His thoughts were interrupted by further talk from the painter.

"Mine's Michael Schwartz. And, well, it has been fine so far," he answered. "No, I wouldn't think you would, even if you took my subject. I was just hired this school year."

Just then one of the school janitors approached them.

"Yeah, doing fine."

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Fresh air from sitting on the on the school roof would be a welcome change from her normal routine of eating indoors plus a view of the sky above didn't hurt. She could finish the rice up there. "Sure. Some fresh air before lunch ends would definitely be welcome." Katsumi replied cheerfully.

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''Better than Retsuya Ikeda, I'd take your name any day, also glad to see I could have assisted, Clayton.'' he laughed. This Clayton fellow was much nicer than the original perspective he had on him just a few hours ago. It was weird how people's mind tended to change so quickly, but then again he needed to stop thinking about all the stupid little details that ran through his head. Chit chat was good and they were all graduates from highschool, something could potentially spring from there. ''...We're all pretty young huh... anyone want to take a little break up by the roof or are you too busy Mr. Schwartz? A little bonding between adults never hurts.'' he asked. Maybe they'd take him on his offer.

Edited by almi23
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Eliana was pretty happy to receive the suggestion, music to her ears. "Well-" Before she could actually say anything on the matter, she was cut off by the teacher speaking up, oh well.


And there went their morning. Eliana sighed and pressed her back against the chair in relief, it took too much focus out of her to catch some specific terms and sayings, Japanese was hard indeed. Why did vertical writing ever became a thing? Before Eliana could mumble some more internally, Aoi quickly approached her and left her number on a scrap of paper. "Oh, but I--" And already Aoi had left the classroom. B-but I could have answered now... Maybe Aoi just had an aversion to classrooms she put up with, or something.

Sighing, Eliana picked up her lunch --a rather 'liberties taken' bento with rice, black beans and beef. You could not name a more Brazilian everyday dish. Thanks, dad. Feeling self-concious, Eliana didn't feel like eating her exotic(?) dish on class or, god forbid, the lunch hall. Being a recently-transferred student and unsavvy of what existed in the upper floors nor the roof rules, Eliana decided to be the epitomic loner and lunch outside the building --but still inside the gates. The benches by the parking lot would do just well enough. Finding an empty enough place near a tree, Eliana sat down and proceeded to begin her meal. "Um... thanks for the meal... <or however you say it>." She spoke to no one.

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"Well, I already was going to deal with something that is for the class after the lunch break," Schwartz answered. "Sorry, but I don't think I can afford to take a break myself at the moment."

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"Oh, is this your first teaching job then?" Clay Inquired, "I hope it goes well!"

"Oh uh, sure..." He responded to the request almost automatically. He hoped it didn't come across as weird, "I was going to go and enjoy the rest of my break up there anyway. Just a little bit of old timey reminiscing, I haven't been here in a while..."

He tried to relax a little. Hopefully this wouldn't be against any school policy. The last thing he wanted to do was ruffle up some feathers and mess up his first real job.

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Aoi laughed again at her 'decisive victory' over the senior, biting into a piece of pork as she kept on eating. "See you later, Princess~" she shouted after her with the most mocking tone she could manage. It felt pretty good to win a fight, coming back to school. One of the on lookers felt like making a comment. She figured he thought he was clever. But she was out of 'clever' comments, for the moment. "<Jog on,>" she said, flipping them off. She decided that English would suit her needs better. That was a good movie, anyway.

It was then that she decided to deal with Kazumi, giving him a rather dead stare. "So now you care?" was all she had to say to him, setting her food down and wiping her nose off entirely. She'd need to give it a good clean in the bathrooms before class began again, but that wasn't the biggest deal. The biggest deal was her sleeve, which was now covered in said nose's spilled blood. If some teacher asked, she's say she fell over. She didn't need to cause anymore drama with the staff, not for herself, at least. Some part of her was still thinking over whatever the fuck that senior was thinking. Why was she smoking here? HERE? There's places for that. I don't get it. Did she just want to cause trouble? Whatever... Whenever Aoi could breathe properly again, she'd enjoy her fresh air.

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Got to the Prep on time, went through the new classes, met old faces, met new ones, ate lunch... Still nothing exciting happening. Well, except for that fatarse molesting that girl, but that was all he heard about it. Some other guy averted it. Yuu needed to go give some praise to that dude.

Now that he had some free time, Yuu decided to go run off to some corner of Torodara to see if anything good was going on. The roof seemed like a good place to go. Destiny compelled the young man to be there!

... All things considered, by the time he got there, all the fun was soaked up by everyone else. Hands behind head, Yuu decided to lean against a wall near the way back down, smile on his face. Might as well stick around, if anything fun happens.

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It took all of Akane's willpower to avoid reaching into her bag and ending that infuriating girl. But she didn't need to spend any more time at the station, if she could avoid it. She'd get hers if they ever came face to face somewhere with fewer witnesses, but for now, the third year student made her way off of the school grounds, and off to purchase more cigarettes.

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"Great, it'd be nice to have a conversation'' he said gratefully. For having stayed and worked for the school as he kept working on his college bachelor's, he barely had anyone to speak with so opportunities such as there were pretty much golden. Sadly enough, he couldn't mount up good conversation topics with the guy next to him and although it felt natural to simply ask more about his background, he abstained until he got into clear view of the rooftop door. As he opened the door, and odd smell was still very faintly looming in the air. A familiar smell and in his field a view an assortment of students were present right in front of him.

''Hey, what's going on up here? What's with all the traces of smoke?'' he asked. He also silently regretted it was probably not the best time to take a smoke himself.

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Thank God that this situation didn't boil over too much. I really didn't feel like being a witness. "Hey, Kazumi, you never told me you had a sister!" Ichirou said indignantly as he made his way over to the two. "Is she a first or third year? It's hard to tell!"

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"First," she said, starting to get apathetic over the whole fight, with the adrenaline wearing off. Her nose really hurt. Was that worth it? She said it was in the heat of the moment, but after it all, the stain on her uniform and the bruise that her face was going to have were making her rethink things. Then there was... She sighed. Getting into a fight with a third year right away. What was she thinking? To make matters worse, the janitor showed up. I could rat her out... But... "It's pollution, don't you know?" she said over, forcing a smirk. "Air always smells like shit up here." That was a bit of a bold lie, but whatever. There didn't need to be any more trouble over this... At least that's what she thought, now.

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Clayton sniffed the air cautiously as he emerged onto the roof top area. It was pretty much the same as he remembered it being minus the smokey smell. There were a smattering of students there, presumably also enjoying their lunch break. It was truely remarkable how old he felt at the moment (even though he figured that nineteen was still technically a teen). Still, he leaned against the chain link and took another whopping bite of the cinnamon roll, enjoying the sweetness of the baked good. It wasn't often that he could afford to get something nice to munch on, so he took full advantage of the treat.

"It's always so nice up here, with the fresh air and the open sky," He glanced around, sipping his tea and feeling a pang of nostalgia. He was always fond of this area. It wasn't much, with the familiar bare concrete, trash pails, and a spot of blood... "I-IS THAT A SPOT OF BLOOD?" He spat out choking on the tea.

Suddenly he wasn't so sure that the moment was so tranquil. There must have been an altercation that he hadn't been privy to prior to him coming up here surely. He nervously took another sip of tea. The students weren't worrying, so everything must have settled... still, that was not what the tightly wound artist had been expecting.

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In between savoring her meal, Eliana paused and pulled her cellphone. She said to send a text or something, so... She put the bento aside for a moment, composing a message. Taking the scrap, Eliana typed Aoi's number and sent the message.

"Hi! this is Eliana!! ^_^

you wanted to ask if i could help you study, yes? i'd like to!! would it be a study group? at school or somewhere else?"

Yeah, that seems fine. Eliana put her cellphone back at her purse, glancing the parking lot before picking up her bento again. A girl seemed to have just left through the gate. Oh, you can lunch outside if you want to, right? That's good to know, actually. Eliana assumed, returning to her meal.

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