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Persona: Simulacrum - IC Thread


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Oh dear, the boy did take a fall, at the stair, even. Yet they seemed to stand up after to go wherever they were going. Well, hope that didn't hurt much... Aoi's banter thankfully shook off Eliana from her concern, however. "Uh, is that big game with many characters, big thing on the internet right now, right? I saw a bunch of pictures, never tried it." And then a couple other students greeted them, and Aoi mentioned a 'little bro'. Oh, she has a brother here too. ...Wait, he's a second year. Maybe it's an inside joke? Hmm. Aoi did look pretty grown up for their class. ...Bad timing, I'd ask another day. "H-hello." She waved back as Aoi properly greeted her, and then bowed. "Nice to meet you, uh..." What was the word... mister? Upperclassman?

Then Aoi's brother wasted no time making a joke. "Eh?!" And not the kind Eliana expected. "Uh... because we are going to study, yes? Study friends!" Was Aoi... N-no, he's just pulling her leg. Sibling jokes, am I right?

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Ah, the convenience store. Now to try and pick out something for her dinner... Akane grimaced as she walked past a pre-cooked ramen bowl... she'd already eaten enough of those damn things to last a lifetime. Several lifetimes, most likely.

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"Schwartz sounds like a fun teacher. I suppose I shouldn't feel as bad for being held back a year, huh?" Well that cat was out of the bag, for Eliana and Kazumi's friend, whoever he was. Still, the good mood was overwriting anything right now. Even his jab at taking her to dinner first... Well, actually, that mostly just confused her. "Huh?" She stared at him for a good moment, trying to parse it in her head. "You know I can't do that, Kazumi. We haven't gotten our allowance, yet. I wouldn't be able to afford it." Taking her home already... Is that a problem? I know Kazumi's had friends over before. "Well, you've done it, so it's only fair! I'm allowed to have friends over, too. Just because I haven't... Really had any." She stuck her tongue out at him, shaking her head. "Come on, Eliana. Let's go. This nerd's being weird." She really didn't get it. Amazing.

Hands behind her head, and bag strapped over one shoulder, she started to leave the school, but... Is that that third year...? Normally she'd just walk past him, but... With the whole Ersatz thing. "Uh, guys..." she called back, "i-is he okay?" She waited for them to come over, giving the ol' point to the third year laying down. This is kinda weird...

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Katsumi felt air rush past her as she was on her way home from school. She didn't think much of it until the panicked words finally registered in her mind that followed that short rush of air. (Oh dear, someone forgot something at school.) She had walked another block when the ol' worry streak reared its head once again. Deciding to make sure whoever ran past her retrieved their forgotten item, Katsumi sent a text that she'd be a little late coming home and doubled back towards the school.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Oh, so she is a repeater. Well, doesn't matter. I should make sure to help her study, she's nice. Cat was out of the bag indeed, perhaps it was better that way. Yet, that wasn't the only cat out of the bag-- apparently. "E-eh?!" Eliana squeaked, turning her blushing face away. A-Aoi was going to take me to dinner? What? Why?? We just met! I didn't even know she swung that way! Such embarrassment didn't stop Eliana from hearing the rest of the conversation. Her brother... too? But... wait... could he be... with that boy!? A family of 'roses' and 'lilies'!?

Some instinct deep inside Eliana told her to run, but part of her mind was stuck at the absurdity. No... it can't be, I have to be getting things wrong. It's your Japanese, Eliana. Stupid Japanese... "S-sorry. I thought I had to sneeze." She tried to play it out, face turning to a normal color pretty fast (thank the dark skin). "R-right, we should go." Eliana followed Aoi, the rest of what she said finally sinking in. ...Haven't had any friends? She must have a rough life... I, I see. The awkward was finally wearing off, it was just a misunderstanding after all.

"Huh?" And then there a guy, laid down on the sidewalk. Wait, wasn't that the stairs boy? Some concern came over Eliana, This could be bad. "Uh... Hello? Are you ok?" She crouched and tried to shake him. "We... we can not leave him, like this, yes?"

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Well, after a bit of deliberation, Akane decided to go with a bento box, paid for he purchase, along with another pack of smokes to avoid another fiasco like earlier in the day, and turned to exit the store.

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Kazumi could barely hold it together after his joke seemed to soar over Aoi's head. "Yeah, nice to meet you too." he replied to Elinia, still trying not to laugh. "I'm Kazumi, if you couldn't guess." Introductions were probably a good thing? If she was gonna be around at their house, she should probably at least know his name.

"And don't worry about it sis." his laughter had died down now, although a stupid, shit-eating was still plastered across his face. "See... you?" He was gonna wave her off when they found some guy collapsed outside, which was... unexpected, to say the least. "Uh, dude, what are you doing?" He was trying decide if he should actually check on him or not, when Arata went over and prodded him in the side with his shoe. "You could've waited." he pointed out, but he just got a shrug in return. This was just a weird situation.

Edited by SB.
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The feeling of something hitting his side was enough to get Ken to jolt awake. "Ah!" He rose up from his position, and looked around. Several people were standing around him. One of them was the girl who had been yelling at the other students in the hallway, another was one of the students he nearly bumped into on his way to the roof. "U-uhm...Did something happen?" He wasn't used to being the center of attention, and he began to blush as a result.

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Nearing the school once again, Katsumi could see a small crowd standing outside the building, which became more detailed and focused as she drew closer. She hoped nothing else was happening for people to be crowding around outside the school, particularly of the disorderly kind. She paused to catch her breath from the pace she had walked to backtrack here before going any further.

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"You okay?" Aoi asked, as the crowd began to gather around the blushing third year. She'd almost called him a kid from how he was acting, but his outfit did remind her that he had to be at least a year older than her. "Yeah, you sort of were just... Laying there. On the sidewalk." She gently prodded him with her shoe, cocking an eyebrow. "You gonna be alright? I'm not carrying anyone anywhere, so... If you're not feeling good, just go back inside and talk to the nurse, or something." How odd. She started to walk past him at that, motioning for Eliana to come with her. She probably should've said something, but, she assumed the girl would follow.

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Kinji looked around the business district for his dog, Bruce. He heard barking, coming from around the school.

When he got to the school, he saw a small crowd of people. Ignoring it, he continued to look for Bruce, who was a few meters away from the crowd. He patted his knees and called to Bruce, "Come on, Bruce!"

Bruce jumped at Kinji, knocking him down due to Bruce being a pretty large pitbull. Bruce licked Kinji for a bit, and ran off again around the school yard.

Kinji whipsered a "Damn it," then gave chase, still ignoring his surroundings. He was dead set on catching that dog.

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"You tell us." Kazumi shrugged. "You were kind of just laying there until Arata kicked you." He shot the other boy a bemused look, who rolled his eyes.

"Hey, it wasn't a hard kick or anything." he shrugged. Kazumi left out a short pffft sound, but didn't say anything else. His eyes had instead wandered over to another amusing scene, with some student running himself ragged trying to catch up with a dog. Should I help him? he wondered to himself, as he watched the owner get knocked over. Eh, he'll be fine. He should probably check that the guy who just got up was okay first anyway.

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"N-no. I'm fine. I-I'm sorry." He hoped he wouldn't be too late. He quickly got off of the ground. 'Oh, this is so embarrassing.' He quickly put on his hoodie on and tried to hide his face with the hood. 'They'll laugh about this for days, I'm sure. Brother won't like that...' He saw Katsumi walking towards the group that had been formed, but walked right past her. He had embarrassed himself quite enough by laying on the sidewalk like a homeless person. He soon saw a pitbull running off. 'Oh dear' Ken soon took off to try and help what appeared to be it's owner trying to run after it. "D-do you need some help?"

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Kinji continued to chase after. He stopped abrubtly.

"Holy crap, Bruce is fast. Well, anyways, yeah, he's mine, his name is Bruce, and usually, he's causing trouble. The bugger ran out of the house as my mom opened the door."

Kinji calmed down.

"Anyways, thanks for trying to help. Name's Kinji Kaito, what's yours? Actually, hold that thought"

Kenji continued to chase after Bruce.

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Oh, he's okay. Eliana quickly stood up, "Just be careful, weird things are happening, yes? If you are fine, then go--." Aannd he walked past them, embarrassed. Okay. At least all is well that ends well...

Taking a glance to her side, Eliana noticed Aoi's motion. "Oh, I guess I should go. See you, Kazumi... Or are you going home, too?" Wait, I didn't even ask if they live together... agh. "Nevermind." Bowing quickly, she decided to follow Aoi without waiting for an answer.

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Ken walked right by her, hood pulled over his head. She wondered if everything was okay and nothing bad had went down over there. She was going to ask him what had happened over there, though her maternal instincts told her it was best to leave him be. Though he soon had decided to help someone catch a runaway dog which made Katsumi smiled as she watched him offer to lend a helping hand to the dogs owner.

(I should get on home. My list of responsibilities won't complete itself.) She mused as she once again, began to walk on home. At this rate she would arrive home late due to backtracking. The picture of feeding her pet koi popped into mind which provided much needed bursts of motivation to walk on home, despite her endurance running low.

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Finally, Akane was getting close to her apartment building. Within minutes, she'd be home, and the day would be done with, she wouldn't need to deal with anything else after she managed to get home.

"Akane-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan~!" The voice rang through the air, reverberating the planet itself... no wait, that was just the odd mix of running and skipping that our blubber-ridden interloper was currently convincing the world itself should never be performed again.

'Crud.' Akane thought to herself, pitying the poor sidewalk. The student was certain she saw the pavement crack beneath the man's gargantuan girth as he pranced his way over. Normally she'd make a dash into the secure apartment complex, but she was in no shape to run. No one would miss him if he just happened to die, right? ... right? Fine, you're no fun. With a sigh, Akane turned towards the large, lumpy fellow.

"What is it, Yuuji?"

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"Later Kazumiiiiiii! Don't be too late getting home!" That should answer any questions Eliana had about whether or not they lived together, as they began their walk.

Unfortunately for Aoi, she couldn't really go the normal, long route she'd take to get home. Normally she went through some parks, walked around more than a few blocks, and jogged a lot to get back home. But with company in tow, going the normal route through the shopping district would probably be better. Eliana didn't exactly look like the type who enjoyed jogging, from a first glance. "So, Eliana, do you want to play games, or just watch a movie?" She had a few horror movies on the shelf. Saw, Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween... What else did I have... "Or, for video games, like, I said smash bros. earlier, but, I've got FPSs, and some adventure games we could take turns on. The TV isn't too big, so we might have to sit kinda close to it, but, that's not that big of a problem..." Oh, right studying. Uh, uh... I guess we could start with Math. Just get the awful out of the way first. I don't know, though--

She was popped out of her thinking when a rather annoying voice caught her ears, saying a name she'd just recently learned. They were just getting past the district, and getting ready to turn the block to her apartment. "Ohhhh, well. Look at that. Miss Senior has a friend." Aoi elected to take a moment to watch, as this scene unfolded. It was... It was kinda funny.

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"We can finally be together, away from prying eyes, Akane-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan~!" Mr. Yuuji replied with glee, as he continued his surprisingly swift charge. How this tub of lard was coming at her with more speed than the yakuza cronies from earlier Akane wasn't sure, but she only just managed to evade being literally drowned in blubber, cringing as her weight came to rest on her wounded side, the large attacker flying past her... at least his brakes weren't very good...

"I'd really rather not. Just go home, Yuuji."

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"Oh? Hmm. Movies or video games, don't mind. Maybe finally know that smash game. And you, you feel like watching movies or playing?" Eliana replied, it was all fine for her. "Small TV or big TV, that is fine."

And then an ungodly voice echoed through her ears. What. What what that? Thankfully, Aoi informed Eliana of what was going on, and she turned to look. W-what is that man doing? Some monstrously big guy was hitting on Akane, whom seemed very uncomfortable in these terms. The scene was hilariously absurd, but then Akane was cringing again. Right, she was hurt. "Uh, should... should we help?"

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The scene stopped being funny as the large man decided that hands on was a good way to approach someone who was very displeased by their presence. "Yes, we should." Aoi had been planning on watching, but that sort of stuff really wasn't funny. "Uh... Just go with me on this. It might work." She cleared her throat, and shook her head. She'd been in the drama club last year, and even though she dropped out of it, she'd tried her best for a while. She could act...? Maybe? Probably not. But she had to try something to get her away from this... Thing.

"Heyyyyy, Akaneeeee!" she called over, smiling as best as she could. "We've been looking all over for you, we totally lost you at the mall!" She quickly put herself between biggy and Akane, giving her a serious look while he couldn't see. "Come on, let's get going. We've still gotta go looking for clothes." She offered her hand, and made a jerking motion with her eyes. Play along, because even I don't know I can deal with that much person...

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Well, look who it was. Not Akane's favourite person, but literally anything was better than the alternative. Seriously, Russian mafia, CIA, yakuza, the KGB? Bring any of them on, just... get rid of the current obstacle, please.

"Oh, Aoi. There you are, I figured you'd pop up if I came around here." Akane replied, stepping a little closer to the first-year girl.

"Sorry Yuuji, girls' night out, and all." She continued, the fakest smile ever conceived on her face.

"O-oh... okay, Akane-chan. I'll let you go off with your friends. I left a present in your mailbox, I hope you like it!" The large man replied, somewhat sullen before springing back, and prancing off to the sunset... god damnit, Earth, if you're gonna have a jiggle physics budget, please, please not this. Give us DoA or something, just not this...

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As drama unfolded in yet another part of town two young men had already arrived at Chevalier. Also in a weird turn of events he himself was being asked to reveal a bit about himself after his companion's little spiel. Something in his gut told him Clayton wasn't much of speaker so much a listener. He would try to tell him it was alright but he was scared because they had pretty much just met him. He didn't have much confidence to tell him so he'd try to ease into a conversation by answering his questions instead.

Before doing anything else, he took a look at the menu before looking back to his companion. "Welp, college ain't easy to pay for so I got lucky when I saw a posting available but I'm not a custodian by trade." He confessed as he then pointed to the daily special "I don't come here often but the food's on me. Take it as your welcome to the school." He didn't really know what else to say afterwards, this was a conversation with a a socially awkward man.

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Eliana followed, clasping her hands. With my Japanese, it's probably best not to say anything... Eliana just tried to look pleading.

Thankfully, the big man weaseled out quick enough.

"Whew, well, glad we could help." Eliana felt a bit relieved, even if she didn't really know the girl. "Are you ok? You looked hurt again. He did something?" It was always worth asking.

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Present in her mailbox? What? This guy was seriously weird. Was he in the upper years? Aoi hadn't seem him around school... Maybe she should've been glad for that. No matter, he bounded off without any other word. "So... What's up with that?" Might as well get that outta the way, with all said and done. Aoi took Akane by the arm again and started dragging her along. "You normally get big guys chasing after you? Also, we're gonna go watch some movies and play some games, so, come along." She gave her a smile, and kept dragging. In a sense... She was sort of doing exactly what that Yuuji guy wanted to do. But... Well, Aoi most likely had much better intentions. "My apartment is just around the block."

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