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Everything I've done wrong in my life...


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I hate my life.Hate it.

I used to be outgoing and I wasn't shy.Now I bitch at everyone I meet,I'm a perfectionist,I take control of many situations,I have anger issues and I'm practically a mute at school.Everyone either ignores me,don't even know I'm in the room,or just plain make fun of me.The only people in my life I can trust on for loyalty are my family and boyfriend.My only friend left me last year,and my boyfriend lives on Vancouver Island after moving there three (coming on four,now) years ago.I just don't get it anymore.

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You need to tell us more about what you want us to help you with, what you think your problem is, why you think people ignore you, etc.

Edited by Chiki
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I hate my life.Hate it.

I used to be outgoing and I wasn't shy.Now I bitch at everyone I meet,I'm a perfectionist,I take control of many situations,I have anger issues and I'm practically a mute at school.Everyone either ignores me,don't even know I'm in the room,or just plain make fun of me.The only people in my life I can trust on for loyalty are my family and boyfriend.My only friend left me last year,and my boyfriend lives on Vancouver Island after moving there three (coming on four,now) years ago.I just don't get it anymore.

> Bitching at everyone: If this implies being extremely nitpicky as a result of the second trait below (for not completing a job or something to your standard), then it's just part of the package of being a perfectionist. Otherwise, take a chill pill, take a deep breath, and try to smile once in a while? No sense in starting off a day with a bitter/cranky attitude 'cause everyone else is likely to respond in kind in the long run.

> Perfectionist: Is there something wrong with being one? (It's not a terrible trait to have, unless you dislike being so critical on yourself/situations as a result.)

> Taking control: Leadership skill/habit? Being a leader can come naturally, and definitely isn't always a bad thing, especially in business-esque jobs and environments. Unless you're implying you go overboard into full blown manipulation of people/situations without warrant, in which case that may be of slight concern/something to work on.

> Anger Issues: Do you happen to be suppressing any sort of issue(s), emotional/mental/physical, or otherwise not keeping yourself and how you act in check? Are there things that specifically set you off?

> Mute: So you're a bit quiet. Does this imply that you're suddenly shy, or that you just don't care to speak to people as often as you used to? (Not talking doesn't necessarily mean that you're SHY, imo.)

> People Ignoring you/Making fun of you: The former can occur as a result of you being quiet moreso than not. If you don't talk, of course people aren't going to realize that you're there (especially compared to someone else who may be a loudmouth in comparison). The latter can/will occur if people see something wrong with you being quiet and/or however else you end up acting- not really something you should worry about, honestly. Chances are, if someone's making fun of you with little to no merit/legitimate reasons, then they're probably an asshole taking an opportunity to put down someone who won't speak up against it much (easy target, easy laugh for them). Just ignore them and move on your way.

> Only people you can trust is family and boyfriend: Did something happen to you to affect your ability to hold a decent amount of trust/respect for anyone else that isn't family and/or a lover? Being skeptical of people at times is okay (especially if they act/conduct themselves in a manner that is questionable or suspicious in any regard), but you can't expect to enjoy life and establish healthy relationships with others (outside of family/lovers) if you keep a fortress around you at all times.

As Chiki said above, you kinda need to give us more information if you're wanting any sort of help/advice on the situation.

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Being a perfectionist is a horrible trait to have (don't mean to offend the OP when I say this, but I'm speaking from personal experience on this one), although not to be confused with having high standards/self confidence...those are great. Other than that, sheeping Eury lol.

Edited by Refa
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I think you'd be better served if you went to a therapist, if possible?


I understood that you changed because of some bad change in your environment. A psychologist is the best person to perceive the reasons why and advise you how to get over this. Most of what we can do here is give superficial advise such as 'if you want to get noticed, talk' (which does not address your shyness, the causes and how to get over it) or 'vent somewhere your anger issues so you don't vent them at people'. Only a specialist can give you proper advice and help you.

Edited by Rapier
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I understood that you changed because of some bad change in your environment. A psychologist is the best person to perceive the reasons why and advise you how to get over this. Most of what we can do here is give superficial advise such as 'if you want to get noticed, talk' (which does not address your shyness, the causes and how to get over it) or 'vent somewhere your anger issues so you don't vent them at people'. Only a specialist can give you proper advice and help you.

I have my own theories as to what happened, and if I'm right, the Internet is the last place OP needs to seek advice from. If I'm wrong, OP will get professional help, which should help. It's a win-win either way.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have my own theories as to what happened, and if I'm right, the Internet is the last place OP needs to seek advice from. If I'm wrong, OP will get professional help, which should help. It's a win-win either way.

I agree with what has been said, I think we can help OP better with some more information, but I can understand if OP wouldn't want to give that because I assume it'll be very personal stuff. Professional help may indeed be the solution and can help OP a long way.

However, should you just want to talk about what has happened, as in, to vent it out, I think you should be free to do so :^_^:

It may relieve a bit of the burden. Either way, it's your choice.

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