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Saying goodbye to sex locked classes.


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We saw Tsubaki the Man Pegasus Knight. And there's the axe warrior said to be a woman.

Now, let's pretend that every class that isn't ''special'' can be accessed by both men and women. Or at least both men and women have their versions of each class.

What do you say about that? I say that IS has finally gotten rid of the ''Only Women Can Ride Flying Horses'' retcon.

Edited by Mayus
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It's not actually been confirmed anywhere that Tsubaki is a male... I still think she's a woman. As for the axe-wielding female, that's no surprise to me. We've already seen female mercenaries, so a female Fighter was bound to happen sooner or later, if you ask me.

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Tbh I think it's pretty cool to have a male Pegasus knight. Even tho like what 'Anacybele' said Tsubaki isn't confirmed to be male.

honestly having a male voice actor means nothing in japan, same for female voice actor.

remember all the people jumping at "LIBRA'S A FEMALE LUCIUS" because he looked like a girl and had a girl's voice actor? i bet the same thing's gonna happen here.

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-Voiced by a man.

-Has a man's build.

Libra really doesn't help you, seeing as how anybody with working eyes could see his build.

Libra really does look feminine though.

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Libra is voiced by a woman, yet he's male. So why can't a female have a man-like voice? And Tsubaki's eyes and ponytail scream woman to me. I also don't find it unusual for an FE female to be wearing pants. see Echidna, Heather, or a bunch of Tellius females.

BUT, I'm not at all excluding the possibility that Tsubaki is male, given that I've mistaken other FE males for women before. Most notably Soren. I also would've sworn that Lucius was female if I'd seen him before learning his name.

Edited by Anacybele
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I see you didn't tackle Tsubaki's build.

Kozaki has his ways of drawing women as a character designer. Tsubaki does not have the builds of any women drawn by Kozaki. Contrast Tsubaki with Sully and Kjelle.

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And Tsubaki's eyes and ponytail scream woman to me.


I take it you haven't seen a variety of guys, because I've seen a lot of dudes (both in media and IRL) who have long hair in ponytails ;/

Like, if you think Tsubaki's a woman then whatever, we'll all know the truth eventually. But "ponytail" is hardly a good reason. Especially when almost all of the Hoshido men we've seen so far have long hair.

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