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Dark Knight is OP


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This is my first time playing any Fire Emblem so I haven't done any research or anything been just playing and basically ignoring all other characters (as such they are all dead... ooops) using all the second seals and master seals on my Avatar who is female and paired up with Chrom to avoid uneccessary game over and I think I have made an OP character.

A Dark Night with 10 movement Armsthrift, Ignis, Galefury, Anathremya and Lifetaker. My Asset is speed and flaw is health and am using a Cecilias Wind that I forged to max damage and 3 in Crit and the character hits everything 4 times in one go usually procing Ignis 2 or 3 times and never misses and easily moves across the map. Usually clears the map in 1-3 turns as I usually go to the furthest enemy kill them then go to the biggest group kill one of them and then on enemies turn they attack me and just get themselves slaughtered.

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This is my first time playing any Fire Emblem so I haven't done any research or anything been just playing and basically ignoring all other characters (as such they are all dead... ooops) using all the second seals and master seals on my Avatar who is female and paired up with Chrom to avoid uneccessary game over and I think I have made an OP character.

A Dark Night with 10 movement Armsthrift, Ignis, Galefury, Anathremya and Lifetaker. My Asset is speed and flaw is health and am using a Cecilias Wind that I forged to max damage and 3 in Crit and the character hits everything 4 times in one go usually procing Ignis 2 or 3 times and never misses and easily moves across the map. Usually clears the map in 1-3 turns as I usually go to the furthest enemy kill them then go to the biggest group kill one of them and then on enemies turn they attack me and just get themselves slaughtered.

The typos they are real!

Galefury=Galeforce I persume and Anthremya is Anathema and Cecilia's wind is Cecilia's gale

Dark knight isnt very good or the best class in maingame because the best class (unless luna+ or even luna to a certin degree) is sorcerer (and berserker to a lesser degree) also are you in post game or in maingame because it sounds like you are heavy grinding

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Whoops sorry about the typos lol

What?!?! But it has such high stats... and I did try Sorcerer but I found it too weak, took waaaaayyy too much damage and died a couple times and for some reason didn't deal as much damage either....

I'm on main game normal classic mode (as I said it's my first time playing this series) and I'm not grinding that much I'm just giving everything to my main unit and it is getting all the kills all the other characters are being ignored and getting killed off. I am clearing all the enemies that randomly spawn on the map though and have used reeking box 3 times but other then that I'm heavy grinding?

I do not own any of the DLC.

Edited by Knightmare
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Whoops sorry about the typos lol

What?!?! But it has such high stats... and I did try Sorcerer but I found it too weak, took waaaaayyy too much damage and died a couple times and for some reason didn't deal as much damage either....

I'm on main game normal classic mode (as I said it's my first time playing this series) and I'm not grinding that much I'm just giving everything to my main unit and it is getting all the kills all the other characters are being ignored and getting killed off. I am clearing all the enemies that randomly spawn on the map though and have used reeking box 3 times but other then that I'm heavy grinding?

I do not own any of the DLC.

You dont need to DLC in normal if you used it also its not an achivement to 3 turn most maps in normal

Here are the absolute caps of a dark knight (no skills or outside content mods etc,)








Your stats are









Sorcerer Caps are:

HP: 80

Str: 30

Mag: 44

Skl: 38

Spd: 40

Lck: 45

Def: 41

Res: 44

*You also get nosefratu

Your Sorcerer Caps are:

HP: 80

Str: 29

Mag: 43

Skl: 40

Spd: 44

Lck: 46

Def: 40

Res: 43

Dark knight beats in 3 skill and 1 def (and str but it doesnt really matter for sorcerer)

Oh and your playing on normal and MU got veteran the only thing that is stronger then veteran is veteran+paragon

Edited by Moishe Oofnik
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I thought it was OP due to the high stats of Dark Knight and the fact that magic it self is OP as it can hit both melee and ranged, the only ones it can't hit (when being attacked) are the 2-3 ranged bows and Mire users...

You dont need to DLC in normal if you used it also its not an achivement to 3 turn most maps in normal

Here are the absolute caps of a dark knight (no skills or outside content mods etc,)








Your stats are









Sorcerer Caps are:

HP: 80

Str: 30

Mag: 44

Skl: 38

Spd: 40

Lck: 45

Def: 41

Res: 44

*You also get nosefratu

Your Sorcerer Caps are:

HP: 80

Str: 29

Mag: 43

Skl: 40

Spd: 44

Lck: 46

Def: 40

Res: 43

Dark knight beats in 3 skill and 1 def (and str but it doesnt really matter for sorcerer

Oh can your playing on normal and MU got veteran the only thing that is stronger then veteran is veteran+paragon

Skill means more Ignis proc and with strength it adds a lot of damage especially seen it's going off 2/3 times plus get more movement

Edited by Knightmare
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Dark Knight's a decent class. But by no means is it "OP". It doesn't give skills that are particularly useful outside of certain situations (Sol > Lifetaker, more often than not), has no utility uses like Sages and Valkyries do, can't use Dark Magic without Shadowgift (which Robin can't get) as mentioned earlier, and can't fly.

Besides, the way this game treats units is much less class-based than previous FEs.

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How is Sol better then Life taker? Sol is only chance where life taker is guaranteed, and what's good about Dark Magic (kind of weird that it can't use it considering it is a "Dark Knight") And all the flying classes seem to be really weak, about half the enemies deal massive damage to flying types.

I know Sages can heal but what can Valkyries do? even though I have been through many classes I haven't found Valkyrie.

Is there any other Fire Emblems on DS PS3 or Computer?

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How is Sol better then Life taker? Sol is only chance where life taker is guaranteed, and what's good about Dark Magic (kind of weird that it can't use it considering it is a "Dark Knight") And all the flying classes seem to be really weak, about half the enemies deal massive damage to flying types.

I know Sages can heal but what can Valkyries do? even though I have been through many classes I haven't found Valkyrie.

Is there any other Fire Emblems on DS PS3 or Computer?

Mire Spam and Nostank

Sol acts as a nosefartu lifetaker is only gurrenteed if you kill him and with some pair up bonuses the chances to Proc SOL are higher then to a mook (in anything but normal but normal sucks)

Edited by Moishe Oofnik
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How is Sol better then Life taker? Sol is only chance where life taker is guaranteed, and what's good about Dark Magic (kind of weird that it can't use it considering it is a "Dark Knight") And all the flying classes seem to be really weak, about half the enemies deal massive damage to flying types.

I know Sages can heal but what can Valkyries do? even though I have been through many classes I haven't found Valkyrie.

Is there any other Fire Emblems on DS PS3 or Computer?

Lifetaker isn't guaranteed - it requires killing whoever you attack, and speaking of which, Lifetaker is player phase only.

Valkyries are mounted staff users, and the promotion of the troubadour class.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Lifetaker isn't guaranteed - it requires killing whoever you attack, and speaking of which, Lifetaker is player phase only.

Valkyries are mounted staff users, and the promotion of the troubadour class.

Are ok ao they are just healers? so Sage is better?

Yeah but I'm killing stuff all the time anyway so it's always working

in anything but normal but normal sucks)

Does that mean abilities are stronger or there's more abilities in higher difficulties, if not then what do you mean by that?

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Are ok ao they are just healers? so Sage is better?

Yeah but I'm killing stuff all the time anyway so it's always working

Does that mean abilities are stronger or there's more abilities in higher difficulties, if not then what do you mean by that?

Actually, they're like mounted Sages. WRT Lifetaker, the general issue is that if you're low enough to actually warrant needing healing, you're also low enough that it might be too much of a risk to attack.

Enemies have higher stats on higher difficulties.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Is there any other Fire Emblems on DS PS3 or Computer?

There's Shadow Dragon for DS. Oh, and welcome to Nintendo gaming, in which most, if not all Nintendo games are Nintendo exclusives (can only be played on Nintendo consoles).

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Valkyrie is basically like a mounted Sage.

The key think about mounted units is that they tend to have slightly lower stat caps overall to compensate for their wider movement ranges. For example, a Valkyrie (while still good at it) has notably less magic than a Sage does. It also has several points lower skill. Although it is marginally faster.

They also gain a beast weakness (although that's not a huge deal most of the time) and they get slowed down in deserts while Sages aren't.

But they also get 8 movement to the Sage's 6.

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How is Sol better then Life taker? Sol is only chance where life taker is guaranteed

As mentioned earlier, Lifetaker requires a kill in order to work. And if it does work, it'll be only in Player Phase. Sol doesn't require that to happen. Not to mention, by the time you even get Lifetaker, more likely than not, the unit that has it won't be strong enough to make it useful until VERY late in the game.

what's good about Dark Magic

Mire Spam and Nostank

This. Also, one could get some use out of Ruin or Waste. Not the best spells, but they can put a sizable dent in the enemy.

And all the flying classes seem to be really weak, about half the enemies deal massive damage to flying types.

Last I checked, Bow and Wind Time users weren't common enough among to be a threat to fliers in general. And anti-dragon/anti-beast weaknesses aren't too much of a big deal either.
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The key think about mounted units is that they tend to have slightly lower stat caps overall to compensate for their wider movement ranges. For example, a Valkyrie (while still good at it) has notably less magic than a Sage does. It also has several points lower skill. Although it is marginally faster.

Cavalry units also get massively slowed by Woods tiles. It costs them 3 Move to traverse each tile, as opposed to a foot unit's 2. Unpromoted cavalry also can't go onto Mountain tiles.

Last I checked, Bow and Wind Time users weren't common enough among to be a threat to fliers in general. And anti-dragon/anti-beast weaknesses aren't too much of a big deal either.

There's actually a fairly significant amount of them, but they still fall prey to the same issues as other enemy units facing overleveled player units: they can't damage what they can't hit. And even if they do hit, overleveled characters will have plenty of HP (even moderately-leveled should have enough HP to tank one hit). Additionally, Wind magic base damage is pretty poor, so even with their tripled might, magic users have some difficulty getting past the high Pegasus Res, while most bow classes have a similar (though not as bad) time dealing with the high Def of Wyverns. Griffons just go ahead and melt to either, though. >.>

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Lifetaker may be better for hyperoffensive/kite based teams and used well in conjunction with galeforce. Sol is good for sustained enemy phase combat since it lets you stay alive while tanking hits. Lifetaker only activates on player phase and will not improve enemy phase survival chances.

It's unlikely that you won't see combat during enemy phase due to enemy density on especially the harder-mode games unless you literally have a team of like, 10 galeforce units or something, so Sol is generally considered better due to its situational use being a far more common occurrence. In addition, Sol can activate on any phase, so it can still kinda do Lifetaker's job whereas Lifetaker absolutely cannot do sol's.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Cecilias Wind that I forged to max damage and 3 in Crit

Why the 3 in Crit? I doubt the 3 extra points in crit will do too much, so that was probably a waste of money. It probably would have been better if put it in Hit instead or nothing since you hit everything anyway.

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This is my first time playing any Fire Emblem so I haven't done any research or anything

First tip about how this game works, then: favoritism means everything. Once you get them, even the worst unit in the game can be miles ahead of everyone else if you give them enough attention, because the difference between unit bases and class caps in general is far bigger than the difference between different class caps.

been just playing and basically ignoring all other characters (as such they are all dead... ooops) using all the second seals and master seals on my Avatar who is female and paired up with Chrom to avoid uneccessary game over and I think I have made an OP character.

I don't doubt it. Avatar-F x Chrom is one of the best pairs for playing through the main story with a low number of units. The game also gets easier the fewer units you use.

A Dark Night with 10 movement Armsthrift, Ignis, Galefury, Anathremya and Lifetaker. My Asset is speed and flaw is health and am using a Cecilias Wind that I forged to max damage and 3 in Crit and the character hits everything 4 times in one go usually procing Ignis 2 or 3 times and never misses and easily moves across the map.

Every single bit of that has less of an impact on your performance than the fact that your stats are simply way out of the enemies' leagues. Remove all those skills and cross the map at a super slow pace, everything will still miss/tink you and you'll get the job done just the same. Keep all the skills and movement but set your stats equal to the enemies', and you'll miss your kills (and thus Lifetaker and Galeforce) and get mauled on enemy phase.

So basically, what others have said: this isn't because you're using a Dark Knight (or any of those skills), it's because you're lowmanning on Normal mode with Veteran. Normal is an extremely forgiving mode designed to teach new players the ropes: it won't punish you (much) for leaving your healers in range of foes, giving exp to units and then benching them, reaching Lv.20 and not reclassing, using pairs that can't support, going up against enemies when you have low HP and a weapon triangle disadvantage, ignoring the tutorials, and not switching the bottom screen to Full (so you can see your stats, which is a really big deal and probably why you assume it's the class making you as powerful as you are)).

Basically, Avatar and her massive snowballing potential exist in Normal so that no matter how hard you screw yourself by neglecting/killing all your other units, you'll still be able to finish the game. You probably won't get much enjoyment from doing that, but at least you won't have to reset.

Is there any other Fire Emblems on DS PS3 or Computer?

Shadow Dragon for the DS, and also New Mystery if you have a DS Phat/DS Lite and can read Japanese. In the (unlikely) event that you have an Ambassador Certificate, you can get Sacred Stones for free through the eShop. Nothing for the PS3. You can play a lot of older Fire Emblems on a PC using emulators and translation patches, but coming from Awakening the older User Interface might be extremely jarring. Fire Emblem If on the 3ds will also be coming out within (probably) a year.

If you do want to play the others, though, I strongly recommend replaying Awakening and trying to keep the rest of your characters (or at least a full party's worth) safe and raised. Some of the older FEs allow themselves to be nicely soloed, but it's not something you should count on being able to do and pretty much all of them are harder than Awakening's Normal mode.

Why the 3 in Crit? I doubt the 3 extra points in crit will do too much, so that was probably a waste of money. It probably would have been better if put it in Hit instead or nothing since you hit everything anyway.

Avatar will already have around 45 crit (20 from Skl, 10 from support, 10 from Anathema and 5 from Celica's Gale). Critstacking is totally a thing when you've got that much. Also by +3 in Crit he probably means three forges in Crit, which is +9 overall and something I do all the time when I have money to blow.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Firstly thanks for all the detailed replies xD

There's actually a fairly significant amount of them, but they still fall prey to the same issues as other enemy units facing overleveled player units: they can't damage what they can't hit. And even if they do hit, overleveled characters will have plenty of HP (even moderately-leveled should have enough HP to tank one hit). Additionally, Wind magic base damage is pretty poor, so even with their tripled might, magic users have some difficulty getting past the high Pegasus Res, while most bow classes have a similar (though not as bad) time dealing with the high Def of Wyverns. Griffons just go ahead and melt to either, though. >.>

I Have never been able to keep a flying unit alive, even over leveled they get one hit, the only way I managed to get Galefore was by killing with avater and then blocking off every tile around the avatar witth the other units.

Lifetaker may be better for hyperoffensive/kite based teams and used well in conjunction with galeforce. Sol is good for sustained enemy phase combat since it lets you stay alive while tanking hits. Lifetaker only activates on player phase and will not improve enemy phase survival chances.

It's unlikely that you won't see combat during enemy phase due to enemy density on especially the harder-mode games unless you literally have a team of like, 10 galeforce units or something, so Sol is generally considered better due to its situational use being a far more common occurrence. In addition, Sol can activate on any phase, so it can still kinda do Lifetaker's job whereas Lifetaker absolutely cannot do sol's.

Seen I've nearly completed normal I started another character on Hard and haven't had any issues, I'm on 5th chapter.

First tip about how this game works, then: favoritism means everything. Once you get them, even the worst unit in the game can be miles ahead of everyone else if you give them enough attention, because the difference between unit bases and class caps in general is far bigger than the difference between different class caps.

I don't doubt it. Avatar-F x Chrom is one of the best pairs for playing through the main story with a low number of units. The game also gets easier the fewer units you use.

Every single bit of that has less of an impact on your performance than the fact that your stats are simply way out of the enemies' leagues. Remove all those skills and cross the map at a super slow pace, everything will still miss/tink you and you'll get the job done just the same. Keep all the skills and movement but set your stats equal to the enemies', and you'll miss your kills (and thus Lifetaker and Galeforce) and get mauled on enemy phase.

So basically, what others have said: this isn't because you're using a Dark Knight (or any of those skills), it's because you're lowmanning on Normal mode with Veteran. Normal is an extremely forgiving mode designed to teach new players the ropes: it won't punish you (much) for leaving your healers in range of foes, giving exp to units and then benching them, reaching Lv.20 and not reclassing, using pairs that can't support, going up against enemies when you have low HP and a weapon triangle disadvantage, ignoring the tutorials, and not switching the bottom screen to Full (so you can see your stats, which is a really big deal and probably why you assume it's the class making you as powerful as you are)).

Basically, Avatar and her massive snowballing potential exist in Normal so that no matter how hard you screw yourself by neglecting/killing all your other units, you'll still be able to finish the game. You probably won't get much enjoyment from doing that, but at least you won't have to reset.

Shadow Dragon for the DS, and also New Mystery if you have a DS Phat/DS Lite and can read Japanese. In the (unlikely) event that you have an Ambassador Certificate, you can get Sacred Stones for free through the eShop. Nothing for the PS3. You can play a lot of older Fire Emblems on a PC using emulators and translation patches, but coming from Awakening the older User Interface might be extremely jarring. Fire Emblem If on the 3ds will also be coming out within (probably) a year.

If you do want to play the others, though, I strongly recommend replaying Awakening and trying to keep the rest of your characters (or at least a full party's worth) safe and raised. Some of the older FEs allow themselves to be nicely soloed, but it's not something you should count on being able to do and pretty much all of them are harder than Awakening's Normal mode.

Avatar will already have around 45 crit (20 from Skl, 10 from support, 10 from Anathema and 5 from Celica's Gale). Critstacking is totally a thing when you've got that much. Also by +3 in Crit he probably means three forges in Crit, which is +9 overall and something I do all the time when I have money to blow.

Yeah this game does seem to be based on favoritsim as you said seeing as you can become basically every class.

It get's easier with less units? I thought it would get harder...

I took off all my skills and I died so it can' really be the stats?....

What is an ambassader certificate and how do you get one?

Went into game shop and they didn' have any of the ones you mentioned :(

There's Shadow Dragon for DS. Oh, and welcome to Nintendo gaming, in which most, if not all Nintendo games are Nintendo exclusives (can only be played on Nintendo consoles).

I used to have a Nintendo 64 so i'm not new to Nintendo just Fire Emblem ;) thanks for the welcome though xD

Oh and has anyone else experienced friendly units attacking each other?

A bow user just attacked Fredrick and he dodged it (paired up with Tiki) but then Tiki attacked Fredrick and nearly killed him o.0

Edited by Knightmare
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Oh and has anyone else experienced friendly units attacking each other?

A bow user just attacked Fredrick and he dodged it (paired up with Tiki) but then Tiki attacked Fredrick and nearly killed him o.0

Friendly fire doesn't exist in Awakening, but it does exist in a couple of older Fire Emblem games, namely ones that have the Berserk staff weapon.

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Normal shouldn't require you use of enemy-phase regen, yeah, which is likely why Sol seems fairly useless there, and it is quite a bit overkill. In Lunatic and Lunatic+, while not necessary to beat the game with by any means, Sol becomes very handy to have due to increased enemy density and enemy offensive power. Hard is probably where you'll first feel Sol's effectiveness if you choose to use it.

Another nice thing with Sol is that you can pick it up earlier, since it's a level 5 skill rather than 15.

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I Have never been able to keep a flying unit alive, even over leveled they get one hit, the only way I managed to get Galefore was by killing with avater and then blocking off every tile around the avatar witth the other units.

Yeah this game does seem to be based on favoritsim as you said seeing as you can become basically every class.

It get's easier with less units? I thought it would get harder...

I took off all my skills and I died so it can' really be the stats?....

What is an ambassader certificate and how do you get one?

Went into game shop and they didn' have any of the ones you mentioned :(

Oh and has anyone else experienced friendly units attacking each other?

A bow user just attacked Fredrick and he dodged it (paired up with Tiki) but then Tiki attacked Fredrick and nearly killed him o.0

1. Then they definitely weren't overleveled. Even underleveld you shouldn't be getting OHKOed on Normal, the enemies are extremely weak. Are you sure you're not on Lunatic?

2. No, favoritism as in pouring all your exp into one unit. It doesn't matter who that unit is or what their class set is, they'll get strong.

3. There are some Paralogues and DLC chapters where it's very hard to meet the side objectives with only two units, but in general on anything above Hard training more than 3-4 pairs involves shooting yourself in the foot to some degree. There's just not enough exp around to keep that many units ahead of the enemy stat curve.

4. If you're still dying to Normal enemies when in your third promoted class, you've got to be doing something wrong. Again, are you sure you're not on Lunatic?

5. The Ambassador Certificate was an addition to your eShop account granted by buying a 3ds within the first few months of release. It gave you access to 10 free NES VC games well ahead of the general public's paid versions, and access to 10 free GBA VC games that would never be made available to the general public (on the 3ds). So far it's the only way to play GBA games on the 3ds. I also highly doubt you're going to find Shadow Dragon at a random Gamestop, you'll have to buy these online.

6. Every once in a while someone says something like this, and upon closer examination it's some other factor they overlooked. Every single time. So no, I don't think Tiki attacked Fred.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Did Fred happen to be fighting a Warrior/Revenant/Entombed that has the Counter skill while 1 tile away from said enemy? There's definitely no friendly fire, but that's the closest thing I can think of off the cuff that might give you that impression. If you don't know what it does, if you attack in melee (1 tile away) and don't kill the target, Counter will cause that enemy to deal the exact same amount of damage back to the attacker.

To add to Yoshi's assessment: which enemies in what chapter are you talking about that were even killing overleveled Dark Flier Robin? Forget Def; her Avoid should be high enough that the enemies shouldn't even be hitting her.

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How much HP does your Robin have, and how many times is she usually hit before she dies? If she survives for a lot of turns but eventually gets overwhelmed, you might need to heal yourself every few turns. With Lifetaker, you wouldn't have to worry about chip damage but it can add up otherwise.

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