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Unusual character gender ratio


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Elincia was a very nice example of how a peaceful ruler should be. Being a peaceful ruler doesn't automatically mean said ruler won't fight or do what must be done. Her ideals of justice conflicted with her duty to the country, she was not as 1D as Emmeryn. And what happened? In RD, we have a much more mature and developped Elincia, compared to the naive princess of PoR.

The only questionable action of Emmeryn which I am not sure was that bad, was when she decided to return and fight against the invaders from the capital. When a ruler leaves their people alone to hide, it hurts morale and authority. Unfortunately, when shit hits the fan, the ruler must stay with their people and demonstrate confidence. A ruler that flees from the first sign of problem is looked down. My problem with it is how she decided to return when the capital was already subdued. That's a whole new level of derpiness.

Now, Emmeryn aside, I really hope the Hoshido Empress is Elincia 2.0 and not Emm 2.0. I'll be optimistic this time around!

Edited by Rapier
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Emmeryn could've been a very interesting character if she didn't have the depth of a 1D character.

Emmeryn could have been a decent (or at least average) without her awfull paralogue.

Seriously, it's hard to miss things at this point.

And it's insulting to think players want to mary a brainless doll.

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Emmeryn could have been a decent (or at least average) without her awfull paralogue.

Seriously, it's hard to miss things at this point.

And it's insulting to think players want to mary a brainless doll.

Marrying incapables, lolis, siblings... Yeah, good job, Japan.

I just pretend that paralogue never existed. I only had access to it the third time I beat Awakening, since I did not have wi-fi access then.

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And it's not like Fire Emblem hasn't made women who may not look like they lift, but are strong as fuck, either. Look at Cherche with her taming dragons at 9 and +3 str modifier on par with Vaike. Of course, I'd prefer if they did make some who looks like they lift because having 90% of the female cast with the same build is really fucking boring design-wise, especially compared to the male cast, who gets a decent range. I'm kinda sick of designers sticking to the same paradigm over and over again.

This. So, so this.

I really like FE's character design overall (it's one of the great things about the series IMO; I love how I can look at giant crossover group fanart from the series and immediately pick out who the characters are) but this is definitely my biggest gripe with it.

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Actually, after thinking about it, not having female Warriors (and Berserkers) makes no sense.

Just look at Awakening's classes : Girls are able to uses Axes while wearing a gigantic armor, or mounting all kinds of creatures (some flying.).

I'm pretty sure you need far more strength and skill to hold axes on those conditions than while wearing light outfits.

And don't tell me it would be too revealing because they clearly have no problem with that point.

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Actually, after thinking about it, not having female Warriors (and Berserkers) makes no sense.

Just look at Awakening's classes : Girls are able to uses Axes while wearing a gigantic armor, or mounting all kinds of creatures (some flying.).

I'm pretty sure you need far more strength and skill to hold axes on those conditions than while wearing light outfits.

And don't tell me it would be too revealing because they clearly have no problem with that point.

I'm relatively hopeful that we'll get female warriors in this one. We have Linca on the Hoshido side that uses axes on foot (Seen her in battle with maces but her icon has an axe), and the unknown-gendered fighter/bandit we see in the Nohr screenshot very well might be female (Based on the icon, the character is wearing some kind of breast harness and has long frilly blond hair). The "too revealing" part definitively is not a concern at this point with Camilla being part of the CG cutscenes, and a female fighter would probably be around Orochi-level regarding clothes anyway.

I would definitively agree with having at least one muscled woman. I found Kjelle to be kind of insulting to be honest. She's a super-strong training maniac with characters like Severa commenting on her well-built body... And yet, she's a tiny little thing with no hint of muscle in appearance (See confession image). I'm less bothered by characters like Camilla: She's obviously not a body builder but at least she's not a tiny little girl that'd be unable to even lift the weapon... But I'd definitively welcome an actually strong and powerful-looking female character, and a female fighter would be the best place to start.

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Hoo boy, this thread really dipped into Tumblr.

New Female only class, 'Social Justice Warrior'. Use Axes and Strong Language

Like Rapier, I like having female characters but I don't think it's necessary to have equal representation for everything. Most Fire Emblem games have had a strong cast and I didn't even notice the uneven gender distribution until people brought it up.

I'd like Hoshido-Queen to be a Yamato Nadeshiko in the truest sense of the term. She can be kind and gentle on the surface but have a will of iron when it comes to protecting her family and country. I'd also like to see a Brienne of Tarth style character. So... Vaida but with a more pleasant personality.

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Everyone is jelly of dem axe exclusive classes.

At least we have Echidna and Cherche. (Though I don't remember if Echidna's primary weapon rank was axes but I think it was)

Fem barbarian pls, I wanna see a lady running around with all those skulls.

Edited by L95
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My stance on the issue is that there's absolutely no reason that females shouldn't be able to have access to heavier classes. Though, I am sort of hesitant, from a lore perspective strictly, for male Pegasus Knights, if Tsubaki does end up being a dude. It's been stated and implied countless times throughout the series that Pegasi will only accept female riders. FE3 generics are the only iffy spot, but I feel like that can kind of be chalked up to early installment weirdness. The series has certainly retconned them away since. Not that I wouldn't accept the change, but then this game would have to be set in an entirely different world than the other games, or else it would conflict with existing lore.

At least we have Echidna and Cherche. (Though I don't remember if Echidna's primary weapon rank was axes but I think it was)

Not to mention Machua, who promoted into Hero. Edited by Rovan
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IIRC, men in Illia are pretty much second class citizens because they can't ride pegasi, aren't they? (Not saying this does or has to apply to another game, more just thinking of all the instances to myself.)

pretty much, more so when you compair the usefulness of the women in illa to the men in illa in the games.

but being the internet and despite female characters being overall more useful and stronger, hell one of the strongest is Julia, who i'm pretty certain could kick Ike's ass, hell FE's pretty fantastic towards women outside the whole CON thing, but even then it doesn't slowdown the strong women fliers from roaming the top of the usefulness list, meanwhile all the big beefy axe using males, or most of them, are in mid or lower tier because of stats, weapons being inaccurate, and generally not bringing enough to the table.

we can't be satisfied with this alone, we need our social justice warrior axe class that people will just reclass into a flier anyways because fliers are so fucking good and most of the time, the flier class are dominated by females, who i consider better then males in these games bar none.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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Of course, I'd prefer if they did make some who looks like they lift because having 90% of the female cast with the same build is really fucking boring design-wise, especially compared to the male cast, who gets a decent range. I'm kinda sick of designers sticking to the same paradigm over and over again.

Same, even if their characterizations are different, people like Sully, who's whole demeanor is rough and tough, still have somewhat similar builds to characters like Miriel and Maribelle, who aren't physical fighters at all. The annoying thing though is the fact that there's no real change in diversity for the designs of the women, and we're still all eating it all up. The games are selling better than they were ((IIRC)) after Awakening, so they're gonna go "oh this worked" and just continue the streak. And FE14 is probably gonna sell big, I mean AFAIK most people on this forum intend on getting it.

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The series has never properly addressed pegasi only accepting woman riders.

Actually, it has:

Farina: Yes! Pegasi will only allow women to ride them! So only women can be Pegasus knights. The men just work the terraced vegetable fields in the mountains.

Anyway, people, enough of the "this is Tumblr now" and social justice warrior crap, we don't need to go there.

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I have to agree with Mayus, here; the series has said it (in Elibe, which need not generalise to other settings), but it hasn't explained it. As such I really see no reason to be attached to it.

we can't be satisfied with this alone, we need our social justice warrior axe class that people will just reclass into a flier anyways because fliers are so fucking good and most of the time, the flier class are dominated by females, who i consider better then males in these games bar none.

I don't think it's a coincidence that the one FE I'd argue definitely has higher average male unit worth than female unit worth (Radiant Dawn) features several great male fliers.

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At least we have Echidna and Cherche. (Though I don't remember if Echidna's primary weapon rank was axes but I think it was)

You forgot Minerva. ;/

Anyway, I think some of the gender-locked classes went out the window, thanks to Tsubaki (who I'm positive is a dude, if Kozaki's art style is consistent) and axe chick in Nohr. Progress, I guess?

Edited by eclipse
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don't know, honestly the idea of the pegasi to become free-gender don't appeale me. I agrre that in the first time the genderlock of the class was stupid, but after, like, 15-20 years of this at this point I prefer they don't change it, because it has a lore justification. It not precisely excplain why men can't ride winged horsies, but they can't. I'm a lore-whore. XD

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