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Future Past Difficulty

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Yet another new member making a new topic because he can't find where he should post his question.

Anyway, I'd really like to get the Future Past DLC, but I want to know how much time I'll have to put into grinding first.

Is it max out all the mother's stats hard, or only half while leaving Olivia and Sumia at lvl 2 hard?

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If you don't raise the parents and are playing on Hard or higher, it will be very difficult to keep the children alive in FP1.

If you don't care about them (you should, since they're the whole point of the maps), then you can use whatever you want and solo it with a few strong pairs. If you want to keep them alive and get all their convos, then you'll need to train all the parents- they'll have to fight their way to the kids (Rescue doesn't work in FP).

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If you are on Lunatic (I don't know about hard), Paladins have full physical weapon triangle breakers and nearly maxed stats.

Sages have Miracle, and almost every enemy has some annoying "Mastery Skill" (Pavise/Aegis/Faire/Damage Procs)

Edited by shadowofchaos
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On lunatic+


Average stats of the units is 220-240, with some unpromoted classes at 100

Boss: Lv 20 Sorcerer, Weapon: Goetia, 80 HP, 12 Str, 44 Mag (capped), 37 Skl, 39 Spd, 21 Lck, 37 Def, 44 Res (capped)

Skills: Anathema, Tomebreaker, Counter


Average stats 200, 240 and 260, all distributed evenly among the enemies. Again with trash which has ~100 as well.

Boss: Lv 20 Wyvern Lord, Weapon: hauteclere, 80 HP, 46 Str (capped), 25 Mag, 38 Skl (capped), 38 Spd (capped), 20 Lck, 46 Def (capped), 30 Res (capped).

Skills: Anathema, Bow Breaker, Vantage, Pavise.


Average stats: 200, 220, some enemies with 270~280.

Boss: lv 30. 99 HP. All stats are capped: 50 Str (weapon has 20 base mt, Boss Atk is 70). 40 Mag (useless), 50 Skl, 45 Spd, 45 Lck, 50 Def, 50 Res.

Skills: Dragonskin, Rightful God, Pavise+, Aegis+, Hawkeye. Total stats: 330.


Additionally, to increase the Children's survival rate, it's adviced to have the parents carry survivability skills in their last skill slot prior to entering the chapter and adjusting the skills after the map has loaded. It'll make things a bit easier.

Edited by Knusperkeks
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On lunatic+


Average stats of the units is 220-240, with some unpromoted classes at 100

Boss: Lv 20 Sorcerer, Weapon: Goetia, 80 HP, 12 Str, 44 Mag (capped), 37 Skl, 39 Spd, 21 Lck, 37 Def, 44 Res (capped)

Skills: Anathema, Tomebreaker, Counter


Average stats 200, 240 and 260, all distributed evenly among the enemies. Again with trash which has ~100 as well.

Boss: Lv 20 Wyvern Lord, Weapon: hauteclere, 80 HP, 46 Str (capped), 25 Mag, 38 Skl (capped), 38 Spd (capped), 20 Lck, 46 Def (capped), 30 Res (capped).

Skills: Anathema, Bow Breaker, Vantage, Pavise.


Average stats: 200, 220, some enemies with 270~280.

Boss: lv 30. 99 HP. All stats are capped: 50 Str (weapon has 20 base mt, Boss Atk is 70). 40 Mag (useless), 50 Skl, 45 Spd, 45 Lck, 50 Def, 50 Res.

Skills: Dragonskin, Rightful God, Pavise+, Aegis+, Hawkeye. Total stats: 330.


Additionally, to increase the Children's survival rate, it's adviced to have the parents carry survivability skills in their last skill slot prior to entering the chapter and adjusting the skills after the map has loaded. It'll make things a bit easier.

O.o Nope. Never doing lunatic +. Ever.

And I'm on hard mode. This doesn't help me that much.

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Well, it is helpful so I know never to do it on Lunatic difficulty.

But I was specifically asking about Hard mode.

Thus, this does not help me in the way that I requested.

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It's been a while since I played them, but Galeforce is a huge help here. You don't need to train the parents so long as you can murder anything that would get into attack range of the kids before it can actually attack. Galeforce helps facilitate that with the extra mobility and being able to score a second kill. Even if you do grind the parents, though, you're still probably going to want overwhelming offense, because multiple enemies can generally get in range of them within a few turns (or even the first turn, in the case of the first map). The grinding just gives you leeway to have an errant enemy or two get a hit in.

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It's been a while since I played them, but Galeforce is a huge help here.

Yeah, I can see that. So far, only Cordelia and Severa have it, and I'm on chapter 21 already. I guess I should probably have Sumia learn it first, but it doesn't help that she's still lvl 2. :-/

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It's always safest to get both parents to decent stats before entering the map. Though I think you won't have as much trouble if you focus on protecting the children and clearing the battle. However, if you want to protect the children and try to have ALL the conversations at the same time, then that's an entirely different story. There also will be a lot of dangerous reinforcements on the first map that can 2HKO the weaker children IIRC, so block as many as you can.

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I learned much about you in this short time, thank you very much for the precise response. Back to topic.

Well, it is helpful so I know never to do it on Lunatic difficulty.

But I was specifically asking about Hard mode.

Thus, this does not help me in the way that I requested.

Wrong. What you asked is this:

How much will I need to train the parents if I intend to keep everyone alive?

And yes, I am in hard mode on my second playthrough.

I answered with this.

Additionally, to increase the Children's survival rate, it's adviced to have the parents carry survivability skills in their last skill slot prior to entering the chapter and adjusting the skills after the map has loaded. It'll make things a bit easier.

This answer implies that your parenting units would need to learn these certain skills. [spoiler=This is all something you could have researched on your own without asking]


Nah as Manakete. Starts with Odd Rhythm.

Nah is surrounded by 2 Risen (Revenant) with Blighted Claw.

Noire as Sniper. Starts with Skill+2, Prescience.

Noire is surrounded by 2 Mercenaries, Steel Sword.

Cynthia as Falcon Knight. Starts with Speed+2, Relief.

Cynthia is surrounded by 2 Knights, Short Spear.

Kjelle as General. Starts with Indoor Fighter, Defense+2.

Kjelle is surrounded by 2 Barbarians with Short Axe


Brady as War Monk. Miracle and Heal Touch.

Yarne as Taguel. Even Rhythm.

Inigo as Hero. Armsthrift and Patience.

Owain as Swordmaster. Avoid+10 and Vantage.

Brady and Yarne have a Sorcerer and Trickster approaching them from the south. Waste Tome, Silver Sword.

Inigo and Owain have to deal with 4 Cavaliers immediately, with 2 more coming the turn after. All of them have Steel Lances.


Lucina as Great Lord. Dual Strike+, Charm, Aether.

Laurent as Sage: Magic+2, Focus.

Severa as Hero. Armsthrift, Patience.

Gerome as Wyvern Lord. Strength+2, Tantivy.

This map has many enemies in the immediate vicinity, so prepare for everything.

The website screwed up everything I had typed. Since I don't have the patience to type everything *AGAIN*, you'll have to find which skills you'll want to let the children inherit by yourself.

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Lots of great stuff

I was referring to the host of lunatic+ stats. I apologize for not commenting on the quite useful tidbit you provided me with.

And it looks like my breaker skill possibilities with my current marriages won't help them with their surrounding units that much. Thanks again. This was very useful.

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Some units like Sumia and Tharja can give Pavise or Def+2, Maribelle and Cherche have Renewal, things like that might be useful. Generally, the children hold an elixir or two, so they can survive for a little while, but you need come rushing to their help, otherwise they'll die. 200-250 total stats in a pair-up should be enough with a galeforce or two.

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At least the first map, as long as you can get units to cover up the stairs, you can save yourself from massive reinforcements. Just leave your weaker units to stand guard there and keep pressing forward with the stronger ones. You can potentially bring most weak parents with you that way, but leveling them up a notch is recommended.

The second map... well, I personally found that one the hardest and I was wishing for a rescue staff to work. You can easily talk with Brady and Yarne with their respective parents and redo the map later so you can focus your energy on Inigo and Owain over in the far end of the map. I found that in this map, that you will absolutely want to have galeforce and all flying units are top priorities kills. Also unlike the first map, you will be really swamped by reinforcement like there is no tomorrow. They even make you believe no more will come until a huge Armageddon of soldiers appear near turn twelve when you least expected it. Olivia and Lissa unless reclassed for more durable classes, will have to stay paired up for the entirety of this whole map. Also make sure you leave one of the weak archers alive, so you don't clear the map by counterattack without speaking with the kids.

The third map is surprisingly easy. Heal the kids, and kills the enemies to the south since they will retreat there. Then just leave a few units down just in case and go for Grima.

I did this all on hard so no lunatic. I wasn't quite overleveled, except for Avatar and very few units.

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Renewal on children characters (especially Lucina in FP3) is awesome in all maps, especially in FP3 if you intend to hold off from using staves immediately.

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I was referring to the host of lunatic+ stats.

FYI, Lunatic+ doesn't change stats, just skills.

Having just one or two strong parents will help you clear the map- but it won't really help you keep the children alive. Each child inherits their stats from their parents, so even not training one set of parents will result in their child spawning with bad stats and dying. Basically, if you want the children to hold their own, train everybody who has a child, mother and father.

Do that, and they'll be able to hold out for a while in Hard. Don't do it, and you will be very pressed for time and have to skip conversations to keep them all alive.

This is all something you could have researched on your own without asking

Don't discourage asking questions.

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FYI, Lunatic+ doesn't change stats, just skills.

This is wrong.

Normal mode FP1 Boss - Lunatic+ mode FP1 Boss


Normal mode FP1 nearest enemy - Lunatic+ mode FP1 nearest enemy


Don't discourage asking questions.

I'll ask you for the second time to stop telling me what I should do. Maelstrom had it coming the moment he dismissed my information as being "of little use" in #8.

There is nothing wrong in analyzing new people's behavior when they are exposed to information which isn't necessarily useful without thinking about it in a broader sense first and taking what one has learned about them as a basis on how to approach them in the future. I can tell you that I would have never answered his questions ever again for certain if it wasn't for #15 admitting that I didn't waste my time trying to help.

I still ended up spelling it out, despite complaining about it, think for a second what this entails.

My information is more useful than what you produced in the sense that what you posted is copied and pasted from my post. Yes I did mention renewal. If you had actually read - and understood - my posts, you would have seen that. Besides copying and pasting my own posts' contents and complaining about me, your post contains nothing productive besides mentioning that enemies' stats don't change between difficulty modes (which is not even true).

I'm not discouraging asking questions, I'm discouraging the absence of thought.

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Ok, didn't mean to start a warzone here.

I think this question has been adequately answered, so there is no need to debate on the subject of who helped me more. If you still have the desire to do so, do it in PMs.

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This is wrong.

Normal mode FP1 Boss - Lunatic+ mode FP1 Boss

Umm... you DO know he meant "Lunatic" to "Lunatic+", right?

Warzone you say? Make no mistake. We're all peachy here. I'm simply putting the minimod back into place, 'tis all.

It might be a good idea to possibly... I don't know... stop trying to "put people in their place" and just actually care about helping the OP?

I'm not discouraging asking questions, I'm discouraging the absence of thought.

And no, you weren't helping the OP.

This "no I'm just encouraging them to do work themselves" is a problem we have in the ROM hacking section.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Umm... you DO know he meant "Lunatic" to "Lunatic+", right?

I'm responding to what is written, not what is meant, namely this:

FYI, Lunatic+ doesn't change stats, just skills.

In this light, my post makes sense in my eyes.

It might be a good idea to possibly... I don't know... stop trying to "put people in their place" and just actually care about helping the OP?

I did help the OP. Something you didn't do. You just came here with the sole objective to criticize me. I suggest you heed your own advice.

Edit in response to an edit:

And no, you weren't helping the OP.
This "no I'm just encouraging them to do work themselves" is a problem we have in the ROM hacking section.

Did you not read #5 and #14?

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Warzone you say? Make no mistake. We're all peachy here. I'm simply putting the minimod back into place, 'tis all.

That was not a minimod. That was a suggestion by Czar.

In other words, drop the attitude.

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