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Fire Emblem Theme Park Rides?!?

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How about a dragon/manakete ride? Or maybe it could rather be an attraction of sorts like an auditorium or colliseium with jousting matches or big battles being depicted in a medieval setting.

Edited by LordTaco42
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If they have Nintendo attractions at their Osaka park I think a Fire Emblem ride wouldn't be out of the question. At the very least I imagine there will be actors dressed up as Fire Emblem characters.

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At first I thought you were talking about random Nintendo Land DLC from nowhere.

It will probably be FE13 themed, sadly.

It'd probably be a strategy game, just done with real life acting as units. Idk lol

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I can easily see Mario, Legend of Zelda and Pokemon being featured prominently there.

For Fire Emblem, it's probably going to be medieval-themed skits and such.

Could be cool if they pull a page from amusement parks like Disney World by having people dress up as various Nintendo characters for photographs with guests.

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FE wouldnt warrant a ride, however, it could warrant some sort of an attraction. Like someone dressed as Marth, Chrom, Ike, Lucina, and other lords. Photo ops in front of a castle (likely to be Peach's or Hyrule) Some sort of neat display with weapons like Falchion in it. Stuff like that. Also, lots of merch.

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I don't think FE will get a ride either, but if it did, I'd want it to be this, which I posted in the thread on the Nintendo theme park:

As for Fire Emblem... That one's a toughie. Oh, a boat ride where you see things from each continent! Tellius's area could even have an anamatronic Ike vs Black Knight fight. ^^


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Honestly as a history buff I'd love to see colliseum fights and reenactments of the battles from the series. Maybe even have bets on jousting fights like at medeval times things like Frederick vs Marcus or Sain vs Kent or even Cain vs Abel.

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It would be hilarious if the Nintendo amusement park would host screenings of CDi Link alongside stuff like Pokemon, Kirby, F-Zero and Fire Emblem anime and the animated Kid Icarus shorts.

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It would be hilarious if the Nintendo amusement park would host screenings of CDi Link alongside stuff like Pokemon, Kirby, F-Zero and Fire Emblem anime and the animated Kid Icarus shorts.

I just wonder what Ganon's up to.

No really what would Ganon do at a theme park?

Okay bad joke is bad.

Maybe if the FE anime actually got farther than 2 episodes.

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Maybe a place where you could buy decoration replicas of the Falchion, Ragnell, etc. would be a good idea (the same place could also sell replicas of other Nintendo swords, such as the Master Sword and the Monado).

Oh, and a Tunnel of S-Support.

Edited by Bullwine85
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