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How would you feel if FE15 featured two female lords?

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It's more like I'm generally tired of seeing poorly-written, stereotype-laden female characters in fiction (not necessarily a FE issue but it's still a possibility) that happens to be rampant and people who want a well-written female lord just want a female lord who is written as a person who happens to be female. Doesn't have to be a masterpiece, but a walking stereotype or someone who makes their gender too much of a focus isn't what we want to see if we get female lords. That's what usually what people mean by well-written.

FE has had plenty of really great female characters so I'm not /too/ worried there (though it does have a few characters who are pretty stereotyped, not necessarily of gender but of other aspects, and overall characterisation depth varies from game to game, there's some games where it's really shit on average and others where it's pretty solid), but it's still a big enough problem in the industry at large to warrant some concern.

I mean hell, JP Cordelia was a walking flat boob joke. Can't blame people for expressing concern at that.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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For those saying only if they're well-written, would it really matter if they weren't well-written, but not in a way that drew attention to their gender? I've heard a lot of criticisms of Micaiah, Lyn, Lucina, and Eirika, but tbf I can't think of one related to gender, aside from they get overshadowed by male lords. If any of them were male, would people's criticisms really change? Lyn would still be a tutorial character who loses all plot significance after a couple chapters, etc. Vice versa, would anyone really feel differently about Roy if he were female?

But yeah, sure why not? As long as that's not their defining character trait, which I'm not too worried about given IS's track record in that regard.

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For those saying only if they're well-written, would it really matter if they weren't well-written, but not in a way that drew attention to their gender? I've heard a lot of criticisms of Micaiah, Lyn, Lucina, and Eirika, but tbf I can't think of one related to gender, aside from they get overshadowed by male lords. If any of them were male, would people's criticisms really change? Lyn would still be a tutorial character who loses all plot significance after a couple chapters, etc. Vice versa, would anyone really feel differently about Roy if he were female?

But yeah, sure why not? As long as that's not their defining character trait, which I'm not too worried about given IS's track record in that regard.

you speak very well here, i don't think any criticisms would change, atleast those that i have of these characters, granted i really like micaiah and eirika, but i know some people allow gender to be a deciding factor.

in the past i've seen talks of "micaiah's a girl so she's a sue, but ike can't be cause he's a guy", not on this forum mind you, but other places, i think iS will do fine in the future cause they've done well in the past, Micaiah might not be the most well received character but they did something different with her then any of their other characters and i think the fact that she wasn't loved by everyone is part of what they were going for, i think they did an excellent job with her, but thats slightly off topic.

actually regarding Roy, assuming he's still get 6 married supports if he was a girl, he'd be called a slut, because of the double standard of "guy with many girls= pimp" "girl with many guys= whore" never mind that roy can't marry more then one person a game.

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Well I mean if they're not well written in a way that isn't gender-based I'd feel about the same as if there was not well-written dude lords, not particularly thrilled but not horribly miffed either, though I'd feel slightly better if they at least don't get their spotlight stolen by a guy

It's not like I'm gonna suddenly boycott the game or sth I mean the topic's about how do you feel and I feel very meh about poorly written characters in general

I want someone at the bare minimum can carry the role as a lead, at least, I don't expect literary masterpieces out of FE

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If it's badly written, and not because of gender, then they get judged like any other character. For example, Micaiah isn't a favorite of mine, but it has nothing to do with the fact that she's female, because that's not where the problems in her character lie.

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Not every female character has to be Imperator Furiosa, but its kinda nice when it shows up. I would be happy with two female lords if they are solid characters. It would be nice to see a female lord (that isnt like, Kamui) to not get overshadowed by a male character. That happens way too often in FE where a lord is female. Theres like, only two instances of that not happening. Its a little disappointing to say the least. But badly written cliched female characters are also disappointing as fuck.

Micaiah is the kind of character thats a lot like Daenerys Targaryen. Deeply flawed as a person, but in-universe, gets lauded as a messiah. The problem with her, is her spotlight get stolen by Ike and later, Yune. Therefore, hampers her narrative and chance to evolve as a character. So sad. Its easy to label a character like that as a Sue. She kind of comes off as one on the surface.

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Elincia and Sanaki are also not lords.

If Micaiah is a lord, then so are Elincia and Sanaki.

They all have unique classes, and if they die it's game over; and that is the definition of a lord, isn't it?

Edited by Paper Jam
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If Micaiah is a lord, then so are Elincia and Sanaki.

They all have unique classes, and if they die it's game over; and that is the definition of a lord, isn't it?

Lord characters also have to be major focuses in the game and get a lot of playable screentime. Neither Elincia nor Sanaki have these things. Sanaki doesn't even appear until part 3. Lord characters are also MAIN characters, after all. And RD's main characters are clearly Ike and Micaiah only.

Elincia is almost a lord in PoR though, since she is pretty much a main character there. But she's not playable until close to the end, so...

Edited by Anacybele
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If Micaiah is a lord, then so are Elincia and Sanaki.

They all have unique classes, and if they die it's game over; and that is the definition of a lord, isn't it?

exactly, this is why they are lords, and someone like lucina isn't, who's only a lord in class name only

a wise ass could state "it makes sense because awakening is a fire emblem in name only"

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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"Lord" can refer to one of two things in this context:

1. Literally, a character of royalty. Most FE protagonists qualify as this, as well as others, such as Lilina, Sanaki, Elincia, Lucina, etc. Ike does not qualify for this.

2. The protagonist and other prominent focal characters. These are the characters in FE games the story focuses on, are force-deployed for the duration of their story (and maybe some extra), and give a game over upon defeat.

I'm pretty sure Ana is talking about the latter. And I'm betting Paper Jam knows this and is just messing around. "Lord" is just the term used for these characters because it was always their class until Ike came along. Everyone in the fandom knows how we refer to these characters, so please don't be cheeky about it.

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Lord is one of Ike's classes too though, Red Fox. :P He promoted to it in PoR, remember?

Sigh...Yes, Ana, I know, but for the larger majority of his existence, he is not.

Not only was this completely not the point of my post, but much of the actual point of my post was to tell people not to get picky about things like this, so I'd appreciate if you didn't do just that.

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