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Two different types of dragons?


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I just noticed, if you watch the choose your side trailer, Hoshido has a bunch of statues of dragons around, but they look TOTALLY different from the type of dragon Kamui transforms into.




Why would that be?

As far as I can tell, this can mean a couple of things:

1: Kamui isn't actually a DRAGONshifter, and is in fact something else entirely

2: Kamui is the first dragon in a long time and the people of Hoshido have totally forgotten what dragons look like

3: Kamui is an entirely different type of dragon, possibly a dark or normally evil kind judging by their class name, one which is normally reviled by the people of Hoshido and thus they would not have statues of, which could possibly mean the earth dragons of Archaena or something similar.

I'm leaning towards the third one at the moment, but that one actually raises significant questions about Kamui's parentage and whether or not s/he really is actually related to Hoshido by blood either, and since "Blood vs. Loyalty is a significant theme of the game, that seems somewhat unlikely.

What are your theories about this disconnect?

Edited by Alastor15243
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its not that big of a difference besides the head, the different scales and the size of the body and wings to me. And the size of kaimui can be explained by him/her not being full grown yet. Though quite frankly dragons look different everywhere so i dont see how kaimui is not a dragon since he has a dragon stone) also dragons are not something many people see up close, from what i understand of this subject it shouldn't take that long relatively speaking for a discription of kaimui (especially if it was from far off and there were differing acounts) to get corrupted into that statue. The statue also could be quite old and possibly sacred and they kept it even though a dragon looking like kaimui comes to their palace for tea every-month.

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Considering Kamui's feet in his dragon form resemble fingers more than the traditional clawed foot, it could be that Kamui is not a true manakete and is just granted manakete powers. The dragon's colors match Kamui's outfit as well so methinks it's a unique magical transformation.

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There are different types of Dragons, but they are still Manaketes.


I'm aware of that. I remembered the earth dragons shortly after posting the original post. But my point is, why on earth would the royal family of the kingdom of pureness and light give birth to an EARTH DRAGON, if that is indeed what kamui is? I mean seriously, that raises so many eyebrows about Kamui's parentage it's insane.

Edited by Alastor15243
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I think Kamui is a manakete but he is born with dark powers so he got a different form from the ''traditional'' dragons or when the Nohr's king took him, he put some of this dark powers inside him.

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From what I understand of the general FE story, the earth dragons aren't inherently evil, nor are the other dragons inherently good. The earth dragons refused to accept the fact that they were fated to die, and fought against the humans. All of the earth dragons except Medeus refused to use the dragon stones to seal their powers away (which is why they're so much more powerful than other dragons) and so they were driven insane. Medeus wanted revenge against the humans for his people's suffering, so he became the "bad guy" of the games.

This is true in all game series except for the Tellius series. In the Elibe series, the same back story is retold.

Loptyr, on the other hand, was evil from the beginning, and found an alternative to using the dragon stones by forming a blood pact, and gaining semi-immortality.

It is heavily implied in awakening that Grima, therefore, performed a similar ritual to Loptyr, but much to everyone's disappointment, the story doesn't explain why Grima was willing to form a pact with humans, who the original pactmakers were, how he became a dark dragon, what dragon he was before he became a dark dragon (I think divine, just because of his wings). I mean, did he try to take over the continent before he made the pact? After he made the pact? This is the interesting stuff, Intelligence!

Edit: Btw, there are evil divine dragons. Idounn being the most obvious example, and I think grima was originally divine too.

I would love to see Kamui be an earth dragon, I feel like Robin got cheated in awakening. We never got to see his dragonly might.

Edited by dragonlordsd
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I always felt like Ending Winter was an explanation of the unexplained mysterious demise of the Archanean dragonkin. It would seem random to them; the cause was continents away! (On that same note, I've never gotten why people try to say Archanea is beyond the Dragon's Gate.)

Back on topic, I'm a fan of option 2 in the OP. Being a rarity gives Garon motivation to kidnap Kamui, too, if Kamui really was kidnapped.

Edited by Aethin
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Another possibility, that is not necessarily mutually exclusive with 1-3: Kamui has a dragonstone rank, which could imply the ability to turn into different types of dragons a la fe3/12, so perhaps those are two of his possible forms.

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Btw, there are evil divine dragons. Idounn being the most obvious example, and I think grima was originally divine too.

During the Scouring humans are outbleeding the Dragons, in needing more War Dragon. The dragons capture a divine dragon and make it a dark dragon to be the breeding machine for the war. That divine dragon is Idounn, all Divine Dragons (particularly the females for some reasons) are in fact the goody.

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Plus grima being a divine dragon is a shaky fan theory, which has no evidence except for wing shape, which is questionable evidence because tiki changed wing shape between awakening and the rest of the series.

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Plus grima being a divine dragon is a shaky fan theory, which has no evidence except for wing shape, which is questionable evidence because tiki changed wing shape between awakening and the rest of the series.

Yeah, I don't care. I want to believe. It's IS's fault for not properly explaining.

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So apparently, both kingdoms believe in the existence of a Dragon Tribe (though not necessarily the same one), and all the royals inherited their powers such as the Dragon's Vein. Guess Kamui really is probably related to the Hoshidans.

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I think it makes sense that Kamui to be a ne type of dragon. We've already had Manaketes and the Dragon Tribes of Tellius. What's interesting to me is that Kamui and If seem to take components of both versions of dragons. On one hand, Kamui uses a Dragonstone to transform like Manaketes, but all of the royal siblings and Aqua have dragon's blood in them that gives them special powers, similar to the Branded in Tellius. There's also the partial transformation from that one scan which also makes it look like Kamui can use dragon attacks that are not limited to breath.

My personal fan theory is that Kamui is a bastard child of both Hoshido and Nohr blood which is why he has enough dragon's blood to transform

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A fan theory where you don't care about evidence is very shaky lol

Sorry, I should have been clearer. It's not a fan theory. I'm not saying that I think he is in any official capacity, and I'm not trying to convince anybody to agree with me. In my head, I consider this to be canon, just because I think it'd be cooler. I know there's no actual evidence, so feel free to disregard my opinion.

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  • 3 years later...

Spoiler!!! but Kamui is niether Hosidan or Norhian, you find all this out in Revelation, he bears the power of Anankos and his ability to turn into a dragon must be something that only the Vallite royalty can do, that being said that would mean that Aqua would have that ability as well, which does not seem to be the case.  In terms of Grima, he is not a divine dragon but actually the creation of a mage from Thabes.  The mage who's name slips my mind at the moment dreamed of creating a singular perfect being, and Grima was the result.  The mage ended up being the first of the fell bloodline as well.  You find all this out in Shadows of Valentia.

Edited by MasterofWinds
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  • 6 years later...
On 5/11/2015 at 4:37 PM, dragonlordsd said:

From what I understand of the general FE story, the earth dragons aren't inherently evil, nor are the other dragons inherently good. The earth dragons refused to accept the fact that they were fated to die, and fought against the humans. All of the earth dragons except Medeus refused to use the dragon stones to seal their powers away (which is why they're so much more powerful than other dragons) and so they were driven insane. Medeus wanted revenge against the humans for his people's suffering, so he became the "bad guy" of the games.

This is true in all game series except for the Tellius series. In the Elibe series, the same back story is retold.

Loptyr, on the other hand, was evil from the beginning, and found an alternative to using the dragon stones by forming a blood pact, and gaining semi-immortality.

It is heavily implied in awakening that Grima, therefore, performed a similar ritual to Loptyr, but much to everyone's disappointment, the story doesn't explain why Grima was willing to form a pact with humans, who the original pactmakers were, how he became a dark dragon, what dragon he was before he became a dark dragon (I think divine, just because of his wings). I mean, did he try to take over the continent before he made the pact? After he made the pact? This is the interesting stuff, Intelligence!

Edit: Btw, there are evil divine dragons. Idounn being the most obvious example, and I think grima was originally divine too.

I would love to see Kamui be an earth dragon, I feel like Robin got cheated in awakening. We never got to see his dragonly might.

Grima is manmade, he doesn't have the same issues other dragons do since he was designed and didn't evolve

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