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What are some dumb things you see people complain about in video games?


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The Pokemon games are basically reboots/sequels in their own right.


If you go back and actually read what I wrote, I said that sequels and reboots are two different things (which they are).

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People who say all first-person shooters are shit because "there are too much of them." There are a lot of shit first-person shooters, but this kind of complaint has nothing to do with determining the quality of a game and is completely baseless. Applies to any genre that receives the same complaint.

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This. The point of a game is to play it. I don't care if the chess set has hologram images for each piece that actually kill each other, if I don't like chess I'm not playing it.

Great analogy!

The one I used when trying to explain this to a dude in highschool who thought graphics were the most important: what if there was a game with cutesy little baby animals teaching you the ABCs and it had good graphics, would he play it? I think he understood then. He said: "Well, topic matters too."

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People saying that Nintendo games are 'kiddy' or that 'Nintendo is gonna die'.

People saying that 'OMG, if you play on easy mode, you are a total wimp'. Beginners need a chance too!! You sucked once, so why are you denying beginners a chance to be good at the series as well? (Though I will admit that difficulty is needed in a game, as it's fun.)

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Complaining about entirely optional modes that are not mandatory to the experience...and I'll leave it at that.

Didn't take long at all for that to be brought up, lol

But speaking of optional, people complaining about optional grinding or optional side quests and the like.

People who complain about sequels and reboots when they're basically the same.*Cough*Genwunners*Cough*

People who complain about something in a game or even the game itself without even trying it.

Complaining about a feature in a game that hasn't released yet, and isn't 100% confirmed to be a real


subtlely glances at a certain 21 page thread that started today

People who bitch about old games feeling dated and saying they're bad.

People who complain about characters getting in the way of ships.

People who say homosexuals shouldn't exist in videogames, or that game companies shouldn't make gay or lesbian characters because what if they want to romance them as the opposite gender.

People who complain about easymode being too easy or the uber hard difficulties are too hard (Lunatic+ isn't bullshit just follow Cranky Kong's advice)

I could say more but I think that's enough.

  • "Casuals"
  • "Rehash"
  • "Sales don't matter" (especially when the same people then hold reviews in high regard and even outright defend Games Journalism)
  • "Nostalgiafag" "Genwunner" "Nostalgia Pandering" and whatever the newest word is to undermine anyone with a preference for older games
  • "Grinding"
  • "It's not the game, it's the player's fault"
  • "This game needs to be even more complex and difficult"
  • "This game isn't even that hard" (especially in relation to legitimately hard games like Thracia and Dark Souls because you know how to abuse the latest and coolest exploits)

People saying that Nintendo games are 'kiddy' or that 'Nintendo is gonna die'.

People saying that 'OMG, if you play on easy mode, you are a total wimp'. Beginners need a chance too!! You sucked once, so why are you denying beginners a chance to be good at the series as well? (Though I will admit that difficulty is needed in a game, as it's fun.)

All of these. I must be pretty angry all of the time, eh? I'll add that I hate how people whine about repetition in video games when video games by their very nature are repetitive.

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I'll add that I hate how people whine about repetition in video games when video games by their very nature are repetitive.

BAD video games are repetitive by nature - the best video games have variety.

Take Super Smash Bros for example - is every match exactly the same? Not really. You and the opponent will use different moves, the outcome might be different, etc.

This is why multiplayer games tend to have high replayability. Single player games don't have to be repetitive though - Every level in a Mario game is different, for example.

Repetition doesn't just lead to boredom. Repetition IS boredom. And games don't have the right to be boring. #Logic

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The complaint about Mass Effect 3's ending that I hear every time I talk to people about the the series. "The ending sucks and ruined the series." I mean sure the ending wasn't great but ME 3 was still fun to play.

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If that's the case, why are Donkey Kong and Pac-Man considered to be "classics"?

Just because it's classic doesn't mean it's not obsolete.

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All of these. I must be pretty angry all of the time, eh? I'll add that I hate how people whine about repetition in video games when video games by their very nature are repetitive.

I'm ok w/ repetition in some cases, but backtracking can sometimes be a bit of a bitch.

I kinda dislike it when people complain about linearity.

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BAD video games are repetitive by nature - the best video games have variety.

Take Super Smash Bros for example - is every match exactly the same? Not really. You and the opponent will use different moves, the outcome might be different, etc.

This is why multiplayer games tend to have high replayability. Single player games don't have to be repetitive though - Every level in a Mario game is different, for example.

Repetition doesn't just lead to boredom. Repetition IS boredom. And games don't have the right to be boring. #Logic

A game being good or not is up to the player. Let's go to your Smash Bros. example, it's a fighting game, yeah? The results will be different and all, but you're still playing a fighting game where are you do is fight each other. Repetitive.

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A game being good or not is up to the player. Let's go to your Smash Bros. example, it's a fighting game, yeah? The results will be different and all, but you're still playing a fighting game where are you do is fight each other. Repetitive.

Games are made of mechanics. If the mechanics change significantly, you are now playing a different game. In other words, every round of a game will, by definition, have some things in common with all other rounds of that same game. But how much variety - within that repetition - do the mechanics allow? That is the question. In the case of Smash Bros, every fight is a fight. But there are 50 characters, and millions of players of different strategies and skill levels. Turn all items on and BAM - you now have one of the most unpredictable games ever. So no, it's not repetitive.

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Just because it's classic doesn't mean it's not obsolete.

actually by definition it does, hth

EDIT: i have a simple question for you:

Games are made of mechanics. If the mechanics change significantly, you are now playing a different game. In other words, every round of a game will, by definition, have some things in common with all other rounds of that same game. But how much variety - within that repetition - do the mechanics allow? That is the question. In the case of Smash Bros, every fight is a fight. But there are 50 characters, and millions of players of different strategies and skill levels. Turn all items on and BAM - you now have one of the most unpredictable games ever. So no, it's not repetitive.

does borderlands, in fact, have millions of guns to choose from?

Edited by Integrity
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I'll add that I hate how people whine about repetition in video games when video games by their very nature are repetitive.

It seems I'm in the same boat of a very small number of people who actually like some repetition in videogames.

Change is good, but so long as the series maintain its essence and premisses. I think FE (after Kaga) is one such good example. Better than totally different mechanics for each game (FE2, FE3, FE4 and FE5 are very different from each other).

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BAD video games are repetitive by nature - the best video games have variety.

Beat-Em ups and Hack N Slashes must not be your cup of tea then.

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Anything the Kingdom Hearts fanbase complains about. For example, the fangirls hate this girl named Kairi. She's childhood friends with the main character and the fangirls hate her because she gets in the way of a yaoi ship with the MC's other childhood friend.

So, in other words, hating things for no or dumb reasons.

Not to defend yaoi fangirls necessarily, but I feel like Kairi would get less hate if she were more interesting. She's pushed as a love interest and having the female lead as a damsel in distress went out of style a while ago. She's missing a lot of the time and not even present in flashbacks, so despite being nominally important it's hard to really give a shit about her.

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Not to defend yaoi fangirls necessarily, but I feel like Kairi would get less hate if she were more interesting. She's pushed as a love interest and having the female lead as a damsel in distress went out of style a while ago. She's missing a lot of the time and not even present in flashbacks, so despite being nominally important it's hard to really give a shit about her.

it would help, but that'd require kingdom hearts being fun and interesting and not having its giant kuduz plot that it currently has.

of course i say this as someone that never really cared about Disney or FF and was forced into trying it out by my friends and family cause it was the popular thing.

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Just because it's classic doesn't mean it's not obsolete.

I wasn't taking about whether they were obsolete or not, I was talking about repetitiveness. Both Donkey Kong and Pac-Man are repetitive, but are regarded as classics.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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