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What Skill Move would you want to Return for FE: if.?

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I don't know if anyone talked about it, in FE: if forums lately(Will edit if I want other skills back to return in FE: if)

For me It would have to be Galeforce, since it was a nice skill move to have for units, but I guessed Galeforce will be Exclusive to Hoshido if Returning.?

(I'm hoping for Galeforce, to not get nerfed, and leave it unchanged)

All Skill Moves, or Classes for Kamui becuz reasons also.

Ignis skill move for Kamui, becuz Imagine Kamui using Ignis Skill move as a Dark Prince|Princess that shape-shifts into a Dragon

Luna/Sol/Vengeance/Astra becuz reasons.

Old Skills has to return, because I want to see if it's unchanged/changed, or played out well.!

DLC Skill moves


Edited by Tide of Waves
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Steal for thieves! Especially now with unlimited weapon durability, would be interesting if Braves were only accessible by stealing them, or some other strong weapons.

I'm sure all the staples like Sol/Luna/Astra will return.

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Steal for thieves! Especially now with unlimited weapon durability, would be interesting if Braves were only accessible by stealing them, or some other strong weapons.

I'm sure all the staples like Sol/Luna/Astra will return.

^This. Thieves had really limited utility in Awakening, as in the vast majority of maps you could replace them with a Chest key/Door Key, which is quite sad. Steal needs to come back.

I like Galeforce because its so useful, but ultimately I don't thing its very balanced to give someone a whole other turn in which to act. Something about the second turn needs to be nerfed. If movement was halved on the second turn, that might be a big step, as it didn't help that Galeforce was exclusive to a promoted flying unit.

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^This. Thieves had really limited utility in Awakening, as in the vast majority of maps you could replace them with a Chest key/Door Key, which is quite sad. Steal needs to come back.

I like Galeforce because its so useful, but ultimately I don't thing its very balanced to give someone a whole other turn in which to act. Something about the second turn needs to be nerfed. If movement was halved on the second turn, that might be a big step, as it didn't help that Galeforce was exclusive to a promoted flying unit.

Yeah, I really enjoyed Galeforce in concept, but it definitely needs rebalancing.

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1. Iote's Shield so then I don't have to worry about flying units being instantly killed as much.

2. Conquest so then bonus damage against riders (of which all of the Nohrian siblings are) is null.

3. Pass so then archers aren't caught in swarms.

4. Shadowgift (on Leon, but only if Dark Knights can't use Dark Magic naturally)

5. Breaker/Faire skills since they were fun to use.

I didn't like Awakening's manner of grinding to attain skills, so I hope that's changed.

Galeforce and Counter should be nerfed unless only specific characters can have them equipped or if they limit the number of units that can have it.

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Canto for mounted and Shove for un-mounted

Steal for Thieves

Iote's Shield and Conquest as Tellius style scrolls

Corrosion, all enemies in Lunatic have it.

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I am advocating for keep Galeforce as it is, it really help out in harder difficulty. It allow ballzy play instead of being a little b#%*h.

The rest are ignis, aether, venge, vengeance and basically all of them actually.

Edited by Awakener_
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Any skill? Goodness....

Adept, Shade, Provoke, Vantage(FE5/9 style, pls!), Wrath, Astra/Luna/Sol, Nihil, Miracle, just to name a few...honestly, it would probably be easier to list skills that I didn't want back.

Just assume that if it was a thing in the Jugdral or Tellius games I want it back. Unless it's Pursuit.

I even kinda want FE5's ridiculous version of Wrath back.

Edited by #RR. shinpichu
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I am advocating for keep Galeforce as it is, it really help out in harder difficulty. It allow ballzy play instead of being a little b#%*h.

The rest are ignis, aether, venge, vengeance and basically all of them actually.

Edited by Tide of Waves
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A variant of Ignis for sure. I'd really like to see Miracle come back, since we've got a lot of potential healers in the game. I would also love for Relief to return. I liked knowing my PegKnights could heal themselves every turn, so it allowed me to potentially focus on other units who needed a heal more.

Agreeing with the sentiment that Steal should come back, especially in the Nohr route. Being able to steal units' weapons in a game where I have limited funds would be a freaking life saver.

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The steal thing sounds really cool

It would nice to see galeforce return but maybe they could nerf it by not allowing the unit to attack on the second movement (which would greatly help pegusus knights)

Also Ignis seems unnecessary because in awakening I'm pretty sure dragon stones where weapons based on strength so Dark Prince would have no use for magic (unless another class gets it) and vengeance cause that was a fun skill.

Edited by Mackc2
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Steal for thieves! Especially now with unlimited weapon durability, would be interesting if Braves were only accessible by stealing them, or some other strong weapons.

I'm sure all the staples like Sol/Luna/Astra will return.


And Canto and Shove returning, in some way, shape, or form.

It would nice to see galeforce return but maybe they could nerf it by not allowing the unit to attack on the second movement (which would greatly help pegusus knights)

Galeforce, on its own, wasn't broken. Galeforce, on top of pair up, on top of an S-support, on top of dual strike, on top of OP magic... now that was broken. It seems like most of those things are getting fixed, though, so I see no reason for a nerf.

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Aside from removing Galeforce, (unless they give to Snipers or something like that) I'd be happy if most of Awakening's skills returned.

Some skills that weren't in Awakening that I'd like back are: Adept, Resolve, and Steal. (Although, without weight stealing is harder to balance.)

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Steal for thieves sounds like a great essential I mean addition to have back. I have to say though, I'd love to see the wrath and resolve come back, so I can combo them again. It got pretty ridiculous using them together, but at least it was a little dangerous.

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If reclassing is available, I want to see class skills be class tree-locked. No more Galeforce on everyone!

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Adept and Nihil were series staples until they weren't included in Awakening, so I would want them back. Especially Nihil. Other than those, I don't have a problem with the majority of Awakening skills returning. I'd like to see new skills too.

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personally, i'd love to see renewal back, as well as slow/quick burn. those were my favorites.

galeforce is also really great, but it's not needed- i haven't grinded for it, so i'm not quite sure what i'm missing, but i do know that on the file where cordelia and sumia use it, it's mainly not used. :/

other than that, i do think that if dark knights don't use dark magic, then leon should totally get shadowgift, as someone's mentioned here.

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