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- Why does Marx get all the cool lines and facial expressions? How 'bout giving Camilla/Hinoka some dialogue?

This. I want to know more about the other characters! Just give me more info on Camilla and I'll be good.

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- If that's how Garon reacts, I wonder how Ms. Empress will react when she finds out Kamui went with Nohr?

Actually Garon's saying that when you side with Nohr. (Notice the purple dialogue box.)

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Actually Garon's saying that when you side with Nohr. (Notice the purple dialogue box.)

I noticed this too. Guess we were right in thinking Garon would be a villain regardless of your side (with that pretty face? who'da thunk?)

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Actually Garon's saying that when you side with Nohr. (Notice the purple dialogue box.)


Wonder what it means if you really do go against Nohr?

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Where to begin, where to begin?

Kamui's half-shift looks badass. I'm wondering if that's a skill activating or Kamui blocking someone's attack in an unnecessarily scary way. Or maybe the half shift is all Kamui can do at first and they later get access to the complete transformation.

Marx's lines to Kamui in chapter six are heartbreaking. It takes a special kind of person to watch their sibling betray them and still love them. Man, IS is working hard to make the decision as agonizing as possible, and it's honestly working.

Their constant teasing of the 3rd path is agonizing. I wish they at least implied something about it.

I'm kind of bummed out that the rumor about Aqua was confirmed. Her being a kidnapped Nohr princess kind of deflates a lot of the mystery to her in my eyes. I imagine the localizers will translate her class to Siren to keep up with the water thematic she has.

if she's nohr does this mean i can't bone her?

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I'm kind of bummed out that the rumor about Aqua was confirmed. Her being a kidnapped Nohr princess kind of deflates a lot of the mystery to her in my eyes. I imagine the localizers will translate her class to Siren to keep up with the water thematic she has.

if she's nohr does this mean i can't bone her?

I dunno, Sirens are often malevolent creatures in mythology so I don't think it would fit a hero...it must be foreshadowing!

Because she's Nohr and you weren't raised with her, you can probably bone her.

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Eh the third path will be about Kamui and Aqua deciding they're tired of having been used as pawns, and unite in their shared desire to burn the world. And then reign over the ashes as god emperors.

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I dunno, Sirens are often malevolent creatures in mythology so I don't think it would fit a hero.

Well if she does indeed end up a villain it would work wonderfully.

Eh the third path will be about Kamui and Aqua deciding they're tired of having been used as pawns, and unite in their shared desire to burn the world. And then reign over the ashes as god emperors.

I want this so bad now.

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Higuchi: From the start until “Radiant Dawn,” we built up the view that those games are the “ideal FE style.” But with that sort of game, one new problem was born: we reached the logical conclusion that it was always difficult for newcomers to pick up. We wanted to make a game that new fans could enjoy too. We wanted to make it even bigger than “Awakening” with this concept as the focus first and foremost. That was the beginning of the game’s development.

This is funny because Radiant Dawn might be the least conventional Fire Emblem.

It's even more funny because with the mind of "let's throw conventions away" Awakening became the most conventional Fire Emblem.

The way skirmishes are handled in Nohr reminds me of Valkyria Chronicles. I can't say I'm all over it though. VC is a PC-style game that only found overwhelming success when it was ported to PC, while FE is a distinctly console strategy game, so I'm not sure if taking elements from one to the other will mesh well.

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Just something that caught my eye... supports are pretty much confirmed. When Felicia tries to pair up/perform a Guard Stance with Kamui, it shows a support level of "none".

Also, the support system was advertised for Awakening, but only during the gameplay trailers... and we haven't gotten any gameplay trailers for this game.

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This is funny because Radiant Dawn might be the least conventional Fire Emblem.

It's even more funny because with the mind of "let's throw conventions away" Awakening became the most conventional Fire Emblem.

The way skirmishes are handled in Nohr reminds me of Valkyria Chronicles. I can't say I'm all over it though. VC is a PC-style game that only found overwhelming success when it was ported to PC, while FE is a distinctly console strategy game, so I'm not sure if taking elements from one to the other will mesh well.

What makes something a "PC-style game" and why would such things not work well in Fire Emblem?

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Okay, see that image on the page with all the information about Aqua, that shows that scenery we hadn't seen yet? Interestingly, Kamui cannot be seen in it. The very first idea that would come to mind, considering how close your units are to one another, is that he's hidden by the command box, so I went ahead and tried to determine how much truth there could be in that:


So obviously it's approximative, considering there's perspective in this game, but it gives a rough idea. The red squares are where he cannot be because we'd see him or he'd be standing on that obstacle on the right, while the blue ones are where it's hard to determine wether or not said obstacle or perspective would allow him to stand/ not be visible. The green one seems completely possible.

So pretty much the point is, there's a very good possibility that Kamui isn't there at all.

Another interesting point is that we can see that Aqua is at level 1 with 0 xp and an E in lances. It is also to be noted that apart from this one, Aqua is only seen as playable on chapters that likely happen after the sixth for numerous reasons. What I'm trying to say is, this may be a chapter that introduces you to Hoshido, before Kamui meets up with them. Although it's just a theory of course. Put it on the pile

Also it's a detail, but you can see a glimpse of an unknown green unit with purple hair(?) on the lower left.

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Okay, see that image on the page with all the information about Aqua, that shows that scenery we hadn't seen yet? Interestingly, Kamui cannot be seen in it. The very first idea that would come to mind, considering how close your units are to one another, is that he's hidden by the command box, so I went ahead and tried to determine how much truth there could be in that:


So obviously it's approximative, considering there's perspective in this game, but it gives a rough idea. The red squares are where he cannot be because we'd see him or he'd be standing on that obstacle on the right, while the blue ones are where it's hard to determine wether or not said obstacle or perspective would allow him to stand/ not be visible. The green one seems completely possible.

So pretty much the point is, there's a very good possibility that Kamui isn't there at all.

Another interesting point is that we can see that Aqua is at level 1 with 0 xp and an E in lances. It is also to be noted that apart from this one, Aqua is only seen as playable on chapters that likely happen after the sixth for numerous reasons. What I'm trying to say is, this may be a chapter that introduces you to Hoshido, before Kamui meets up with them. Although it's just a theory of course. Put it on the pile

Also it's a detail, but you can see a glimpse of an unknown green unit with purple hair(?) on the lower left.

If Kamui's not there and Aqua has 0 exp, this could be a prologue chapter.

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Hey guys, great posts and information here! Just read through it all and found it very informative. Just wanted to add my 2 cents down below :P:


Do you guys notice that there are two pictures with Kamui about to battle an enemy? On one picture, he seems to look angry/ distressed while on the other one it looks like he feels good/ happy. Do you guys have any idea what that could mean?

Perhaps something with support level or perhaps... biorhythm? I don't think it's HP related because when you look at the HP bars, the picture of the happy Kamui has an HP bar where he has taken a bit of damage, whilst in the other picture where Kamui has no damage taken at all makes him look distressed.

Anyways, any ideas?

Edited by ReaperGuardian
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Hey guys, great posts and information here! Just read through it all and found it very informative. Just wanted to add my 2 cents down below :P:


Do you guys notice that there are two pictures with Kamui about to battle an enemy? On one picture, he seems to look angry/ distressed while on the other one it looks like he feels good/ happy. Do you guys have any idea what that could mean?

Perhaps something with support level or perhaps... biorhythm? I don't think it's HP related because when you look at the HP bars, the picture of the happy Kamui has an HP bar where he has taken a bit of damage, whilst in the other picture where Kamui has no damage taken at all makes him look distressed.

Anyways, any ideas?

All evidence points to their portraits looking distressed if an attack deals severe damage, most likely around 50%. Previously, we speculated it could have been only due to you being attacked, but these new scans show Kamui about to attack while looking tense, and the damage he would receive is higher than 50%.

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^It's assumed to be tied to damage inflicted/received. Like, if the damage received is more than 50% of its health, the look will be distressed. The enemy seems to have these too. The idea could probably use some more theorizing though.

If Kamui's not there and Aqua has 0 exp, this could be a prologue chapter.

Also. But the thing is, that would either mean that you'd create an avatar and then not play it right away, or that the creation takes place after said prologue. The second one sounds possible, but I felt that it was too much of an assumption to make.

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Also. But the thing is, that would either mean that you'd create an avatar and then not play it right away, or that the creation takes place after said prologue. The second one sounds possible, but I felt that it was too much of an assumption to make.

The first one is something that I've seen in other non FE SRPG's, notably SRT-J.

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Aqua definitely joins before the route split because you can see her on the battle near the bridge. The party could very well have been split into two since we only see a portion of the map here, we can barely see any enemy either. It's also possible that you'll be able to control Aqua in a few maps as the commander until she and Kamui encounter each other.

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Aqua definitely joins before the route split because you can see her on the battle near the bridge. The party could very well have been split into two since we only see a portion of the map here, we can barely see any enemy either. It's also possible that you'll be able to control Aqua in a few maps as the commander until she and Kamui encounter each other.

The bridge battle takes place after the split though. Also I find it unlikely that there has been much movement involved, considering that Aqua hasn't got any experience from anything, not even singing(unless we assume it no longer gives experience, but that's another problem). If you meant from the beginning, well I don't think one can argue against the fact that this is a very early chapter, so a team split sounds unlikely. I also don't know about her being the leader for any other chapter. We only have 5 to get both Kamui and the player to know about the two country. That's already pretty short.

Edit: I think I get what you mean about the bridge battle actually. Still, she may join through plot right before that.

The first one is something that I've seen in other non FE SRPG's, notably SRT-J.

Is the player created character the main protagonist in those? That's an honest question.

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Is the player created character the main protagonist in those? That's an honest question.

It's not a player created avatar, it's a choice between two different main characters. You have Toya (Male protag) and Calvina (Female protag). If you pick Toya, he becomes playable on like turn 3 of the first stage, if you choose Calvina she becomes playable on turn 1 of Stage 2. If you pick Toya, Calvina will not appear in the game. Likewise if you pick Calvina, Toya will not appear in the game. Whichever one you pick is the main character of the story.

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