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Yay or nay? What if Fire Emblem if was free-to-start?



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  1. 1. Would you like Fire Emblem if to be free-to-start?

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My initial thought about this was a big "hell no", but after thinking about it some more it... kinda... makes... sense? This will definitely give players a chance to meet both sides before purchasing which path they want to follow (assuming you get to meet both Hoshido and Nohr characters in the first five chapters). This will also silence people who complain that each version of the game has the same first five chapters. And who am I to say no to a five chapter demo?

But I dunno. Something about this just seems off...

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Weapon weight being removed hardly casualized the games since the mechanic never really mattered all that much in the first place (either that or you were playing FE4 using non-Sword/Wind weapons was a badwrong choice unless they were hero/divine weapons), to the point where it basically didn't exist in PoR onward anyway (reminder: PoR is 10 years old).

Weight didn't really add much gameplay beyond limiting Pegasus Knights and Myrmidons from Steel weapons (and Javelins) unless they wanted to murder their AS/Avoid for a couple extra points of damage or 1-2 range.

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I actually really like this idea. You can play the first set of chapters, think it over and make your faction choice. And if you want a physical copy, you could be able to import your save data into the cart. I'm not sure if it would work for any other Fire Emblem game. I think it works for if because you're not truly playing the side yu bought until after the choice. For any other fe game, Nintendo would just be giving away part of a game for free and I'm not sure they would do that.. It might also cause lazy and predictable writing if the beginning of all subsequent fe games had to end on an important choice/cliffhanger to get more people to buy the games. Maybe just a tutoial for all fe games that aren't split like if?

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Weapon weight being removed hardly casualized the games since the mechanic never really mattered all that much in the first place (either that or you were playing FE4 using non-Sword/Wind weapons was a badwrong choice unless they were hero/divine weapons), to the point where it basically didn't exist in PoR onward anyway (reminder: PoR is 10 years old).

Weight didn't really add much gameplay beyond limiting Pegasus Knights and Myrmidons from Steel weapons (and Javelins) unless they wanted to murder their AS/Avoid for a couple extra points of damage or 1-2 range.

ironically myrms and peg knights were still some of the best units, so you could say it never did that much anyways.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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I, ah, how to say this ? Love that the games that i bought fully belongs to me. One day, saying this will be strange. -_-'

Like seriously, I buy a game, it's mine. No need to go into crappy streetpass/spotpass content or free-to-start, I honestly think it's dumb.

Edited by B.Leu
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