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My hopes regarding NPC Bosses


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I mean, right, imoutos, okay, but honestly THIS is the one I'm reaaally not looking forward to.

Given that Nohr route is revolutionizing Nohr from the inside, you probably won't be encountering Hoshido much at all. So hopefully not.

^^ that might work for Leon/Takumi and maybe Hinoka/Camilla but i don't think that will work or feel right for Sakura/Trouba-Pony-Princess and i have a feeling that we will have to kill Marx/Ryouma

Or at most, force them to retreat/stand down. I doubt Kamui would be willing to kill Marx after spending pretty much his whole life so far with him in a family.

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^ no i think we will have to kill at least marx/Ryouma, i just feel that they will have at least one of the opposing playable royals die(it seems a tiny bit cheap to have a war and have nobody we know die)

Though they might deicide to fall on their swords instead, they kinda seem the type.

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B-but...I don't want to kill either of my imoutos :(((

Hopefully the little sister on the opposing side will defect to yours either way. As the youngest child of either side, they might have less of a strong devotion to their country and more towards their beloved Kamui if he/she is their favored sibling. Plus the more staffbots the better

I don't think they'll defect, but I do think that they'll give Kamui the choice to either slay/defeat her or talk her into surrendering/escaping. I doubt they'll force you to just kill her without any other way of going about it.

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I'm definitely of the group that thinks that most of the NPC bosses should be the playable characters from the other side.

Given that Nohr route is revolutionizing Nohr from the inside, you probably won't be encountering Hoshido much at all. So hopefully not.

Wasn't it specifically or unspecifically said as "an unruly nation from within"? From Nohrian standards, Hoshido definitely counts as an unruly nation.

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Hinoka:I hoped for so long that I'd get to see you again but now I wish you had died that day. If you did, maybe I could have put my heart to rest by now. I won't betray my blood like you did, Kamui. I will protect my homeland!

Possible answers:

*zero fuck given and attack her*

'But I love you ! (truth)'

'But I love you ! (lie)'

'You. Are. Not. My. Family. Stop talking about it you weirdo.'

'Yes, yes, I'm a traitor, you're perfect, get in line'.

'Oh hey, remember about Sakura ? I KILLED HER I still have her head. >:D'

'Oh hey, remember about Sakura ? SHE BETRAYED YOU GUYS FOR ME ! >:D'

'Oh hey, remember about X ? 'insert random evil thing' >:D'

Oh holy crap, best darkfic ever. So much potential, I'm actually smiling.

(+1000 dead whataver living thing you hate.)

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I'm definitely of the group that thinks that most of the NPC bosses should be the playable characters from the other side.

Wasn't it specifically or unspecifically said as "an unruly nation from within"? From Nohrian standards, Hoshido definitely counts as an unruly nation.

Possibly. I still think it's just revolutionizing Nohr...possibly overthrowing Garon and beginning the kamuinist revolution :p

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Alternatively, the siblings may not attack you, but will attack your comrades. Kinda like the dragons vs Kurthnaga in the one of the final parts of RD.

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I don't think they'll defect, but I do think that they'll give Kamui the choice to either slay/defeat her or talk her into surrendering/escaping. I doubt they'll force you to just kill her without any other way of going about it.

Call me crazy, but I really doubt either of the imuotos will die at all, especially not by any playable characters' hands (barring a potential uncontrollable moment like when a certain playable character (idk how to use spoilers) was killed by Eliwood in FE7. Maybe that's something they'd have done in Jugdral games, but killing your little sisters who are probably around 14 would seem very dark.

In fact, and this might be wishful thinking, it feel like it's more likely there would be at least one bonus chapter/special ending predicated on the player successfully not killing any of his family.

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Possibly. I still think it's just revolutionizing Nohr...possibly overthrowing Garon and beginning the kamuinist revolution :p

All shall bow before Prince Marx and his Kamuinist Manifesto!!!!!!

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I would be very disappointed if any of the enemy switches sides. Not only would it be unrealistic, it would remove some of the choice from the equation.

It. . .depends.

Spectral Souls, for all its faults, found a way to unite all three warring factions' characters, even if the factions themselves didn't agree. Two sides had massive internal conflicts, and the third one was ambiguous enough such that it could ally with either side.

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