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Ending Kamui's family.


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Technically, they didn't retcon Yen'fey's death. It's established that the playable one is from another realm where Say'ri got killed instead of him.

It still make you wonder why they even bothered to bring him back. Especially since his death was the only point of development for Say'ri

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It still make you wonder why they even bothered to bring him back. Especially since his death was the only point of development for Say'ri

Well, the characters from the Spotpass chapters are pretty much only there for fanservice, given that they don't even have supports outside of the Avatar, so I guess they didn't care.

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I imagine that most of the Fratricide will be up to the player, Like Chapter 8's boss is Sakura and Kamui kills her in the cutscene, she says something both poetic and heartbreaking them we remove the rest of the competition to the throne.

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