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Does it bother anybody else that Male!Kamui is getting much more coverage?

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Even if we don't share the same opinion of how the Kamuis are being portrayed, thank you both and others in this thread for staying respectful and understanding.

I actually mostly agree with you that F!Kamui's lack of representation is bothersome.

(I'm generally pretty aware to this kind of issue)

I honnestly didn't payed that much attention to this before you made this topic (though yeah, the Trailer was bad in retrospect...

And while understandable that last Famitsu issue is... pretty bad).

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Alright i would just like to say that the trailer does bother me in retrospect.

but the fan magazines i honestly aren't bothered with and yes it is to me kinda making a mountain of a molehill but before anyone puts me on their ban list, by mountain out of a mole hill i mean i still am aware of the underlying problem, and its more of a regular hill that you loved rolling down as a kid but i digress. But all the fan magazine is to me is one or two people using a file to show off parts of the game that Kaimui is only in cause he is the lord, and we already know him, and the people used a file which happened to have male Kaimui. So by mountain out of a mole hill i mean that the issue still exists but compared to the trailer which is meant to show what your game is about, and the cover which is the face of the game.the scans are much a smaller part of the big issue and two it is probably coming from the people in charge of the scans, not anyone in charge of the game or marketing. But the trailer does bother me a lot.

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I see what people are upset about, but what I am confused about is how people jump to people saying male Kamui is featured more prominently in the recent Famitsu issue is sexist when there could be so many other variables that could answer a simple question. These could be, and are not limited to:

1. There is already a female lead

For me, this was the first conclusion I came up with. Aqua, the mysterious songstress, has arguably appeared in more FE:IF media than any other character so far. It has been shown and speculated that she will be a central character to the plot and will get ample amounts of screen time. The developers may have chose to represent M!Kamui just to have the frequently used Male/Female leads. To me, this makes sense as Aqua will be a major character regardless of Kamui's gender.

2. It was convenient to use the snapshots they had.

Face it, most people would probably used pre-made gameplay photos for the public just because it is convenient and already of sufficient quality. As others have pointed out, it would be silly and arbitrary to take new snapshots of F!Kamui in the same, already made scenarios just because she wasn't shown prominently in the latest Famitsu.

3. F!Kamui is associated with Nohr.

Female Kamui is probably going to show up more often when the Nohr route gets more coverage, based on the box-arts. If I'm wrong about this then whatever; it means that one of the Kamuis would have to get the shaft and I kind of suspect that others wouldn't care too if F!Kamui was the one in the spotlight.

^ This basically sums up another reason which makes perfect sense. In the Pokemon games, which the two routes have been compared to, the two default characters you can choose are generally associated with each version (X with Calem, Y with Serena and so on). FE:IF has already done this with both genders being shown on one of the two box arts. We may see more of F!Kamui soon if we get a new leak that focuses on the Nohr route and characters.

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One thing I wish they would do is show more Kamui customization options, for both genders. I know white hair and, in the female's case, headband is canon Kamui appearance but in a game with customization I want to see more than just 1-2 appearances per gender. Especially with mention of the customization being expanded upon.

I'd prefer if they kept it consistent for the time being. I don't want to mistake some Kamui variant for a new unit!

Mass Effect isn't fps, but you're right that the situations here are much, much different. Not even just the style of the games themselves, but the marketing; I only bothered with Mass Effect when I found out Shepard could be a woman, which was by no means clear to see from the perspective of someone not really following it. How many people might have played the game if only they'd known? Even so, apparently there was some outcry over her getting ignored, prompting Bioware to make promotional art and a couple trailers for her.

Fire Emblem definitely has a larger female fanbase than Mass Effect.

Not everyone cares about gender. Shepard's gender meant fuck-all to me, because at the end of the day, it's a video game character, and not a representation of me.

ME's gameplay is what turned me off from it. All the pretty graphics in the world mean nothing if I get seriously sick while playing the game.

While i personally dont have a problem with how the Kamuis are being marketed, i see a very ugly underlying issue here in some of these replies. People want to see more female protagonists in games because there is not enough of them. Despite the gaming population being 50% female, games are still marketed to a male demographic, and thats just lazy and bullshit. While FE with Awakening and now this game, have been pretty good at marketing to a wide audience, concern about preferring to market the male protagonist over the female one is not unfounded. I hope when the game hits internationally, we will see a more balanced look at our protagonist and the options of how they can look.

I swear I'm an oddball. I don't care about the protagonist's gender, as long as the game/story/etc. are well-done - I'm in it for the entertainment, not to find something to relate to.

No. They're not equal. I can not grasp the mindset of someone who can think they're "equal"

I can't grasp your mindset, either. IMO, I'd rather use my energy to protest things like the treatment of female gamers in multi-player settings. That's something that directly affects me. One gender of Kamui getting more love than another? Don't care, I can't stand the female Kamui's design, anyway.

If they are clearly equal, then they should be given equal coverage. Basically by not doing this Nintendo/IS is reinforcing age old stereotypes that males are more important than females, ergo sexism.

That would be the general theory behind this thread.

I heavily disagree with this. I'd rather have a consistent "Kamui" in my mind, rather than have to wade through people/posts trying to figure out which character was which. Once the rest of the characters are revealed, I'd be a lot more comfortable with Nintendo switching up the genders (say, for DLC advertisement or something).

Yes, being annoyed by something you don't give a fuck about automatically makes someone a SJW. How nice to know.


That's your last warning.

How dare they not advertise your female character as much as you'd like them to!! Yeah, I know.

And yes you become a SJW by implying it is sexist that f!Kamui is not as advertised as m!Kamui. There are thousands of reasons that answer why this is possibly happening, one of which being that they just don't need to make more pictures when they can reuse the ones they already have, since it is more practical. To make a social justice cause about a female videogame character not being as adversited as much as you want is being a SJW.

I mean, f!Kamui is right in the cover, both in the boxart and in the big jpg image, whereas m!Kamui appears in random pics from the game, how can you even claim she isn't getting as much attention as she deserves.

No, we don't need to slap labels on everything.

Can't we just enjoy playing videogames and be happy.

And you yourself said it best.

Yeah, when her artwork is shown, it's always with Male!Kamui. She's never on her own.

Let's be honest here, Male!Kamui is being pushed the most. Female!Kamui just seems to be an afterthought. Especially with Aqua being called the "heroine" of the game. I'm only annoyed by this, nothing more.

You guys want to know what's actually rage-inducing to me? The blatant favouritism Male!Robin received. He gets the trailer, the default form, and even the damn amiibo, and a PLAYABLE appearance in Codename:Steam DESPITE the fact Female!Robin is more popular than him, both in the East and the West. Female Robin was the most popular female (After Lucina of course) in Japan while Male!Robin was less popular than Chrom and Owain. That is what I'm mad about people.

Male!Kamui getting more prominence in marketing and trailers is simply just annoyance. I'm not making a big deal out of this. The only way I would ever get mad about this is if Male!Kamui received the same bullshit favouritism as Male!Robin did.

-> three paragraphs

-> "I'm not making a big deal out of this"

Newsflash: YOU ARE.

Yeah that one bothered me, I wish that Robin had both of them, like the art work did.

I did not care.

As for those claiming we're making a mountain out of a molehill, I'd like to see whose argument specifically you're referring to, since I believe most people here have been quite reasonable.

Look at the quotes above this one. This is from the perspective of someone who doesn't think this is an issue worthy of this many posts.

Some people just can't tolerate others having an issue with something.

Normally, I don't mind. However, I'm here for a very specific purpose, and do NOT want to be called in such a manner again.

Indeed, this is a forum, and ideas, opinions and what have you should be discussed here. However, you must also realize that the reason why people don't like your post is because you come across as incredibly overbearing, patronizing, generalizing and overall childish. For instance, you start by typing "wowwwwwwww", and then you explain that this was just so messed up that you had to create an account after years of lurking to set things straight. And then you think we "victimize" ourselves because we get annoyed.

That's not how a discussion at a forum should be, nor do your so-called arguments make much sense. I victimize myself because I want to see members of the other sex represented well in the video game industry?

Take a step back, and instead of seeing it as an attack, analyze the logic. He's got two very good points, and I'm disappointed that you chose to criticize his style rather than his logic.

Even if we don't share the same opinion of how the Kamuis are being portrayed, thank you both and others in this thread for staying respectful and understanding.

Okay. I'm pissed.

You do NOT go around insulting other people, and then make posts like this.


The only reason why I'm here is because someone else mentioned this topic. Otherwise, I'd go back to not caring enough to open this, let alone reply to it. I don't think having more shots of male Kamui is sexist/a problem, because there's a ton of new info flying around, and having two faces for the same character is going to lead to more confusion. Likewise, Kamui is a character at the end of the day, and not me, so I'm perfectly fine with Kamui being male/having a different hair color than me/not being human.

That being said. . .I do NOT want to respond to this topic again.

Edited by eclipse
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Posted · Hidden by Florete, May 23, 2015 - No reason given
Hidden by Florete, May 23, 2015 - No reason given

^ Where's the like button so I can mash the shit out of it?

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I have a hard time believing people would be genuinely confused if a character design they're already familiar with is given more pretty pictures. Maybe if it was a completely different F!Kamui variant, but the one on the boxart? That's a bit of a stretch, imo.

And I do believe the visibility of female characters, and how they are protrayed, is also linked to how female gamers are treated. So, it matters to me. And I don't really feel compelled to care less about it because another woman doesn't.

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Posted · Hidden by Florete, May 23, 2015 - No reason given
Hidden by Florete, May 23, 2015 - No reason given

eclipse it's nice and all that you have time to make huge quote walls here but we at the SF Mafia Skype chat would appreciate if you made huge quotewalls in the mafia section too

actually no we wouldn't we already have Eury

but don't go we love you

sort of

also the only reason I never played girlrobin is because boymorgan looks stupid as fuck #trufax

also also boy kamui looks dumb

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Posted · Hidden by Florete, May 23, 2015 - No reason given
Hidden by Florete, May 23, 2015 - No reason given

pb's post >>> eclipse's post

Morgan is... special.

Maybe that's why I like my M!Robin's family more.

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I swear I'm an oddball. I don't care about the protagonist's gender, as long as the game/story/etc. are well-done - I'm in it for the entertainment, not to find something to relate to.

Many people don't. It's just that people who care about it are typically very loud, and the people who care about those people shutting up, just as loud.

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While I personally don't really care about how much coverage each gender Kamui is getting in the magazine gameplay reveals, I do think IS is trying to push Mamui as the "canon" one simply because of Aqua's fixed femininity and the obvious shipping connotations. I honestly would like to see another female lord like Eirika, because the male lords have been getting really dull. Hector, Ephraim, Ike, and Chrom are all way too similar. I don't like Micaiah, but she was morally interesting at the very least.

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I don't understand why Japan doesn't advertise female Kamui more. Don't they understand how important gender issues are to the west? They should have their culture understand our very important issues.


(Seriously tho, why is this thread even still alive? Nothing but drama, shitposts (like mine) and over sensitive peeps in here)

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I don't understand why Japan doesn't advertise female Kamui more. Don't they understand how important gender issues are to the west? They should have their culture understand our very important issues.

(Seriously tho, why is this thread even still alive? Nothing but drama, shitposts (like mine) and over sensitive peeps in here)

Don't make posts like these. If you don't like it, ignore it. If you think it should be gone, report it.

Locked on request.

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