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I'm not surprised Felicia and Joker stay with Kamui regardless, but Gunter's loyalty seems just a bit strange to me. Isn't he a decorated soldier or something? You'd think he'd be a lot less willing to follow Kamui to Hoshido should they choose it.

I wonder if Gunter might end up a bit like Taureneo. He defected because he thought Daein had lost its way. Could Gunter believe that Nohr has lost its way?

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Ninjas are free souls and all that jazz. Well some of them anyway.

As for Cyrus(though nobody asked), you apparently fight him, so maybe he asks for your forgiveness or something. That would be a bit sad though, and he sure doesn't look like a beggar. You may simply have the possibility of sparing him and convincing him to join.

Or capture is back

Edited by Cysx
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Gunter could also be similar to Duessel, in the Hoshido route he may defect with Kamui because Nohr is no longer the country he fought proudly for, or in the Nohr route he'll work with Kamui to bring it back to its former glory.

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At the very least, characters that defect from Nohr could have the excuse of having known the guy as a friend before the whole war fiasco broke out or they identify more with the ideals of Hoshido. Not sure how many people will be interested in Nohr by itself, but I think it will be more because of Kamui being the leader and the less scrupulous and slightly warmongering characters will join them. In Suzukaze's case is more because he's a ninja with no liege, once they find a liege, they tend to stick by them forever a la Hattori Hanzo.

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It'd be quite interesting if units had a hidden "loyalty" stat that increased based on interactions with the Avatar. Under a certain threshold, they wouldn't turn traitor and you end up fighting them. Then, whoever ends up following you wouldn't be statically determined by the plot.

This game is supposed to be about "choice," after all.

I really want something like this in a Fire Emblem game.

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I won't lie I didn't believe there would be characters that will follow us regardless of what we choose.

Is anybody else shocked by the loyalty these characters show to Kamui by following them regardless? Would they be considered traitors as well?


Not even slightly, I'd be surprised if there weren't characters that were loyal to specifically Kamui, and it makes sense that it would be butlers/maids/ninja in hindsight.

With the case of Gunther, it's also not surprising that a veteran soldier follows the young prince/princess over a kingdom, this happening is just as common as them being loyal to said kingdom.

I didn't read the thread, so if someone said this already, good job

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I'm more curious about characters not directly connected to Kamui, like Suzukaze. Felicia and the others make sense because they're Kamui's servants, Gunter a bit less but maybe he sees Kamui as a son/daughter or something since he's apparently his/her mentor. Suzukaze didn't grow up with Kamui, isn't related to him, is related to Saizou who directly serves Ryouma, and probably has no connections to Nohr. So why does he follow Kamui to Nohr?

Maybe Suzukaze was hired directly by the Hoshidan mother, who wants her child protected even if they have taken a darker path? Or maybe his mother/father was the one who failed and let Kumai get captured in the first place, so they're making up for that family failure.

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I'm a bit bothered by it, too.

I mean, don't these guys have family in the nation they hail from? I have a feeling we're gonna get characters who are convenient orphans.

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^ or he's a unaffiliated ninja and the games seems to be going the direction of long lines of ninjas being trained to be ninjas These Ninjas don't seem the type to have much loyalty to family, valuing loyalty to those you serve over familial ties.

The ninja i have no problem going to Nohr, nor some of Kaimui's household staff going to hoshido. Loyalty to those you serve is sorta a thing with their respective jobs/station/roles.

Who else switches sides btw? I know grey hair cav probably does, anyone else.

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Tactics Ogre already has something like this, except alignment plays a role in it too. So if the protagonist makes a lawful decision, his loyalty with his lawful allies increases but the loyalty of his chaotic allies takes a hit and vice versa. Neutral characters are mostly unaffected by these decisions, but there are a few that boost or lower their loyalty. Generally loyalty increases by leveling up (in the original) or increasing a skill (in the remake). Some story decisions can prove crucial to a unit's loyalty; one unit deserts you if you make a certain decision for example, regardless of how loyal she was before.

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