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Will your first playthrough be with m!Kamui or f!Kamui?


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I'm a bit on the fence on this one, if Cyrus and Male Kamui can get together then I'll probably go Male Kamui first but if they can't then I'll most likely go Female Kamui first.

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assuming there's no same-sex marriage, I'll be using f!Kamui to marry some male characters. but i think i will start off with m!Kamui mainly to reflect my personal appearance. I think I'll be using both often to marry who I want.

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Almost certainly male. I normally prefer a female Avatar but the lack of cohesion between her upper and lower body is far too irritating to ignore.

Lack of cohesion? When? How? I haven't noticed it! But if it's I'll probably just fix it with the customization.

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Lack of cohesion? When? How? I haven't noticed it! But if it's I'll probably just fix it with the customization.

I mean that just like her male counterpart she has a very fancy shirt. Unlike her male counterpart, her inner tights have a cut to expose her underpants, which clashes with that extravagant upper half. It's similar to the Nargaguca armor for female hunters in Monster Hunter but in those games the lower body part is consistent with the upper body part, so I actually like that one. But in Fire Emblem If, the contrast between the two halves is not something that I can get used to.

Edited by BrightBow
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I mean that just like her male counterpart she has a very fancy shirt. Unlike her male counterpart, her inner tights have a cut to expose her underpants, which clashes with that extravagant upper half.

Oh that? I'm thinking an early class change but that would only be possible if Anna is back and I hope she is she was the only reason I played M!Robin in Awakening and called him Jake.
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Probably male first as I happen to be one. How it goes from there depends on stuff that hasn't been revealed so far: does Kamui's gender affect supports? is marriage returning? Will there still be gender-locked classes? What do all of the alternate appearances for male and female Kamui look like? etc.

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Anna's been in every FE. Why change now?

I meant as playable like in Awakening because if marriage is back I would totally marry her to M!Kamui and call him Jake. She would be the only reason I would play as male.
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my first play-though will be with male Kaimui while my sister plays with female Kaimui. Though funnily enough I am going Nohr, and my sister is going Hoshido. Subsequent runs? I'm not sure the only time i played F robin was when i was finishing/playing for my sister's first file. But I might go female later.

Same with me and my brother.

Since my interior shipper wants to see how a KamuixAqua relationship might be (if possible) and a couple other pairings that I have in mind for the Hoshido route, chances are I will pick m!Kamui first. But if the game is released on two different versions overseas, and I get my hands in Nohr (which is the one I want to play first), I might pick f!Kamui.

What about you?

M!Kamui, because I am male. :huh:

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Male Kamui for most playthroughs, I like his design. The female looks cool too just not as unique. The red eyes look sick, I am hoping I can be sort of evil or at least cold in nature.

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I hope M!Kamui has a better looking hairstyle than what we've seen so far. I don't want the same thing happening as what happened with Build 3 M!Robin where only one of his hairstyles looked good.

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