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How do you want the three routes to end?


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Hello everyone.

So we all have our ideas of what the three routes will look like, but I've heard few people discuss the stories' end. Generally I'd prefer it if there were some bad with the good, so that there's actual weight behind the choice you make. You know, at least one dead sibling, some characters getting the short end of the stick and all that good stuff. I'd also prefer it if Kamui didn't end up becoming the god-emperor of mankind with his awesome dragon powers in all endings; I'd rather save that for the third route.

If Aqua turns out to be some form of villain in one route, I think I'd like it if she were successful/had the potential to be successful depending on how you have played/choices you have made.

What do you all think?

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For starters I believe that they all have an enemy greater than Garon.

Hoshido: Assuming that the greater threat is responsible for the monsters, I'd say they either summon a giant one (Think of that thing with the Mask of Truth in the first trailer) or, since Hoshido's story is more like previous Fire Emblem games, a dragon. After that the dragon goes on a rampage, Kamui kills it, and becomes the kind emperor of Nohr, while Ryoma (assuming that he is still alive) assumes roll as the leader of Hoshido, and the kingdom's bonds grow much stronger.

Nohr: This time, the third country attempts to negotiate with Nohr, as they might have did with Garon before. However, unlike Garon he/she are not power hungry, so Kamui attempts to learn of their motives. After Kamui respectfully declines, the enemy summons monsters and flees. I'm not sure what the final boss may be, but I assume some sort of giant monster. After killing the beast, Nohr takes in the damaged Hoshido and Marx takes the lessons he had learned from Kamui to heart. He treats the Hoshidans properly and sends someone, presumably Camilla, Aqua, Kamui, or Leon, as some sort of ambassador. Assuming that he does not send Kamui, he/she vanishes like a wisp of smoke, presumably to mourn his blood siblings.

Third Path: I'm going to start this off with this- in most previous Fire Emblem games, when the giant dragon appears everyone is united. Kamui decides to become that giant dragon (obviously not trying to actually destroy everything) with the help of the third faction. Eventually, the extensive reliance on dragonstones at such a young age makes him go on a rampage, causing him a sibling from each side and Garon. Along with this, the third faction has secretly been harvesting energy from the Fire Emblem and your dragonstone and they end up waking- and corrupting- the Ancestral Dragon. Then your character obviously sacrifices themselves and becomes the new Ancestral Dragon (think of Tiki in the Future Past), leaving the siblings to lead their kingdoms. If Marx and Ryoma were the siblings to die, and I feel that it will be either them or Elise and Sakura (possibly a four), than Camilla and Hinoka, who I believe were mentioned in Dengeki to be more experienced at war than at politics, become the Generals while Leon and Takumi become the political leaders (they could probably work as equals.) While that happens, Aqua decides to go back to the pier she was singing on and stumbles on a shrine to the Ancestral Dragon, which allows her to communicate with Kamui.

Edited by ShadowKnight394
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See, I've never liked "united against a common threat" as a way to permanently fix something as complicated as a relationship between to nations which have waged war. You don't forget everything just because two countries' armies fight together; it could be a start, but it should never be treated as a "and now we're best friends forever".

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I'm hoping for constrasting final bosses for both routes, with ties to both kingdoms that seeks the annihilation of the other kingdom with the humans as its agents. Only for the third route to reveal there's a greater force behind the war between both kingdoms and cares not for who wins the conflict, only for Kamui to screw up its plans and force it to interfere directly.

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I'm hoping for constrasting final bosses for both routes, with ties to both kingdoms that seeks the annihilation of the other kingdom with the humans as its agents. Only for the third route to reveal there's a greater force behind the war between both kingdoms and cares not for who wins the conflict, only for Kamui to screw up its plans and force it to interfere directly.

More than likely, Garon will be the final boss for the 2 main routes, and the 3rd path revealing another force orchestrating the conflict which is stopped by Kamui.
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Hoshido - "We kicked out the invaders"

Nohr - "We redid the government"

Third path - "We leveled both countries, now let's start anew"

. . .okay, maybe the third path is a little too morbid, but it would be amusing.

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More than likely, Garon will be the final boss for the 2 main routes, and the 3rd path revealing another force orchestrating the conflict which is stopped by Kamui.

I see him as a boss on both routes, but not as a final boss.

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I'm assuming you'll be killing off opposing family members. The Nohr route should be bittersweet, but mostly happy. The Hoshido route should be the most solemn since you probably had to kill the brothers and sisters you grew up with. The third route I'd like to be a happy ending.

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Hoshido Path: We kicked out our invaders, invaded their lands instead, killed their royal family except Aqua so she can rule Nohr and the two countries can live peacefully with one another. Final Boss: Hoshido Queen

Nohr Path: Total assimilation of Hoshido, instate Kamui as regent of the newly conquered Hoshidan lands and kill remaining rebels and royal family members, rework the social and political structure of Nohr, kill Garon and at the end either try to better ties with Hoshidan and other conquered countries so to avoid a social upheaval or rule like a tyrant becoming worse than Garon if he was even a tyrant to begin with.

3rd Path: Everybody gets killed by Garon, Kamui and Hoshido Queen and we get the darkest FE game in history, no second generation to keep the journey going. Everybody gangs up on Nosferatu, finds out who sent them, kill them and settle the differences more amicably. True peace is restored to the land.

Now that I think about it, since the focus of Nohr is it's revolution, Kamui would probably have to plan it from the Hoshidan lands in order to gain characters exclusive from that country before going in deep into Nohrian territory to kickstart everything.

Edited by almi23
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Nohr: Nohr is revolutionized, Hoshido has been defeated (the Hoshidan royal family have all been killed), and Kamui is put on the Hoshidan throne. Kamui and the Nohrian royal family work to get the citizens of the two countries to accept each other.

Hoshido: Hoshido is saved, and Nohr lies in ruin. The Hoshidans impose a regime on the Nohrians that is just as harsh as the one Begnion put on Daein in Radiant Dawn.

Third path: Kamui and his/her forces conquer both countries, and it leads to an uneasy peace. A few members of each royal family survive.

Edited by Monado Boy
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Hoshido should be about defending Hoshido

Nohr should be about changing Nohr

Third path should be completely off the wall and have nothing to do with either country. It's just like "oh hey time to go BATTLE DRAGONZ they're totally far away just abandon those square's in both countries but take your siblings because you can make it so they also turn into dragonz DRAGONZ EVERYWHERE"

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More than likely, Garon will be the final boss for the 2 main routes, and the 3rd path revealing another force orchestrating the conflict which is stopped by Kamui.

I could see this happening due to aquas song making it sound like any side you choose over the over is bad and the right choice IS to bring them together which is most likely the 3rd path thus recruiting both sides to find the main cause of the conflict between both nations.
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Hoshido: Both royal families survive except Garon who is the final boss.

Nohr: All of Hoshido's royal family is dead and Garon is dead and Nohr is reformed with Kamui as ruler.

Third Path: Both royal families survive with both families reuniting early in the game to stop unknown force.

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I'm sure that depending on the route, your older brother will be the one to ascend the throne. As for the fate of the opposite kingdom, that's a bit hazier. I think the opposite brother will ascend the throne also, but... if you happen to kill them...

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To be honest, the idealistic side of me doesn't want the opposing royal family to die in either one, and if they could somehow make that work without the story quality dropping, I'd be happy.

yeah it's the matter of direction and build up that the 'everyone joins to defeat the true source of conflict' could be very plausible.
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To be honest, the idealistic side of me doesn't want the opposing royal family to die in either one, and if they could somehow make that work without the story quality dropping, I'd be happy.

They could give you an option whether to kill them or whether to take them prisoner, the twist side of the prisoner part being that you have to torture them later at your own hands.

Could be effective actually if played right, especially if it has effects on gameplay such as ruining your public image, making some allies not join you or fight you, maybe even having some party members betray you for thinking your a cruel and selfish S.O.B

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Hoshido: Hoshido is victorious, Garon and Marx at mimimum are unavoidably dead, possibly more. Player choices determine which if any Nohrian royals are still alive; if no one, Kamui assumes the throne and swears to lead Nohr to peaceful prosperity as the only thing he can do to make up for cutting down his family with his own hands. Otherwise he works tirelessly as a liason between the countries for the same reason. Bonus points if the Queen turned agressive somewhere and could be put down.

Nohr: Garon is dead. Marx takes the throne. Hoshido was ravaged while you had your little civil war; Ryouma and the Queen are dead. Depending on player actions Hinoka may be likewise; if not, there is hope for peace, and Kamui works tirelessly to make it happen; if so, Takumi is next in line and the outlook isn't promising.

3rd Option: After a series of unfortunate events that leads to both armies battered but somehow doesn't kill anyone recruitable (because hey, "contrivances") everyone fights resurrected dragons that in hindsight never should have been worshipped in the first place. In the end Kamui and Aqua kill/banish everything, the royal families lose their draconic privileges, the floating islands cease floating and everyone has to come together to find a new way of life in a changed world. Except Kamui, who for no adequately explained reason goes off on a journey and is never seen again.

All of the above: Real character endings for everyone, no insert-name-here BS like Robin's spouse in Awakening.

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Hoshido: Hoshido is victorious, Garon and Marx at mimimum are unavoidably dead, possibly more. Player choices determine which if any Nohrian royals are still alive; if no one, Kamui assumes the throne and swears to lead Nohr to peaceful prosperity as the only thing he can do to make up for cutting down his family with his own hands. Otherwise he works tirelessly as a liason between the countries for the same reason. Bonus points if the Queen turned agressive somewhere and could be put down.

Nohr: Garon is dead. Marx takes the throne. Hoshido was ravaged while you had your little civil war; Ryouma and the Queen are dead. Depending on player actions Hinoka may be likewise; if not, there is hope for peace, and Kamui works tirelessly to make it happen; if so, Takumi is next in line and the outlook isn't promising.

3rd Option: After a series of unfortunate events that leads to both armies battered but somehow doesn't kill anyone recruitable (because hey, "contrivances") everyone fights resurrected dragons that in hindsight never should have been worshipped in the first place. In the end Kamui and Aqua kill/banish everything, the royal families lose their draconic privileges, the floating islands cease floating and everyone has to come together to find a new way of life in a changed world. Except Kamui, who for no adequately explained reason goes off on a journey and is never seen again.

All of the above: Real character endings for everyone, no insert-name-here BS like Robin's spouse in Awakening.

Hoshido: Hoshido is victorious, Garon and Marx at mimimum are unavoidably dead, possibly more. Player choices determine which if any Nohrian royals are still alive; if no one, Kamui assumes the throne and swears to lead Nohr to peaceful prosperity as the only thing he can do to make up for cutting down his family with his own hands. Otherwise he works tirelessly as a liason between the countries for the same reason. Bonus points if the Queen turned agressive somewhere and could be put down.

Nohr: Garon is dead. Marx takes the throne. Hoshido was ravaged while you had your little civil war; Ryouma and the Queen are dead. Depending on player actions Hinoka may be likewise; if not, there is hope for peace, and Kamui works tirelessly to make it happen; if so, Takumi is next in line and the outlook isn't promising.

3rd Option: After a series of unfortunate events that leads to both armies battered but somehow doesn't kill anyone recruitable (because hey, "contrivances") everyone fights resurrected dragons that in hindsight never should have been worshipped in the first place. In the end Kamui and Aqua kill/banish everything, the royal families lose their draconic privileges, the floating islands cease floating and everyone has to come together to find a new way of life in a changed world. Except Kamui, who for no adequately explained reason goes off on a journey and is never seen again.

All of the above: Real character endings for everyone, no insert-name-here BS like Robin's spouse in Awakening.

I loled at the crossed off Mark because that was so BS in RD and out of character of Ike 'yeah leave my precious sister and my friends forever just to thought of by others in a bad fan-fic and apparently soren and ranulff are the only ones worth my time '
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I loled at the crossed off Mark because that was so BS in RD and out of character of Ike 'yeah leave my precious sister and my friends forever just to thought of by others in a bad fan-fic and apparently soren and ranulff are the only ones worth my time '

Oh, completely agreed.

I hate how IS pulled that card with Ike. To this day, that still makes no sense to me. Up until then, every indication was that he would look after the Greil Mercenaries since they were his "father's legacy" so to speak (in Mist's words). For him to just drop everything out of nowhere....still makes no sense to me.

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