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Sibling Fates

Mr. Myrmidon

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I don't want to kill Marx, Ryouma, Leon or Camilla. It's going to be so hard for me playing the Hoshido side. I feel a horrible dread when I think about it, but I want to see that side's story. And poor Ryouma. Nohr's the route I'm most interested in, but I don't want to kill him and he's the one most likely to get killed off. It's going to be that part where he's kneeling and the castle(?) is on fire around him, isn't it? Ugh...

I'm one of the few people who want to be able to recruit siblings from each side on the third route. I don't care if it's a join together and beat a common threat type story, either.

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I don't want to kill Marx, Ryouma, Leon or Camilla. It's going to be so hard for me playing the Hoshido side. I feel a horrible dread when I think about it, but I want to see that side's story. And poor Ryouma. Nohr's the route I'm most interested in, but I don't want to kill him and he's the one most likely to get killed off. It's going to be that part where he's kneeling and the castle(?) is on fire around him, isn't it? Ugh...

I'm one of the few people who want to be able to recruit siblings from each side on the third route. I don't care if it's a join together and beat a common threat type story, either.

I don't care either.

I never knew before that so many people dislike the whole "band together to defeat the ultimate bad guy" thing. I personally like it. Overly idealistic maybe, but I like happy endings.

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I don't mind the band together thing. But i also don't mind if the siblings die, or if they don't die, however i am against recruiting the siblings, and them dying prevents reasonable people complaining why they couldn't recruit them. But i am totally fine with whatever IS gives us.

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I really hope I don't have to kill Elise or Sakura. They both clearly care about Kamui quite a lot and I'd feel terrible about killing them. Hinoka too since she doesn't seem very old either. But part of it is seeing this in the fanart thread. I don't think I could kill her after seeing that. :/

But! Sparing them would kind of take out the point of having to pick a side, you know?

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However i just have to say liking the characters and not wanting them to die is not a good reason for the story or the designers to not kill them. People die it is a fact of life, bambi's mom dies, Mustafa dies, that unnamed person who was just 5 minutes ago was talking about his family, dies. And even the heroes (most of the time)will eventually die, I will die, you will die, everyone dies. Liking someone doesn't affect their mortality in real life, and it shouldn't here.

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Maybe it's that you can only use them in one route?

I think people are being a bit too gung-ho on how many people should die. Radiant Dawn did the tragedies of war thing fine to me and without unnecessary edge.

Not really. Unless you call the Blood Pact War shenanigans top-notch. Edited by Mayus
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I know, I wasn't implying they weren't going to.

Ryouma and Marx will very definitely die at some point.
Camilla and Hinoka probably will? I'm sure it'd be possible to convince them to join though.
Takumi and Leon will both probably be killed by Kamui. I still have the headcanon that Leon would be very willing - maybe even excited - to kill Kamui.
I don't think Elise or Sakura will? There's always the chance they will though.

Not talking about having both characters die no matter which route it is.

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Well my objection is more to term Bad Guys, I think it's a little childish to refer to factions as good/bad.

Consider this. If Camilla leads an army of revenant knights into Hoshido with the intent of conquering the nation, is it wrong to stop her? Is it any different than Minerva and Maria fighting against Michalis, or Nino fighting Lloyd/Linus?

I said 'bad guys' because typically they are serving people trying to conquer the world, if not actually planning to destroy it. It's possible you will kill some or all of your siblings (I already assume this for Marx and Ryoma) but I wouldn't classify those siblings as "people who need to die" because, as far as we know, they're all good natured people.

They should all die, you can't just have one or two of them live. Then what is the point of seperate games then.

I dunno, different classes, different stories, different game mechanics.

But part of it is seeing this in the fanart thread. I don't think I could kill her after seeing that. :/


S support with Hinoka confirmed.

Edited by NekoKnight
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I know, I wasn't implying they weren't going to.

Ryouma and Marx will very definitely die at some point.

Camilla and Hinoka probably will? I'm sure it'd be possible to convince them to join though.

Takumi and Leon will both probably be killed by Kamui. I still have the headcanon that Leon would be very willing - maybe even excited - to kill Kamui.

I don't think Elise or Sakura will? There's always the chance they will though.

Not talking about having both characters die no matter which route it is.

what I'm saying though is. What makes the little sisters any less likely to die, you could make a point that kaimui doesn't want to kill them but you can make that argument for nearly every sibling and nearly every Camus for that matter also Kaimui doesn't have to personally kill them. Its not a matter of is this a dark story, for me cause people die why does their age, likability or dare i say cuteness matter it makes it sad cause i like the characters but i hardly see how it makes it dark. You could say that the little sisters might not fight at all but i find that highly unlikely. Also them joining you is unlikely to me, as it breaks the spirt of the choice.
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I said 'bad guys' because typically they are serving people trying to conquer the world, if not actually planning to destroy the world. It's possible you will kill some or all of your siblings (I already assume this for Marx and Ryoma) but I wouldn't classify those siblings as "people who need to die" because, as far as we know, they're all good natured people.

Lots of bosses in the franchise were good natured people, but ultimately died opposing the heroes. I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree on this matter.

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I would like it if you had choices about the siblings. For instance, for the ones that regret having to fight you, either make it really hard to save them, or give some advantage towards killing them. Maybe you would have to go out of your way to save them, and choose between a happy ending and a handicap. Some could join, others would still attack you, and either way make it hard to keep me alive. That way there's incentive to save them, because if the devs made it so it's ambiguous which ones you could save, you would need to replay the game or chapter. Marx or Ryouma should die though.

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Lots of bosses in the franchise were good natured people, but ultimately died opposing the heroes. I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree on this matter.

To be clear, I'm not saying they can't die, just that I don't think a fight to the death for all of them is inevitable. I assume Kamui won't be super gung ho about invading his homeland even if you side with Nohr so there is a chance that his siblings aren't too big on the idea either. I'm imagining a situation like Lloyd in FE7, where you fight him but after explaining your case, you let him go and he doesn't bother you again (in part because Limstella kills him).

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I wouldn't be surprised if the Nohr siblings had to be killed on the Hoshido path, given that the two countries are so intertwined on that map (as opposed to Nohr side which forgets about Hoshido after the route split). It'll probably be something along the lines of meeting on the battlefield and wishing their was some other way (something FE has done before lots). It'll also likely be the Nohr sibling making that call, not the Avatar.

I think it's a logical decision also due to it adding urgency to the choice (it's one thing to walk away from your family/close friends but it's another to take their lives). This thread is the perfect example, because there's so many people here wanting to have their cake (join one of the sides) and eat it too (and then have the other side join). The hesitation people here are having about wanting to spare Elise, Hinoka, Sakura or Camilla because they're too nice or cute shows how much depth killing the siblings adds to the Ch.6 decision. What if you had to kill your sibling/friend? It's too perfect for this game to not ask the player.

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I want to see IS go all the way with the concept they are promoting with IF.

So yea, I do want to see the Hoshido siblings die on the Nohr route and the Nohr sibling die on the Hoshido route, if only because it is something different for FE.

And for the 3rd route I want Kamui to join the Nosferatu and kill all of the Hoshido and Nohr siblings, cause I think playing as the villain at least once for FE would be awesome.

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^ I'm not sure if killing all the siblings is exactly where they are going with the third path, the fighting all of both sides by siding with monsters seems to go against the" why would i want to tighten my own noose" comment form the 4 gamer interview which was said to inspire the route, but thats just my opinion of course.

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I could see you having to kill all but the youngest sibling in each route. I doubt Sakura or Elise will be recruitable outside of their side's path, but there's no way that Nintendo is going to let IS put in a part where you straight-up murder a young child. You probably won't fight them at all.

As for the other three, you may or may not be given an option to spare them, but I don't think any of the opposite path siblings will be recruitable at any point.

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I could see you having to kill all but the youngest sibling in each route. I doubt Sakura or Elise will be recruitable outside of their side's path, but there's no way that Nintendooing to let IS put in a part where you straight-up murder a young child. You probably won't fight them at all.

As for the other three, you may or may not be given an option to spare them, but I don't think any of the opposite path siblings will be recruitable at any point.

That's pretty much what I believe.

I don't think the opposite siblings will be recruitable on the path you're on, but that doesn't automatically mean they'll be killed of, and at least, I hope you have options in that regard.

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^ I'm not sure if killing all the siblings is exactly where they are going with the third path, the fighting all of both sides by siding with monsters seems to go against the" why would i want to tighten my own noose" comment form the 4 gamer interview which was said to inspire the route, but thats just my opinion of course.

You can ask if it's a good idea to make the Golden Ending DLC.

And a path where Kamui joins the faction the monsters belong to wouldn't automatically be tightening his own noose, as he calls it. We don't know what the monsters are out for, both kingdoms could have their share of turncoats, and we don't know about any civilizations besides the two kingdoms.

You could frame it as:

''Kamui is disgruntled with both kingdoms and so embraces his draconic side, leading the forces of monsterland against all who oppose them''

Another is:

''The two kingdoms need to be destroyed to end the bloody era. Too much of Hoshido's leadership is spiteful to Nohr; throwing the kingdom's agricultural weight around. Nohr is on a Lebensraum hunting spree, trampling everybody in the way. The monsters are a counter against both kingdoms, both being labeled unfit to lead the next era. Kamui is convinced to join the monster faction, with turncoats and citizens of lands hostile to both kingdoms coming along.''

Edited by Mayus
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Or third route has Kamui join a neutral third nation which eventually, with Kamui's aid, end the war.

They should all die, you can't just have one or two of them live. Then what is the point of seperate games then.

Hoshido doesn't want to ruin Nohr.

Nohr story is you changing Nohr.

So someone has to live to run Hoshido and the same for Nohr, so can't kill all siblings.

Edited by Pretty_Handsome
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Hoshido doesn't want to ruin Nohr.

We don't know what the policy for Nohr after Hoshido's victory is. It may be that the royal line is wiped out, Nohr sends reparations, and Hoshido keeps a tight grip on Nohr.

The Allies did not leave Germany alone after Hitler's suicide.

So someone has to live to run Hoshido and the same for Nohr, so can't kill all siblings.

Have you never heard of dismantlement? Or oversight?

Edited by Mayus
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I just hope you don't have to kill Elise on the Hoshidan route. I don't know if I can do it :(

Can the imoutos be married?

I know, I wasn't implying they weren't going to.

Ryouma and Marx will very definitely die at some point.

Camilla and Hinoka probably will? I'm sure it'd be possible to convince them to join though.

Takumi and Leon will both probably be killed by Kamui. I still have the headcanon that Leon would be very willing - maybe even excited - to kill Kamui.

I don't think Elise or Sakura will? There's always the chance they will though.

Not talking about having both characters die no matter which route it is.

Why does everyone think

that Leon wants to be a murderous asshole


S support with Hinoka confirmed.


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It's pointless in that A) The whole marketing angle of this is that your choosing between your two sets of siblings from two different countries that are at war with each other and dealing with the consequences of that decision, and B) Sparing them is pointless in of itself since they're going to hate you and your other siblings anyways, especially since you will eventually TAKE OVER THEIR COUNTRY AND IMPOSE YOUR REIGN ON THEIR CITIZENS. If you even let them outside of whatever jail they would inevitably be put in they'd run off and get all rebellious and shit. It's literally an inevitability.

Also, wow, way to throw out names there buddy. The torture thing was an off-handed remark because I couldn't think of anything else at the time. Regardless, there is no reason you should be able to spare your other siblings and be bros4lyfe. Disregarding the objections from the other set of siblings who your not murdering horribly, as I mentioned before, if they were let outside of whatever prison they would be put in, all the citizens from their country would look up to them and beg on their knees for rebellion and in that situation which you would choose: The asshole who took over your country and killed your soldiers/friends or your citizens who look up to you and revere you?

A) And I'm saying there are ways to show the consequences that don't involved killing them and especially don't involve torture.

B) We have no proof that you'll take over their country and impose your reign. There are many ways it could play out, especially in the case where you side with Hoshido. For example, who's to say Garon's not a bad king and their citizens (and maybe some of your adopted siblings) won't agree that the country is better off without him.

Of course some of the citizens of the losing side will be bitter no matter what, but if Kamui decides to leave behind one of that country's own to rule (which admittedly is a risk, albeit not until their army recovers) and gradually gives them back their autonomy, they'd be less likely to rebel.

You can't see why Kamui (or the player) would have reservations about murdering their own family? Winning a war against the enemy nation doesn't mean you're going to go on to be a ruthless dictator afterwards. Hoshido likely won't take over Nohr in their route and Nohr is going to be focused on internal reform, with Garon implied to be an antagonist for BOTH routes.

No one is suggesting you should be able to be "bros4lyfe" with the family you betrayed but it's hardly inevitable that another war will break out unless you kill every last member of your family. Give peace a chance.


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