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FE14 Hype Train!


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The characters for me. Although I'm not that great with Japanese so when I import I'm probably going to have some difficulties understanding everything with them.

Same here. While I mostly play video games for the story provided it's one of the central things in the game (as in, I don't go to a typical Mario game to experience a good tale), I'll still try playing this in Japanese even though I'll only understand fractions. I don't expect too much from a Fire Emblem game, but I'll at the very least be entertained, I'm sure.

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As much as the 6+months wait grinds my gears, I've got a shit ton of backlogged games to bang through so I'm not gonna be short of stuff to do.

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I'm looking forward to going back to traditional-ish FE (Nohr) the most. Also, the new weapon system (and the apparent balance) is pleasing so far.

It's a long shot, but maaaaybe there's some way I can get Special Edition...

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Spending the six months waiting for the NA version planning my units, their classes, their pair-ups, and everything else related to them!

I think the planning might be my favorite part of any video game XD;

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I'm really looking forward to the Nohr route's story, and how the new gameplay balance works. Since I'm importing FE14, I'll get to find out about the balance before the story. (I can't read Japanese, but I'm not waiting 6+ months to get my hands on this game!)

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I gonna rush through Nohr for the story and then fully concentrating on completing Hoshido thoroughly, while Nohr's plot sound more intriguing I don't like the outdated gameplay style. No discount for foreigner buying both version, my credit card is crying and so am I. T_T

Edited by Awakener_
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As much as the 6+months wait grinds my gears, I've got a shit ton of backlogged games to bang through so I'm not gonna be short of stuff to do.

Same here I still have Pikmin 3, DK Country Tropical Freeze, Batman Arkham City, and Captain Toad. I also have to 100% Majora's Mask still on 3DS. I'll definetely have stuff to do. Although I'll be getting the special edition/ limited FE if edition if they make such a thing in the US.

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I'll probably read about classes and about the basic premisse of the game (as in, what the first chapters are about), then pour all of my hype in Heroes of the Storm until FE14 is released outside Japan.

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I'll probably read about classes and about the basic premisse of the game (as in, what the first chapters are about), then pour all of my hype in Heroes of the Storm until FE14 is released outside Japan.

All bout dat HotS hype! I got into the alpha, but haven't ever been able to play due to school. By the time I'm going to be able to play (June 6th), I will have lost special snowflake status :c

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Oh, I can't wait for Nohr. Arenas! Turn based maps! Lunatic Phoenix Ignorance Run! Also, IS managed the removal of weapon uses much better than I thought they would, though I'm not too pleased about the new weapon triangle. The new weapon distribution of the classes looks interesting, though. Pegasus Knights with bows is pretty sweet. Also, archers might finally get recognition thanks to the nerfing of javelins and hand-axes. Might. FE doesn't seem to like archers much. Still, magic is going to be epic win in this game.

(I'm crying softly because waiting for the NA release will be actual hell. Also because I am poor.)

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Same here I still have Pikmin 3, DK Country Tropical Freeze, Batman Arkham City, and Captain Toad. I also have to 100% Majora's Mask still on 3DS. I'll definetely have stuff to do. Although I'll be getting the special edition/ limited FE if edition if they make such a thing in the US.

I've got a backlog building up as well. Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai Remix comes out this September, Senran Kagura 2 comes out in America this August and I might consider getting Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon once more details come out.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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I'm interested in what they'll do with the campaign that has you side with neither kingdom. Will Kamui build up forces to conquer both, one at a time? Would be pretty cool, turning him into a smaller-scale Alexander the Great.

...also, it sounds like something you'd expect from an SMT game. : o

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I'm looking forward to all of it of course. Story, gameplay, characters, getting to actually use my Japanese at length for the first time since Awakening, you name it. If I had to pick just one...probably the supports. I imagine I'll miss the finer points of the story, but I expect the supports to be translated on the forums while I sit here wanting to help but lack the self-confidence to contribute.

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I'm hype. I've enjoyed almost all fire emblems to come out in the us (sorry fe10...I beat you..but yeeesh I don't think it was worth it). I see no reason I won't enjoy if and I'll probably replay it many times.

Edited by Eveangaline
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