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Kamui's Personality


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What do you think Kamui's personality will be like?

I think he will be kind of generic like Robin, but I hope based on dialogue options and other choices you can mold Kamui however you want. (for example if you chose sacrifice Emmeryn it would make you a bit more cold but better at being a tactician)

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This probably doesn't mean anything, but in the offical art we saw during the direct, male Kamui had a frown on his face while female Kamui was smiling. It might be that male Kamui has a more serious personality compared to his counterpart.

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I got the impression he'll have the personality of your common manga protag. Dense, naive, stupidly nice...

Hopefully, he will be more like Marth, that's a kind of character that I can like.

It would be pretty cool if his personality changed according to the dialogue options.

Edited by B.Leu
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I'm thinking the personality will be "lord". He just looks like he'll be a generic protagonist, and not a whole lot else (other than a badass that can become a dragon).

Dialogue choices would be great, but I'll get the feeling that they'll either not be in the game, or absolutely meaningless. The idea that Kamui's dialogue changes based on different decisions you make is really cool. Sort of a build-a-personality system, however I'd love it if stats or skills affected Kamui's dialogue.

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I would like an option in the character design where you can pick a personality (happy, serious, cynical, name some things) and that that choice would actually affect how your MU talks, but I don't think we'll be seeing that

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I would like them to be a bit "Daenerys Targaryen"-ish,like it wold suit them so much,very brave,stands up for that they think and such,doesn't back down,makes bold decisions,not for their people but because it's what's right,abolishing slavery,riding/becoming dragons. Also,compassion,and a lot of it~ Wouldn't that be interesting?

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Dialogue choices would be nice (especially if it was the Dragon Age style of doing where it ranged from Good Guy Greg to Evil Bastard to snarky as fuck) but I think IS is focused on making Kamui an actual character that's simply customizable.

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If he will be blank like Robin many hopes will be destoyed. Also he will be terrible as a characters, so I hope not.

Edited by ENS
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Any hopes I had for Kamui having an interesting personality were dashed with "Mysterious Charisma".

Hopefully we'll get to choose personal skill because I do not want Kamui's personality to just be mysterious.

EDIT: Apparently the skill is referring to Kamui's great charisma instead. Which is not only laughable, but extremely bland.

Edited by Honey Bunny
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I could see Kamui having dialogue options for the in game conversations but I can't see them altering all possible supports to accommodate the players' chosen personality. It won't work to have Kamui be a ruthless, snarky asshole in game but have him be "I fight for my friends" in supports.

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Probably the typical good guy lord, as long as they're not constantly praised and loved by everyone I won't be terribly bothered.

Isn't that a staple in the series though? I agree with you, but I don't find it likely.

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I really hope he is not the typical good guy that everyone loves and play the straight man to the other character's quirks like Robin did, but I don't have much fain in IS when it comes to this.

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Isn't that a staple in the series though? I agree with you, but I don't find it likely.

The good guy lord? I would say so, Marth, Roy, Eliwood, Chrom are pretty much just nice guys (not that this is inherently a bad thing). And the being praised thing is just because that's how Awakening treated the avatar.

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I am personally hoping for a more silent character (not a fully silent protag, obviously), but I'm not sure if that's very likely considering Kamui is a prince/princess. I'd think, especially after seeing their own father being killed, Kamui would be more silent/serious, even while being a stereotypical goodie-goodie lord.

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I for one don't really need Kamui to have a "personality," and in fact as the player-character, it's possible the less characterization they get the better.

Playing a game is very different from reading a book or watching a movie, but even in those media it's possible to have a main character just be a conduit through which we experience the world. It's not a bad thing. Maybe I just have Mad Max on the brain with the new movie out, but basically in every Mad Max movie, Max barely talks and acts only at key points, because the main character is really the world built around him. A lot of games do this for the player you control, and it's not necessary for that character to always be going "well I think THIS," for you to imagine how they would plausibly react to their surroundings. It's like wanting Link to talk in a Zelda game.

In fact, the thing what annoys me the most in main characters is when they're given some stock "relatable" character trait, and it just makes them kinda whiny and entitled - I'm thinking Tidus in FFX, Harry Potter, maybe Naruto. Awakening didn't go down that road; the worst you can say about Robin is that they were a big dork.

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Hopefully, he will be more like Marth

Some parts of him at least. I wouldn't mind his "know thy place, know thy part"-mindset. But I'm fine without having another clueless lord.

I for one don't really need Kamui to have a "personality," and in fact as the player-character, it's possible the less characterization they get the better.

As the Avatar is the main character this time around, less characterization is not necessarily better, and it's highly unlikely that will be the case. FE isn't Zelda after all...

As long as 'Kamui' has a prominent quirk that actually affects the story in some way, I'll be happy. I won't get my hopes up though...

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Dialogue choices could be awesome; I'd want them to affect the relationships with each character.

Im rooting for it so hard, its probably becoming irritating to members here lmao. Yeah dialogue trees. If we cant get those, can i at least have Silent MU option? But really, i want to be able to determine the personality through dialogue choices. Just three options would be neat. Idealistic Nice Lord option, Morally Grey Answer, or Mr./Miss Indecisive.

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The good guy lord? I would say so, Marth, Roy, Eliwood, Chrom are pretty much just nice guys (not that this is inherently a bad thing). And the being praised thing is just because that's how Awakening treated the avatar.

From what I remember, people kept praising Ike no matter what he did, which became incredibly tiresome and a reason for why I don't like the Tellius series that much.

I for one don't really need Kamui to have a "personality," and in fact as the player-character, it's possible the less characterization they get the better.

I know this works for some people, but I really don't like self-insert characters. I can never feel like I'm the real character, and as a result a bland character becomes just that, bland and uninteresting; it becomes even worse when everyone loves the character for no real reason.

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From what I remember, people kept praising Ike no matter what he did, which became incredibly tiresome

Are you secretly Micaiah?

As for me, I'd like to see a main character that has goals and sticks to them, and also has half a brain to know:

  • when someone likes you
  • when someone is obviously bad
  • when someone is obviously hiding something
  • if your mortal enemy tries to pause the battle to monologue, you ignore them and continue fighting
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I personally hated Eliwood he was a perfect person that was so nice and everyone loved him.

We at least know this won't be the case with Kamui, what with all the suspicions, betrayals, etc.

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I definitely hope Kamui has a well-developed, non-generic, non-silent personality. I'd be fine with loads of dialog choices to customise a personality too, but the game's support system doesn't feel like it lends itself to that, so I'd take well-developed over generic any day.

A lot of games do this for the player you control, and it's not necessary for that character to always be going "well I think THIS," for you to imagine how they would plausibly react to their surroundings. It's like wanting Link to talk in a Zelda game.

In fact, the thing what annoys me the most in main characters is when they're given some stock "relatable" character trait, and it just makes them kinda whiny and entitled - I'm thinking Tidus in FFX, Harry Potter, maybe Naruto. Awakening didn't go down that road; the worst you can say about Robin is that they were a big dork.

Funny, I'm the opposite. I wish Link talked, and I think Tidus and Harry Potter are excellent characters who enhanced my enjoyment of the works they're in, in no small part because they weren't a generic pile of bland, positive character traits like main characters too often are.

Just because a character is your eyes into a world doesn't mean that character is you. Winston Smith is most definitely your "eyes" into the world of 1984 and a far more effective pair of eyes than Link's are into the world of Zelda, IMO, but he still has his own distinct personality and motivations.

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