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The "Amie" mechanics and the double standards of some


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What I really love about all this is that you can fornicate with women to collect half-naked pictures in the Witcher and no one will complain but slap a face touching thing and suddenly its an abomination. It's quite litterally eye-rolling how many people are harping on this game for "pandering to the base" when so many western games can do the exact same thing.

This is similar (hell, it's lighter) as other western "sex" mini-game stuff. I don't see how the "sex QTE" from God of War or the Witcher "sex card collection" are somehow any more dignified than this.

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You're comparing Fire Emblem to Witcher III and God of War.

Something's wrong here.

Not that I don't think the face-rubbing is overblown anyway.

I think he's just trying to say that numerous games do this kind of pandering but seem to be accepted. But apparently if Fire Emblem does it, it's "weird".

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I think he's just trying to say that numerous games do this kind of pandering but seem to be accepted. But apparently if Fire Emblem does it, it's "weird".

B.Leu's post says it all.

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I think he's just trying to say that numerous games do this kind of pandering but seem to be accepted. But apparently if Fire Emblem does it, it's "weird".

To be fair, Fire Emblem has long been a series that never went anywhere near offering much fanservice in game. Perhaps a few jokes and a single pornstar-breasted villainess, but before FE13, it never really advertised itself to prurient interests. I like fanservicey designs as much as the next guy, but if you consider how people like to stick to tradition, it becomes understandable how people might overreact to Fire Emblem "pandering to the base".

Edited by Tessie Spoon
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I don't recall anyone here specifically defending the examples you used there. I'm personally not offended by this whole face time thing, but my most basic understanding is that the outrage is more focused on the notion that it's (potentially) watering down the essence of the series as a whole. Not simply because these elements exist, but because they're being included (and in broader ways than ever before) in a long running series that never had to use them as a crutch to rake in easy sales until recently. In short, it's polarizing to many longtime fans of the series.

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Well the issue is that the context isn't gritty like those afformented games unless for some reason the game really is that dark. Without the context it feels out of place in this universe unlike what god of war and witcher try to do (and of those two witcher 2 and 3 specifically only pull it off somewhat tastefully). This ties into the issue of a clash between gameplay and artstyle. In addition this sort of idea is already predisposed as something for otakus (but I realize I might use it to see the full representation of each character's full 3d model and these are easily the best models in the franchise by far) which is inherently perceived as negative by other groups of people.

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1: "I play Fire Emblem."

2: "Uh... cool."

1: "Wanna see?"

2: "No, thanks."

1: "Here, just check it out for a second."

2: "No, just get that weird sexual anime crap away from me."

3: "Hey, let's steal some cars and **** some ******* in GTA."

2: "Cool! It's gonna be so hardcore and awesome!"

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Not only is the TC simply copy-pasting but this topic was made 6 minutes after our new user here joined. No need to take such obvious flame bait.

Edited by BrightBow
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