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inigo look alike revealed kinda


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Is it really that bad that not!Severa and not!Inigo are in this game? Going by Luna's design at least, they are clearly cameos / throwbacks to popular Awakening characters and not "lazy recycled designs that look waaaay too similar to insert Awakening character here". Why do people care so much?


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Should've realized this sooner, but Severa = セレナ --> Selēnē, the Greek moon goddess whose Roman equivalent was... drumroll please... Luna.

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i hope it's secretly severa and inigo.

I don't believe I've even seen a picture of this Severa look alike. Does anyone know where I can find one, or provide me with a screenshot? And about that Inigo look alike... they look pretty similar to me, but I don't know what that could mean!

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omg it's like they literally tried just copy-pasted severa with a few face tweaks XD. I don't care too much, but I can't help it when she looks like my favorite Awakening character!

The red hair, the dip in hair in the middle, and the side bangs. Not to mention the pigtails and red hair that stands out! omg pls just make it severa

edit: wait, even the frown is there XD

Edited by Carter
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I'm starting to think this game must take place in the same world as Shadow Dragon / Gaiden / Thracia / Awakening etc, just on a different continent. Luna and this guy could be the versions of their characters born into the world that was saved in Awakening. They were given new names to differentiate them with their adult versions who traveled back in the timeline and remained there. Then they grew up and traveled to the If continent.

I know the runes used in magic and such are different, but maybe that can be explained by location difference. This is the best way I can grapple with the presence of these characters.

I really like the theory that these two are Inigo and Severa who grew up in a good future. Also, Inigo clone looks to be a Nohr character and Luna is dressed in Hoshido fashion so that would lend even greater mystery to their identities if they are never allowed to interact

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Huh? Luna looks Nohr to me. That armor doesn't look Japanese. Also, she's part of the visiting avatar's forces, and the visiting avatar was from Nohr.


Also, I think you can see Luna's map sprite among Nohr's troops in the map pictures from Charlotte's profile.


Thinking about it, if they really are directly connected to the Awakening characters, it might be a stunt to get Awakening's players to go through Nohr too, rather than just Hoshido.

Edited by NeonZ
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Her armour has the cross/star symbol that can be found on the two Nohrian knights, Elfie and Benoit, and as said that's a Nohr player's My Castle. It's possible, if the other guy really is Inigo, that both games have two awakening children and/or one or more of them are available in both games. There was another sprite called Odin who people have been saying might be Owain although I'm not seeing it myself.

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Her armour has the cross/star symbol that can be found on the two Nohrian knights, Elfie and Benoit, and as said that's a Nohr player's My Castle. It's possible, if the other guy really is Inigo, that both games have two awakening children and/or one or more of them are available in both games. There was another sprite called Odin who people have been saying might be Owain although I'm not seeing it myself.

Odin is playable on the Nohr side, in any case.

Why do you say it's a Nohr castle exactly?

Edit: also for comparison sake:


Owain as a grandmaster in Awakening(closest I could find, with grey hair for some reason)



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Doesn't the video explicitly point it out? Or was that in another segment?

Edit: When they check the weapon shop right afterwards it's explicitly pointed out that it's Nohr. Although there's a scene cut, so that could be yet another castle.

Edited by NeonZ
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Why do you say it's a Nohr castle exactly?

In the video, the Hoshido player they were using to demonstrate went to visit another castle and spoke to Luna, which is where the image is from. It's possible that the castle they're visiting is another Hoshido one but it's highly unlikely. The surroundings are darker and drearier, dead trees rather than sakura trees and it seems to be night rather than day, stuff like that, plus I believe you see Nyx running a shop as well. Not to mention, they presumably want to show off the differences between Nohr's and Hoshido's castles.

I'm not sure if it's outright stated that it's a Nohr castle, but all the evidence points to it.

Edited by capmalachi
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In the video, the Hoshido player they were using to demonstrate went to visit another castle and spoke to Luna, which is where the image is from. It's possible that the castle they're visiting is another Hoshido one but it's highly unlikely. The surroundings are darker and drearier, dead trees rather than sakura trees and it seems to be night rather than day, stuff like that, plus I believe you see Nyx running a shop as well. Not to mention, they presumably want to show off the differences between Nohr's and Hoshido's castles.

I'm not sure if it's outright stated that it's a Nohr castle, but all the evidence points to it.

Okay, I agree actually, I just wanted to know your reasons. Finding solid distinctions between the two could be a pretty important factor in guessing some characters' affiliation, like in this case. Although Luna does appear in Charlotte's profile as some people pointed out, so I think in her case it's not a must.

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^Fair enough, I just wanted to be thorough with my reasons for thinking it was a Nohr castle, especially since any one of those reasons individually wouldn't really be convincing.

Anyway, looking at your edit of your last post, I can definitely see why people think Odin is Owain. I'm still not going to say it's him by any means, not until we see his actual portrait, but the sprite is very similar.

It's unlikely but I'd actually love it if Luna was recruitable on both routes. Severa was always one of my favourite characters in awakening. Not so bothered about not!Inigo.

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^Fair enough, I just wanted to be thorough with my reasons for thinking it was a Nohr castle, especially since any one of those reasons individually wouldn't really be convincing.

Anyway, looking at your edit of your last post, I can definitely see why people think Odin is Owain. I'm still not going to say it's him by any means, not until we see his actual portrait, but the sprite is very similar.

It's unlikely but I'd actually love it if Luna was recruitable on both routes. Severa was always one of my favourite characters in awakening. Not so bothered about not!Inigo.

Honestly I haven't seen a lot of people advocating for that theory except for me:D Then again I don't really go to other forums than here.

I don't know about dual recruitment for any of them, since Nohr already has a lot of characters available for Hoshido as of now. Plus the only reason I can see them bringing back Owain as something other than a Myrmidon is because that class isn't available for Nohr and they wanted all three on the same side

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Should've realized this sooner, but Severa = セレナ --> Selēnē, the Greek moon goddess whose Roman equivalent was... drumroll please... Luna.

Nice catch there, I'm really hoping that the whole "This is Severa from the good timeline" thing turns out to be true.

It seems all of the throwbacks include popular children characters and are all part of the Nohr side excluding Lucina, so maybe the Hoshidan side has 3 popular adult characters excluding Male MU? I dunno, my original theory was that they're mercenaries that you encounter and can hire in both games and that changes the armor they wear respectively. Both not-Inigo and not-Severa seem to be a part of the same class which I'm assuming is Hero or a rank below that.

Hm, gah I dunno, so much speculation! I need a better image of not-Inigo to even be sure that it's not-Inigo as the only resemblance is in the face and the back-end of the hair, the front bit looks different but that could be because of the angle his head is facing or because of his age in this game compared to Awakening, I dunno, not-Severa also looks slightly younger, the lips are different too but I'm just nitpicking at this point...

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Honestly I haven't seen a lot of people advocating for that theory except for me:D Then again I don't really go to other forums than here.

I don't know about dual recruitment for any of them, since Nohr already has a lot of characters available for Hoshido as of now. Plus the only reason I can see them bringing back Owain as something other than a Myrmidon is because that class isn't available for Nohr and they wanted all three on the same side

Maybe the devs realized that leaving Owain in a physical class was actually a terrible idea. GG sword hand

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I hope Hoshido at least gets something. Hoshido is supposed to appeal to awakening fans more than Nohr so it'd make sense for pseudo-awakening characters to show up there more than in Nohr.

To be honest I'd be surprised if Luna was in both games, I was just saying I'd love it. It makes sense to me that most neutral characters are from Nohr though. Anyone who can be used in both games is presumably more loyal to Kamui than their country, and since Kamui has lived in Nohr for most of their life it makes sense for people who are loyal to them to come from there. Look at the characters who are confirmed neutral: Kamui's personal maid and butler, a childhood friend, a man who is probably a surrogate dad. Aqua has plot reasons presumably, so the only odd one out is Suzukaze, although considering he betrays his twin brother to join you in Nohr he must have a pretty good reason. Way I figure it, as long as Nohr still has just as many exclusive units as Hoshido, it's alright if most of the neutral units also come from there.

As for Odin/Owain, he was always tilted towards magic thanks to his mother. Maybe growing up in more peaceful times gave him the opportunity to nurture these talents?

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I hope Hoshido at least gets something. Hoshido is supposed to appeal to awakening fans more than Nohr so it'd make sense for pseudo-awakening characters to show up there more than in Nohr.

Like I said before, the point of their addition might be to add something in Nohr that specifically appeals to Awakening-only fans in order to get them to play it too. Hoshido players can still get them through streetpass too.

And there's always Amiibos and probably DLC for actual Awakening characters.

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