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The confrontations with Kamui's family and any other enemy playable characters.


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I imagine that's also around the time were you meet Hinoka and all your other siblings and Hinoka breaks down in your arms and then you begin to feel guilty because you know you bought the Nohr version and you'll be putting her through the same pain again and- GAH THE FEELS!!

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Elise: Nii chan... It hurts...

Sakura: Nii sama... I'm sorry-

Takumi: I should never have trusted you... and yet...

Leon: How could you...

Hinoka: Little brother... Why... I... I... I did this... for you...

Camilla: But I loved you... Little... Brother...

Marx: _______... You truly.... grew strong...

Ryouma: _______... I understand...

Change nii chan to nee chan and brother to sister for FeMui.

Oh god... the tears...

And this may be a little off topic but there are the reactions of the direct subordinate's to think of, like Oboro and Hinata's or Harold and Elfie's. Y'know, have them be upset and stuff like that when you start the battle.

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I highly doubt they wouldn't give Hoshido the screen time it needed especially when Kamui has years of memories of Nohr. Despite it looking way more in Nohr's favour from Kamui's point of view, we will be introduced to both these families for the first time so it won't really matter in the end because we as the players will have as much knowledge of Nohr as we have of Hoshido.

Anyone got more angsty death headcanons? Oh or maybe angst reunion headcanons? Anything to fill the sadness meter for when I play the game. i am a terrible person

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The main issue is I don't see how Kamui could have possibly developed an emotional connection with his Hoshido family on the Nohr route, seeing them for the first time since childhood in the heat of battle.

I really hope being blood related isn't the only reason why Kamui would ever consider joining the Hoshido side. Family doesn't matter more than friends when you don't know your kin, no matter how connected by blood, contrary to what Japan seems to believe.

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The game should force you to kill the enemy siblings so you can feel the full effect of the choice you made. Also, from a logical standpoint, sparing them would be a bad move because they could build up a new army to destroy you and locking them up is worse than killing them.

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On the topic of these family confrontation death quotes, I wonder how they'll handle it with Kamui's Game Over quotes if they're taken out by one of their siblings. To the very least I think they should be a little lengthier or more in depth than normal death quotes.

For example, if they're struck down by Hinoka on the Nohr route, she breaks down crying after realizing that after so many years of waiting for their younger sibling to come back, she ended up losing them again forever, but this time through her own hands. Bonus points as its implied through her profile that she became a pegasus warrior because Kamui was kidnapped.

Or perhaps on the other end of the spectrum, when confronted on the battlefield on the Hoshido side, Elise, in a fit of rage after Kamui wounds and/or kills one of her other siblings or subordinates, attacks them. If Kamui loses, they end up fatally wounded, realizing what she had just done, Elise desperately tries to heal them, repeatedly calling out their name, but to no avail. The same could be said for Sakura as I believe on the TCG it shows both of them being able to fight as well as use staves.

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I really hope being blood related isn't the only reason why Kamui would ever consider joining the Hoshido side. Family doesn't matter more than friends when you don't know your kin, no matter how connected by blood, contrary to what Japan seems to believe.

Well, there's the fact that Nohr is invading Hoshido. It's hard to imagine a benevolent aggressor, especially with somebody like Garon in charge. In the terms of the "Hoshido versus Nohr" situation exclusively, siding with Hoshido is seen as the more "just" cause.

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I believe they would add the confrontation with characters, I mean they are important characters so I see why not.

Hee hee... I'm already imagining how Etika will react upon seeing the death of a character he likes.

Edited by Mystical_Ice
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Cyan, you are a visionary. Dat sweet drama.

Still, six chapters to convince you that betraying your familly, the one who know you, loved you, educated you, is pretty short, and stupid. I hope their writing is good because seriously...

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I really hope being blood related isn't the only reason why Kamui would ever consider joining the Hoshido side. Family doesn't matter more than friends when you don't know your kin, no matter how connected by blood, contrary to what Japan seems to believe.

From what we know so far, they're the victims of an unprovoked invasion, which most likely helps making the decision seem easier.

Also, contrary to popular belief, I doubt Kamui's childhood in Nohr has been all sunshine and rainbows, what with Garon and all.

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They could use aqua as a reason to side with Hoshido (since she was kidnapped by Hoshido). Don't remember if it said when she joins you.

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You at least meet her before the split, and seem to have a chapter with her with no Kaimui in sight that also seems to be before the split oh and has a stat screen at level one. Yeah i think she will join before the split.though she could leave for a bit i guess.

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I hope it's not just "execute everyone in their royal family" (not likely), nor "everyone gets to live" (more likely), but somewhere in the middle. Imagine Marx having to grieve the loss of Elise and Leon, and resolving to hunt down Kamui no matter what. Imagine Takumi being the eldest living Hoshido royal, his distrust grown to hatred. Imagine the imoutos being left by themselves!

I hate the concept of "fridging" a character just to motivate another character, but going halfsies like this would both show the consequences of war, and leverage the strength of the remaining characters. Plus everyone can stay alive in the third path anyway

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I'm imagining my F!Kamui having to fight Marx anger and pain in his eyes while she tries to remain cold like she always does.

Then they fight swords clashing blood and sweat dripping she tries not to look at him like her brother but like an enemy.

Then he falls to the ground she runs and catches him:

"No! Marx, brother please don't.."

"I'm so proud of you. You've become so strong."

His eyes close and she yells for help and kneeling his body on her arms she begs:

"Marx brother it will be fine please keep your eyes open look at me. MARX!"

But it's too late his body limp in her arms. She has just lost the man who had been her brother.

Tears roll down her eyes her sister Hinoka kneels next to her a hand on her shoulder trying to calm her while she sobs and craddles the body in her arms.

They had won... But at what cost?

Damn my imagination! And damn this whole thing! I need tissues.

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I'd be interested in seeing some sort of choice in the matter where you have the option of letting them live, but doing so will put you at a disadvantage.

Say, you have a chapter with Marx on the opposing side. You can forego fighting him and just finish the chapter objectives without doing so, but if you do he'll come back the next chapter stronger and much harder to avoid.

Or say you let Camilla live for one battle, but she comes back in another with a large group of reinforcements.

Have a chapter where killing Leon is the objective to finish, but offer an alternate objective that's much harder to accomplish.

Have it so you know if a certain character is left alive they'll end up dealing a huge blow to your army so you're forced to choose between taking that and letting your comrades suffer the consequences or protecting your side and offing the character.

Maybe even throw some of that convoluted FE10 stuff in there where you have to do this in Chapter X, then talk to character Y in another battle, then if you fight so and so with Kamui they'll live. So the default is that they die, but there are secret scenarios where you can keep them alive.

Let chapters change depending on whether your siblings are alive or not. You can make it through the game with all of them still standing, but you're going to have to work harder in order to achieve that.

Alternatively, maybe the default is that they die, but if you play through the side they're on beforehand you can let them live. Like if you play through the Nohr route then on the same game cartridge you download the Hoshido DLC and play through that you're able to let the Nohr siblings live, whereas if you play through Hoshido first you're forced to kill them.

Aside from that, I agree with Lynsanity that it would be interesting seeing only certain characters die and the others being forced to live with it.

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It would be good if you were able to chose to kill them or if like in Pelleas case you could save them on a second playthrough or not of course this save them path will be hard like put the right unit on the right panel or make x talk to them on chapter x/y and y fight them on chapter y/x you know stuff that only with a lot of hardwork you would be able to pull of. But I think second playthrough bonus could be used or even people who just stay death no matter what.

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I'll be more serious now.

Hinata: (vs Nohrmui) Takumisama doesn't trust you, but I don't care about that prinky-prinky's judgement! Now, Ha-YYYYAAAAAAAAGH!

(death) Agh! Takumi... sama...! Rethink-

Oboro: You Nohrian scum, I knew you were always Nohrian at heart!

(dying) I... I... I-! (indignantly)

Tsubaki: My job is to kill you, you.know, but what is Sakura hime's true motive? Is she simply acting under Mikoto-sama's orders?

(death) Ahhh... Was it right... would she really...

Kazahana: For Sakura-hime!

(death) Sakura... hime... she truly cared.... you...

Harold: Elise's justice will be served through me!

(death) Egads... did Elise... care-?

Elfie: Elise has ordered this. I will do it to the best of my ability.

(death) Elise... She cared of you, I-

Belka: I'm not TOO sure why, but... HYAAAAGH!

(death) If Camilla cared, would she...?

Charlotte: (femui) Hmph. Odd motives, but money's involved!

(mamui) Ooooh, charming! Why would she kill you?!

(death) Aaaa- agh...! Camilla... coerced ... ...!

These aren't as good as the previous, but I don't have much to go off for their personalities...

I'm also sure I skipped some subordinates.

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I agree with Luun that it should be much harder to allow your siblings to live, or have alternative objectives that are much harder, secret scenarios that are easily noticed if you pay careful attention. And I also like the idea that all your actions have consequences and serious repercussions for the story.

I don't agree with the idea that you have to play one route to allow them to live on the other route though because it feels like you would have to pay to get the choice you want. Nohr and Hoshido should stay as their own games, I don't want to pay extra just to get the ending I desire, especially if it's supposed to be a bonus for people who buy both routes because it'll seem like both routes of IF are one game when they're supposed to be two.

Also here's a little angst for all of you wanting so despair lol

You're not quite sure what you've done. You don't think you want to know, but the one thing that stands out is your red gloves.

Wait, they weren't red. You've never owned red gloves in your life. You notice the blood soaked in your gloves. What were you doing? Where are you?

Ah that's right. You're on a battlefield. Your name is Kamui and you think you've made a terrible mistake. You remember because someone is crying out for you. The authority in the voice disappeared the moment you stabbed him, you remember, and for a while there was nothing but a painful silence. You suddenly feel heavy, the feet that you used to always feel the ground now feel like they're made of lead. You're scared as you force them to close the distance between yourself and the voice. Now they're crying you note and you can feel wet trails down your cheek as well. Like a puppet that has just had its strings cut, your knees fall to the ground and your bronze sword drops at your side. This man never cried. He would never cry, he always told you that if someone managed to force you to tears they were not worthy of them in the first place. Yet you find yourself crying too and decide he is the most worthy person person in your life. You caress his body closer to yours and break down in sobs as his voice gets quieter, death dragging him closer by the seconds and then its gone.

He's gone.

Your name is Kamui and you have just murdered your own brother.

I imagined this as Marx when I wrote it but imagine who you like :V admittedly there wasn't a lot to work with in terms of personality though

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Oof, now I wanna add on to this. And, seeing as Takumi hasn't received that much love, he'll be the co-star.

You stood there, motionless. It felt like a lifetime but it was only a second. Your eyes were beginning to moist as the figure of your brother lay beneath you, in a pit of spikes. How did things come to this, you wondered.

It was only a few hours ago that you were notified of the execution, ordered by your adoptive father while you were in battle. You ran, first as a human and then as a dragon. You arrived quickly, minutes before they would drag him onto the stand above the pit. As you approached the prison Takumi rose and looked at you, waiting for the damning sentence. "Takumi, they're going to kill you!" You shouted, hands against the steel bars. Takumi smirked and sat down again. "And what do you mean to prove by telling me?" He asked. You paused and bit your lip. What had you meant to do? To tell a man his life was going to end was foolish. You contemplated helping him escape but just as you finally decided to do so, your Nohrian siblings appeared behind you.

"Kamui," Takumi began, "I remember when you would read me stories." You paused and a nostalgic feeling rushed into your head. Baby Takumi would sit on your lap whilst you tried to read. It usually ended up with Ryouma or Mother reading to both of you. Your eyes began to water and you rested your head against the bars. "It's time, Kamui." Leon said, pulling you away from the prison while guards entered and pulled Takumi out.

This was when you realized what was happening. Takumi was going to die. "No, no!" You cried, pushing Leon away and running towards your little brother. Marx quickly intervened and grabbed both of your arms. "Kamui, stop. Our father has commanded it." He said in a firm tone. You still struggled, trying to reach Takumi. "No, they're going to kill him! Let me go, I have to stop them!" You cried in despair. Takumi looked behind him and you met eyes for a brief moment. This was too much. Your fingers found Natogami and you took hold of it. Marx saw this and loosened his grip, giving you time to run to Takumi. You pushed through the guards and reached the execution site. Takumi was standing on the plank, his back towards you.

"Takumi!" You screamed, ready to run towards him. But this time your three Nohrian siblings held onto you. "Stop Nii-chan!" Elise cried, holding you tight. "Kamui, there's nothing you can do. He can't be saved." Leon said, holding your arm. "Please... you have to calm yourself." Camilla whispered, holding you tightly. "TAKUMI!" You shouted, one hand still free and reaching towards him.

"... I'm sorry I didn't love you back..." Takumi replied, looking back at you. "... I don't wanna die."

Every moment with Takumi rushed into your head. His birth, your excited self when you finally held him in your arms, his first steps, all of that. And then your reunion, his distrust of you at first, but finally a recognition that sparked in his eyes. And then his eyes that were filled with pain as you walked towards your siblings from Nohr. Your battle against him, how you managed to imprison and spare his life. Your talks with Takumi while he was in prison. It was funny, now that you thought about it with a deranged smile. The only time he ever responded to "little brother" was in prison. When you had taken everything from him.

The plank snapped into two as the executioner brought down his axe, and Takumi fell.

You didn't scream, you didn't cry. The whole world had stopped and you stood there as spikes slowly pierced through Takumi's body, turning his blue clothing into a dark shade of red. You realized tears of your own ran down your cheeks, like a flood. "... Ta... kumi..." You said, letting your hands fall and your struggles cease. He was gone, and the worst part was that you couldn't save him either.

Now the only thing you could do was stare at the pit that had collected three bodies. One of a loving girl, another of a simple heroine, and finally one of a little brother.

Would that of a courageous one join them as well?

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I couldn't write that much because I was on mobile but you did a waay better job than I could have anyway

*content sigh*

I'm not some weirdo that feeds on despair or anything (just sayin), I just like the angst because it makes it a bit more realistic. Now before someone comes to me yelling about how this is a fantasy game, look I know. What I'm trying to say is that they're in a war. Not everything is gonna be sunshine and rainbows, and if IF is going to make everyone live happily ever after it's just too far fetched, even for people like us who aren't in a war. That's why I'm absolutely LOVIN' the angst.

Oh man imagine if the Nohr siblings didn't understand why Kamui was so sad and Kamui just sort of shuts down for a while, because that was their brother Kamui just watched die and at one point Marx or Camilla confronts them about it, asking why its such a big deal anyway and Kamui says, "What if that had been one of you?" Kamui has two times the amount of family so TWO TIMES MORE THINGS TO LOSE. i'm making myself sad

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