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FE 14 unit count


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Not confirmed: undecided

1. Kamui=

2. Marx-

3. Ryouma+

4. Camilla-

5. Hinoka+

6. Leon-

7. Takumi+

8. Elise-

9. Sakura+

10. Cyrus=

11. Felicia=

12. Gunther=

13. Joker=

14. Suzukaze=

15. Kagerou+

16. Saizou+

17. Kazahana+

18. Hinata+

19. Oboro+

20. Orochi+

21. Tsukuyomi+

22. Nishiki+

23. Nyx-

24. Charlotte-

25. Benoit-

26. Crimson=

27. Elfie-

28. Harold-

29. Belka-

30. Luna-

31. Zero-

32. Odin

33. Aqua=

34. Renka+

35. Asama

36. Not!inigo

37. Female blue hair cavalier-

38. Female Brown hair lancer

39. Blue hair archer

40. Male blue hair behind Ryouma on site

41. Blue hair maid

42. Potential transformation she-wolf of nohr based on Roman mythology (Speculation)

43. Final Pegasus warrior

44/45/46/47. Marth, Ike, Robin, Lucina and Minerva

48. Tsubaki

Almost around the same as awakening including spotpass characters do you think well get more than this if so how many more?

Edited by pkomegapax
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It'd be handy to separate this list between Nohr/Hoshido, since units aren't all shared between campaigns. Since each route is an entire game of its own, their individual rosters could be quite large, so one giant list of all of them will look a little cluttered.

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tysm for the list!!! I'm really interested as if Nohr will have a shapeshifter as well... And I want to see who that blue haired female cavalier is (kawaii) and apparently 'not Inigo' XDD

Edited by antonio616
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They said they needed 60+ characters to be designed so I think that they're be plenty more characters to be included.I'm guessing each route will have the same numbers of characters or maybe slightly less than Sacred stones did. About 30 on each side.

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I'm sure there will be a few more.

My guess is that there will at least be a male and female for each base class (ala Binding Blade, but moreso since no class seems gender-restricted). So grab a list of all the base classes and multiple it by 2, then add a couple of extras like promoted characters or third wheels like Kagerou.

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^ he is referring to that there are often 3 pegasus knights per game.

Oh thanks! I supose there's one pegassus warrior left to appear, one to be in both paths (as it seems to be a Hoshido class). That would make sense, and it would be great!

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^Thank you! Are they Hoshidan?

The sprite matches Takumi's; Archer/Bowman is probably a Hoshidan class in if (with Thief being Nohr's bow infantry). But between the hair and the white head covering, some think she may be the blue-haired maid after a class change.

The speculation continues.

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Gonna count how many for each, excluding the Amiibo characters.

Both = 8
Nohr = 13

Hoshido = 13

Undecided = 7 (two of those listed are merely speculation)

Total = 41

There has to be more then this.

Each route is supposedly as big as Awakening. If that's the case, presuming the undecided are about an even split onto each route, let's round that number up to 8 to make the split even. That's 17 units for each route that are exclusive, plus the 8 that are in both routes. That's 25 units per route.. You can usually bring about half that into battle. So there has to be more then what's shown here, in case a player is really terrible at this game, to fill in for lost units.

Let's assume there's 25 chapters, and a terrible player loses one unit per chapter, and the maximum number of units you can bring to the final battle is 12. Well, there'd need to be at least another 11 units in order to make up for the sheer amount of lost units, and still allow a player to bring in the maximum number of units to the final battle.

I'm not 100% sure, since I haven't counted out every unit for every game, but, barring Awakening, I figured that was how most of the games were set up when it came to recruitment. Let's use Sacred Stones as an example, since I'm currently in the middle of playing it anyways. There's 21 chapters, including the final chapter, but excluding the prologue and side chapters. You can bring 12 units into the final chapter. 21 plus 12 is 33. There's 33 units to recruit in Sacred Stones, if I haven't screwed up counting them at some point. Excluding the extra's post-main game characters, like Valter and Glen.

This is of course just my guesswork, and I doubt it's accurate.

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The sprite matches Takumi's; Archer/Bowman is probably a Hoshidan class in if (with Thief being Nohr's bow infantry). But between the hair and the white head covering, some think she may be the blue-haired maid after a class change.

The speculation continues.

I thought that too (spotted that white-headband thing instantly.) But I checked my reference pictures and saw that in the first Nintendo Direct we can see the right-side of the maid's face, and it's not covered with hair like that sprite.


Edited by squkyshoes
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pkomegapax, your list was missing Tsubaki! So make that 44.

The both-route pegasus warrior prediction seems like a sound one, along with Crimson being in both routes (instead of a spotpass recruit or some other explanation for her appearing in a Hoshido castle). Giving you at least one other option for a flying unit in each route makes sense for gameplay.

This is speculation, but I'm also pretty sure we'll see a male Oni in Hoshido (or Oni promotion... maybe even Rinka's dad!); Mercs, knights, fighters, samurai and lancers all have two reps each, and Oni as a unit looks to fall in that same cycle. Someone's gotta use all those maces!

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pkomegapax, your list was missing Tsubaki! So make that 44.

The both-route pegasus warrior prediction seems like a sound one, along with Crimson being in both routes (instead of a spotpass recruit or some other explanation for her appearing in a Hoshido castle). Giving you at least one other option for a flying unit in each route makes sense for gameplay.

This is speculation, but I'm also pretty sure we'll see a male Oni in Hoshido (or Oni promotion... maybe even Rinka's dad!); Mercs, knights, fighters, samurai and lancers all have two reps each, and Oni as a unit looks to fall in that same cycle. Someone's gotta use all those maces!

yeah I know thanks it was spell check added him back.
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