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Who do you main.


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SSB 64: Fox

SSB Melee: Roy

SSB Brawl: Sonic, secondary is Ike

SSB for Wii U: Ganondorf, secondary is Roy, tertiary is Ike

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Congrats man. I don't even remember how I unlocked Lucina.

thanks! it seems you just need to do a lot of solo fighting and the characters show up as you accumulate battles. a little boring, but simple.

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Yikes, I guess Robin and toon link are somewhat usable

kirby has nice combos, is hard to combo, and is short and so is hard to hit with many things

also he can crouch under hella stuff

lucas isn't too bad either

I'd say they're at least somewhat usable as well

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Everyone is usable in this game. Just that some characters are more usable.

- Wise Wisdom from Knife

in this case I just meant that they were just as "somewhat usable" as the other characters terribad listed

I agree that everyone is at least somewhat usable itg

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It is also worth noting that, very impressively for a 50+ roster game, the disparity in character power levels takes a major back seat to most differences in player skill level.

So, really, any and all discussion of character power differentials make it seem much more exacerbated than it actually is, never mind the fact that it is inevitably influenced by the metagame anyway. This game offers different things for different people.

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my mains (smash 4) are

f!villager, lucina, f!robin, palutena, jigglypuff, and ive recently started rosalina

then if i see someone using ness or lucas online ill switch to the opposite (so i also main ness and lucas basically)

finally i main yoshi who is my absolute best but i only use him very rarely

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oh yeah so this has been changing a lot lately but

as of now, Shulk and Jigglypuff are my mains, Mario and Lucas as secondaries. Those 4 go in between being mains and secondaries all the time though.

I also use Little Mac sometimes to troll For Glory but probably not enough to be considered a tertiary.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think people listing 3+ mains really bugs Knife, which I get, since if you're listing that many mains you can't play them all equally. So the video is for people who clearly aren't sure who their main is.

I started PM recently and I've revised a lot of my characters so here's a revised list:

64: Been forever but it was Link iirc

Melee: Luigi and Marth

Brawl: Lucas and Ike
PM: Luigi, Marth, and Roy

64: Mains - Jigglypuff and Lucas as of now

Secondaries: Shulk and Roy, also as of now

Tertiaries: Mario, could contend for secondary.

I play Ness, Little Mac, and Ganondorf too but probably not often enough to be considered a tertiary. I mostly play them when I need to troll For Glory.

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64: N/A

Melee: Marth

Brawl: Marth

4: Shulk (3313), Marth (3121)

4: Roy, Mega Man, Shulk (secondary)

Dropped Marth because even with the buffs, he's just not as much fun for me to play as he was with customs (and it really killed me to drop him after years of playing as only him in Smash, but I just feel like Roy does his whole thing in Smash 4 a whole lot better). I didn't really drop Shulk, but Roy fit my playstyle more in that regard and Mega Man is moreso because he covers his own niche and it's fucking Mega Man (so considering who I am, there's basically a moral obligation for me to play him). Shulk is still fun as hell to play as, but I don't play him as much as I used too. I might play as Cloud Strife depending on how good he feels to me.

EDIT Although Mega Man would be sooooooo much better with customs too, and the lack of Hyper Monado Arts and Power Vision really puts a damper on my Shulk play (although since he plays similar with or without customs, it's not too bad).

Edited by Refa
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4: Roy, Mega Man, Shulk (secondary)

Dropped Marth because even with the buffs, he's just not as much fun for me to play as he was with customs (and it really killed me to drop him after years of playing as only him in Smash, but I just feel like Roy does his whole thing in Smash 4 a whole lot better). I didn't really drop Shulk, but Roy fit my playstyle more in that regard and Mega Man is moreso because he covers his own niche and it's fucking Mega Man (so considering who I am, there's basically a moral obligation for me to play him). Shulk is still fun as hell to play as, but I don't play him as much as I used too. I might play as Cloud Strife depending on how good he feels to me.

EDIT Although Mega Man would be sooooooo much better with customs too, and the lack of Hyper Monado Arts and Power Vision really puts a damper on my Shulk play (although since he plays similar with or without customs, it's not too bad).

Sad to hear you dropped Marth bro, that must have been depressing :(

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