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And Camtech's wizardry~~~

That's all for FEE3 today! I will see you all tomorrow, thanks everyone who watched!

Day 2:
Digest Video 2 (Ghast) (3pm)
KelssFE (Ghast) (3:pm)
Fire Emblem: Scions of Kings (Ghast) (4:30pm)
Fate of Fire Trailer (Toa) (5:30pm)
Fate of Fire LP (Ghast) (530pm)
Fire Emblem: Origin of Creation Interview (Ghast) (6:30pm)
Fire Emblem Immortal Sword (Trent) (7-8pm)
Edited by Ghastly
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i find it hilarious that, after all the deadlines and warnings and "YOU'LL HAVE SOMETHING RIGHT CAM???" i still basically had nothing other than a test ROM literally last midnight and still got a cool showcase out of it

kind of embarrassing that i forgot to fix the animations on that custom tileset, thought


oh, and before anyone asks, the icon hack I'll release whenever I get it into a form I deem usable by a layperson and the tilesets still have a bit of work to be done (mostly in terms of making the process "not awful and tedious and stupid")

Edited by CT075
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omg ghast's commentary on crazy colors tech demo

"what the fuck

what the hell did you just fucking holy shit drizzle hes fucking mounting and drizzle what the fuck what is drizzle haaa make it rain son. look at him he's mounting and dismounting what game did that i dont fucking know."
were you high?
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omg ghast's commentary on crazy colors tech demo

"what the fuck

what the hell did you just fucking holy shit drizzle hes fucking mounting and drizzle what the fuck what is drizzle haaa make it rain son. look at him he's mounting and dismounting what game did that i dont fucking know."
were you high?


it was one of the last videos I made that night and my energy was completely drained.

In contrast, I was fully energized when I did commentary over Camtech's and it was a lot more pleasant to watch :P

This event was exhaaausting ehe ^^;

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Its all totally worth the pain. I'm very happy that we didn't have any delays or anything and that people are enjoying the event so far. And by the looks of it, tomorrow looks like its going to be pretty smooth as well.

knocks on wood

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i mean i wouldn't mind taking the torch back next year jus' sayin'

yeah things should be fine

all the videos should be uploaded at the right times

in the right order

as long as eeeeverything goes fine

*knocks on wood as well*

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I found it to be a bit of a wonky start. I enjoyed EN and I do believe Requiem would have definitely captured more of my love if it had better mugs. I'm a cunt, get over it.

(Though, it's actually being worked on over in the spriting board, so winner winner chicken Daniel.)

The thing I enjoyed the most though were the tech-reels.

Would love to see them get some practical use, best thing about EN is all the under-the-engine stuff they've managed to pull off despite it still being a ROM hack.

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The thing I enjoyed the most though were the tech-reels.

Would love to see them get some practical use, best thing about EN is all the under-the-engine stuff they've managed to pull off despite it still being a ROM hack.

Camtech's weapon display thing just seems really easy to work with and is a cool, universally functional mechanic that any hack can benefit from. I hope he can release it some time~

The second I finished recording them, I was playing different scenarios in my head on how I could use them for bloodlines.

You could have crazy magic classes with the skill to manipulate terrain and weather with like illusion-ism (?) or something.


Anyways, I think day 2 is going to be a slam dunk. Tons of new, never before seen stuff. And its really, reallllly, reeeaalllyyy impressive work. Cannot wait to get it out here.

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Mm, manipulation also in the form of maybe lowering something like draw-bridges in castles, or torches that can be interacted with.

Just makes the whole tactical expect of the game much more in-depth.

Though a good start would be the series and hacks having different chapter goals, instead of typical kill boss or route enemies...

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Ohey; day 2 seems to be new project day!... Plus FE7x. Yes I know FEOC has been around for an eternity and a half but I don't think it's ever gotten a public demo out, meaning it's new to me because I forgot what little I knew about it before.

And although I don't like laguz at all, just imagine taking Crazy's dismounting demo and replacing Dismountedwood with that shirtless dude and Mountedwood with a dog. Working laguz. Or Ninian being able to change forms between dancer and ice dragon. Or something completely new, like, I dunno, a magical mech suit or something. The possibilities are mind-boggling.

I also imagine the "overgrow" ability being re-purposed as "build barricade" for a builder class of some sort.

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Only thing that'd need to be dealt with is motivations.

Why should a player do this in this situation, why should they do that in that one, as for Laguz or any beast transformations you'd need to have something change, otherwise it's just cosmetic and in that regard, pointless because you can convey the same thing with battle animations and it saves time and effort.

With mounting and dismounting, you gain and lose mobility in certain circumstances, which is where it's point comes into play.

Magical mech suit, eh? Maybe that could come into play with the Sci-Fi/re Emblem thing I've wanted to do for a while now...

Though, my god do I love that builder idea, can I has it? :3

Seriously though, I've wanted a SRPG game where you had more control over the maps and terrain. I was thinking of a game where you ran a guild and you were in charge of restoring your country, or something in that respect.

If you've played Dark Cloud, then I was thinking that you could restore towns and cities like you do in that game, and then you'd have a stronghold as well.

Mm, my game-making boner is twitching.

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Though, my god do I love that builder idea, can I has it? :3

Seriously though, I've wanted a SRPG game where you had more control over the maps and terrain. I was thinking of a game where you ran a guild and you were in charge of restoring your country, or something in that respect.

If you've played Dark Cloud, then I was thinking that you could restore towns and cities like you do in that game, and then you'd have a stronghold as well.

Mm, my game-making boner is twitching.

holy cow imagine a chapter where you need to build fortifications before the enemy attacks or something.

hOOOOOHHHH my wheels


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holy cow imagine a chapter where you need to build fortifications before the enemy attacks or something.

hOOOOOHHHH my wheels




If I'm able to "crack" the chapter-script format of Fire Emblem Fates, I would do a chapter like this!

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Though, my god do I love that builder idea, can I has it? :3

Seriously though, I've wanted a SRPG game where you had more control over the maps and terrain. I was thinking of a game where you ran a guild and you were in charge of restoring your country, or something in that respect.

If you've played Dark Cloud, then I was thinking that you could restore towns and cities like you do in that game, and then you'd have a stronghold as well.

Mm, my game-making boner is twitching.

I was thinking "FE meets Act Raiser" myself, but... dude. Dark Cloud? Just... DUDE. Have some game-making lube, take that idea, and run as far as possible with it. @ш@ Now I'm wondering if one could replicate the "find various, unique pieces of the town in dungeons before placing them on the hub map" mechanic using the "write to memory" event that Circles made for FE8 recently to store the information for all the pieces of the towns... I mean, it would be way too much pointless work to devise it in the GBAFE engine, but... still. Edited by Alusq
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The Mount-Dismount demo has been in the Unified Dropbox for a while. Still awesome though, and the other demos are fantastic too.

If you wanted to dismount using events instead of a menu option, my "write to memory" hack could actually do that. Maybe if you tied it to an area event so they'll automatically dismount when moving indoors?

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Most of these first-day videos were all hacks(or AAA games) I had sworn myself not to spoil. The tech demos were really cool, though! I imagine eventually we'll just have a patch that does those things by default. When we're done with FE7, it'll be WAY better than anything IS did with it!

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Check out today's first feature, the SUPA FRESH KelssFE!

KelssFE (working title) (Alusq/Sqawl): An FE7 mod set in the turbulent continent of Aertz. The story follows Theln, a commander from a small country whose founder rejected both sides of an ancient war to stand alone. Theln is sent with a small vanguard to aid the allied nation of Kelss against a sudden rebellion: his travels will take him through Kelss and several other countries of Aertz as he aids the Kelssian militia, defends against foreign aggressors, and finally uncovers the true intentions of the instigators of the rebellion. The game is planned to be ten to fifteen chapters long and will feature hub maps where the player can select a mission from a set of three and tackle them in whatever order they wish, with the enemies growing stronger and maps more difficult to traverse as time passes.

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