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Star Fox Movie Trailer for E3 2015 Leaked


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...okay, that's not true actually. But I personally find this trailer awesome and funny, and would totally watch a Star Fox movie like that (that "I feel like I've been a machine my entire life" line in response to Peppy is just pure genius).

Anyways, the real topic: What are you hoping will be announced at Nintendo's E3 this year?

I'm really hoping that multiplayer co-op will be confirmed for Star Fox Wii U. I'm actually not too big of a Star Fox fan. I did play some of the games in the series and enjoy them (with the SNES one being the one I played the most, mostly for the awesome music in the first level), but I wouldn't have them in a top 10-20 favourite games list. I'm a big fan of multiplayer co-op games, though, so that would likely sell me on the newest Star Fox.

And with it being the Super Mario Bros.'s 30th anniversary this year, I'm hoping they announce something really special for it aside from Mario Maker.

I'm kind of leaving it to those two for now.

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Mains wants for E3

Starfox U

Xenoblade X English release date

Something Nintendo that isn't Mario, Zelda or Pokémon

Ryu/Roy reveal (unless the 14th does that) for smash

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Mains wants for E3

Starfox U

Xenoblade X English release date

Something Nintendo that isn't Mario, Zelda or Pokémon

Ryu/Roy reveal (unless the 14th does that) for smash


Yeah what that guy said. Also a new Metroid or F-zero would be nice but the odds of that happening are nill.

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It's been too soon since OtherM. I don't expect a Metroid game for a bit yet.

DeNA stuff would be nice

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It's been too soon since OtherM. I don't expect a Metroid game for a bit yet.

DeNA stuff would be nice

Oh don't get me wrong I'm not expecting it at all. Just wishful thinking. Although Retro has been really quite about their doings and tweeted hinting about showing something at E3.

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I don't really know why it's this in particular, but a new Metroid game is what I'd most like to see. It's not a command...it's a request.

That isn't like Other M, of course.

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Rando, you almost gave me a heart attack when I saw this in recent topics. Anyways, for Nintendo's E3, I would love to see a new Metroid (on either console), love to see more Star Fox, know whether or not Mario Maker will have multiplayer, Pokemon Z and Super Mystery Dungeon, and anything else new and surprising. I also hope that the "no Legend of Zelda at E3" was a bluff or they've changed their minds. I don't really need to know more about Xenoblade X or Fire Emblem If, I have enough news on those to satisfy me, the only thing I'd like to see from those are the voice actors. As for non-Nintendo stuff, some more MGSV, Fallout 4, Arkham Knight, but the two former I'm not super excited for and the latter I am already well fed with info. Unless that Shadow of the Colossus sequel is announced to not be dead, there's nothing really I can see from other consoles that'll excite me.

EDIT: Also lol, that was pretty funny.

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I'd love for that to be in theaters before DVD release. As for games, I'd like...

-Starfox Wii-U

-Metroid Wii-U

-Xenoblade Chronicles X Dubbed (Release date)

-Fire Emblem IF/Shin Megami TenseixFire Emblem (Release date in US/Euro)

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1) FE:if release date.

2) Xenoblade X release date.

3) Golden Sun 4.

4) Felix (from Golden Sun:The Lost Age) or Stocke (From Radiant Historia) as Smash DLC.

5) Golden Sun 4

6) The Last Story for 3DS.

7) Golden Sun 4

8) Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age for 3DS Virtual Console.

9) Golden Sun 4. (I think you know what I want... :D)

10) Nintendo NX information.

11) Nintendo Mobile Games information.

12) Dragon Quest VIII 3DS info.

13) SMTxFE crossover release date.

14) Pandora's Tower for 3DS

15) Zero Escape III

16) Restocking of Shulk Amiibo. (I have never seen a Shulk Amiibo, let alone touched one. Plus I wants it so bad... ;( )

17) Bravely Second release date

18) Bravely Third info.

19) Some new uber-cool 3DS rpg.

If even one of the items on the list comes true, I'll be seriously happy. If more than one come true.... *Dies of a happy fit*

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^ Don't get your hopes up. As much as the die hard would like another game, Golden Sun is dead. The first two were awesome and sold well, but we waited 8 years for the disappointment that was Dark Dawn (Don't get me wrong it was alright, but nowhere close to the originals) and it didn't sell that well. DD ended in a cliff hanger and we've seen nothing for 5 more years. At least in the wait for Dark Dawn, Camelot kept dropping hints that they'd want to do a sequel. Haven't heard anything like that since DD.

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^ Don't get your hopes up. As much as the die hard would like another game, Golden Sun is dead. The first two were awesome and sold well, but we waited 8 years for the disappointment that was Dark Dawn (Don't get me wrong it was alright, but nowhere close to the originals) and it didn't sell that well. DD ended in a cliff hanger and we've seen nothing for 5 more years. At least in the wait for Dark Dawn, Camelot kept dropping hints that they'd want to do a sequel. Haven't heard anything like that since DD.

I know. :( I know it's an unrealistic dream, but a girl can dream. D:


1) Golden Sun sold 0.76 million units around the world (http://www.vgchartz.com/game/35078/golden-sun-dark-dawn) which is kinda impressive IMO, because it was released towards the end of the DS' life. Not only that, it is a non-Persona, non-Final Fantasy RPG. The fact that it sold more than half a million units is pretty good. And to put it into perspective: The World Ends with You sold 0.76 million units also. Kingdom Hearts: Recoded sold 0.91 million)

2) I swear I saw something that said Camelot would be willing to make a 4th Golden Sun if fans were interested. I don't know if I'm making it up or not, but I do remember reading that article.

Edit: Found it! http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2012/06/let_camelot_know_if_you_want_another_golden_sun

Though I will agree with you: Dark Dawn was my first Golden Sun, but I do feel that the original was a much better game. What we need in the 4th Golden Sun are 8 fully developed protagonists (I'm looking at you, Himi), a plot that actually makes sense, and some really good puzzles. :)

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