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It's finally over..


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Nearly two years ago I went into a program called job corps which is dorm living and job training.

This center is one of the absolute worst ones in the nation (Colombia Basin in Washington). Yet despite that the few good staff managed to make it worth while.. the friends I've made here.

Who would have known I'd work with some serious business management because the receptionist was nice enough to give me a shot? Who'd have known I'd get my GED easily and then start college?

The drama, bullshit and various other things that go on here (I cannot even start with some of the worst staff, undermanned kitchens, meh food that sometimes wasn't even sanitary among various things).

Yet through all this there were shining examples of goodness, various friendships were made, I'm not really shy anymore and I feel like I can be independent when I get to that point.

I return to Arizona tomorrowa fter a bit of a falling out with my Dads side of the family its recovering now but that won't be the same.. my Moms side is still supportive and such.

And from here I have to ask myself where I go from here? I still have college semesters to do! I have a freer life to live..

I have so many plans and things I want to try, its mind boggling. I'd also like to thank people here on this site, you've helped me keep my sanity during this two year struggle.

My next chapter begins now, and I'm not exactly sure how the first chapter will be penned. Its quite exciting.

Edited by Jedi
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No its never ogre.

But in all seriousness good job hope it all goes well for you.

Now back to BSing in FFtf

Haha not the ogre! Thanks.

Right on Jedi! Best of luck in the future! We'll have to smash when you get back! :KnollRoll:

For sure! Just everything will be awesome again :D. You all can help me train for some AZ tournaments! Apparently M2K is around dem parts currently.
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Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

Best of luck with whatever the future holds. . .and whatever direction you decide to go~!

(as for Smash. . .I'm terrible at it)

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Congrats Jedi. You're no longer an apprentice. Really though, that's great that you're finally done there.

On the topic of smash bros I am also down for a game sometime. :3

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Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.Best of luck with whatever the future holds. . .and whatever direction you decide to go~!(as for Smash. . .I'm terrible at it)

Indeed and thank you. My future can go in many different directions from here! Its kinda intimidating, but I think there are some potentially interesting roads that have cropped up :)

(As for smash. I could help you with that if you'd like!~)

Congrats! No matter what lies in the future, make the best of it.

I will certainly try! Thanks.

like wut ouo

Start working out, hang with tons of family, smash tournaments, play golf again, meeting up with some old highschool friends, meeting up with some people on SF potentially.. tons of stuff.

Congrats Jedi. You're no longer an apprentice. Really though, that's great that you're finally done there.

On the topic of smash bros I am also down for a game sometime. :3

"Now I have become the master" :P

Sure I'm down for some smash!

herzlichen glückwunsch!!!

speak English you swine Thanks! I actually remembered that phrase :P

Good for you Jedi, something like this can only make you stronger.

And I can Smash you now! Hooray.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger as some say!

Oh yeah I owe you some games haha. Its otay!

I was a Sophomore when you first enter Job corps, now I'm a senior. Time flys by quick. Good luck and don't over think your future.

Time does certainly fly! Although I do over think things so >.> lol

Congrats! Good luck and have fun.

Wish I could play with your guys (only own the 3ds version :/).

Thanks a lot! Also I can play the 3DS ver too so no biggie.

Good luck, Jedi~!...Though I'm bad at SSB as well....The only fighter I consider myself kinda good at is Urban Legend in Limbo.


also don't worry about skill level gosh dang :P just have fun and I can help so yeah!

Hey, good luck out there man! Wish you the best.

Thanks! :D

Congrats Bro!

Its gonna be super fun playing smash with ya again =D


Also we have an ironman to do.. heh its gonna be fun!

also mobile is dumb so if there is a second page I'll get to those posts later ^^;

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