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Character and Class Hopes


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As it gets closer and closer to the Japanese release date, I've been thinking about who and what I would really like to see in Fire Emblem If, in both sides. So this is basically a topic for people to share their hopes, character-wise, and what they would like to see.

Me personally, I would like to see:


  • Second lancer - I really like the look of the class, and hopefully Oboro isn't the only one. I can imagine it perhaps being a female-only class
  • Puppeteer class - more info and also the blue-haired glasses guy to be that class
  • Another Priestess - I would just like another healer plus she could be close friends with Sakura
  • 3rd Pegasus Warrior - most games have 3, right?
  • Purely melee-based, Martial Arts class - it would be interesting to have (although might be a bit similar to the likes of Ryu)
  • Perhaps a Warrior Monk - they have them in old Japanese lore
  • Hinoka's subbordinates - I'm predicting they might be Asama and Setsuna
  • Priestess promotion - as seen on Sakura's cipher artwork
  • Equivalent to a sage - in chance that Mikoto might be made a spotpass playable character at some point


  • BLUE MAID!!! - for gods sake! she's on the boxart but no one knows about her!
  • Leon's subbordinates
  • Marx's other subbordinate
  • Not!Noire info - she looks really cool
  • perhaps info on a supposed 3rd maid? - the yellow haired one some people noticed in the introduction trailer (perhaps a ninja thing, with Felicia being both, and this one and Blue maid being Nohr exclusive)
  • A Nohr, melee-based class
  • More Bows! - yeah
  • Another Wyvern Knight/Revenant Knight - it would be cool
  • Info on Rod Knight promotion seen on Cipher artwork of Elise (might be a strategist)
  • Class for Garon - again for same reasons as Mikoto
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  • Leon's subbordinates
  • Marx's other subbordinate

Isn't Zero one of Leon's subordinates?

Anyways, I hope we learn more information about some of the pre-promotes and promoted classes. Also more information on the Werewolf guy and his class would be nice.

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More concealed weapon users aside from maid/butler/ninja and their promotions.

More magic using classes on Hoshido route.

Edited by Ryo
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Knights and Generals that aren't redundant/overkill on lower difficulties and aren't sub-par on higher difficulties/endgame content.


Knights and Generals that aren't redundant/overkill on lower difficulties and aren't sub-par on higher difficulties/endgame content.

I think the reason why Elfie looks sad/expressionless in her portrait is because she realized she is a Knight.

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Knights and Generals that aren't redundant/overkill on lower difficulties and aren't sub-par on higher difficulties/endgame content.


Knights and Generals that aren't redundant/overkill on lower difficulties and aren't sub-par on higher difficulties/endgame content.

I think the reason why Elfie looks sad/expressionless in her portrait is because she realized she is a Knight.

Man I love knights and use them as much as possible. Maybe that's why my endgame game is weak.

Edited by Eveangaline
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I would like to see what classes we have.I have a feeling that each side will have classes to combat each other per say.Like we have Lancer so I can see us getting a Soldier for Nohr.Same with Oni and Fighter.Now just something to combat Samurai.

I also would like to know more about the blue haired maid and maybe a third Peg Warrior(Triangle attack?)

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Alright, who is this character called Setsuna who is supposedly Hinoka's subordinate?

Let's play a game of "Let's Predict the Subordinates!"

Ryouma: Saizou, Kagerou & maybe Suzukaze

Hinoka: Probably Azuma & this Setsuna person

Takumi: Hinata & Oboro, have a feeling that Orochi might be one as well.

Sakura: Tsubaki & Kazahana.

Marx: Pieri & Lazward

Camilla: Belka & Luna

Leon: Zero & maybe Odin???

Elise: Elfie & Harold

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Alright, who is this character called Setsuna who is supposedly Hinoka's subordinate?

Let's play a game of "Let's Predict the Subordinates!"

Ryouma: Saizou, Kagerou & maybe Suzukaze

Hinoka: Probably Azuma & this Setsuna person

Takumi: Hinata & Oboro, have a feeling that Orochi might be one as well.

Sakura: Tsubaki & Kazahana.

Marx: Pieri & Lazward

Camilla: Belka & Luna

Leon: Zero & maybe Odin???

Elise: Elfie & Harold

Odin being Leon's subordinate sounds hilarious, ngl.

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I want to know if there are traditional Archers for the Nohr side. If I recall in the opening cinematic of very first trailer we saw in January, I saw archers on the castle wall that looked similar to FE10's snipers.

It could be that Thieves could promote to Snipers this time around?

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I want to know if there are traditional Archers for the Nohr side. If I recall in the opening cinematic of very first trailer we saw in January, I saw archers on the castle wall that looked similar to FE10's snipers.

It could be that Thieves could promote to Snipers this time around?

I thought they were promoting to horse archers?

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A female Kitsune and Werewolf.

A male Oni, Fighter, Priest, and Rod Knight.

More Butlers and Maids or units who can become Butlers and Maids. All Butler and Maid run please

Mikoto's class, which seems to match Sakura's TCG art as pointed out in another thread.

Kamui's promotion shown in the My Castle video.

Bow(wo)man promotion

Pegasus Warrior's bow-using promotion

Edited by BeartholdtFubar
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Overall I think that every unpromoted class(except for maybe some special classes) will have at least a male and a female character and at least one character who'll be avaliable for both factions.

perhaps info on a supposed 3rd maid? - the yellow haired one some people noticed in the introduction trailer (perhaps a ninja thing, with Felicia being both, and this one and Blue maid being Nohr exclusive)

Keep in mind that Butler and Maid are the same class just with different names,so Joker is more or less our 3rd maid already(also maids are promoted units and most likely the promotion of the rod knight,so elise is probably able to promote into a maid)

I thought they were promoting to horse archers?

Mercenarys promote to horse archers,we don't know if thieves also promote to them.(I hope not since the bowknight is currently the only unique promotion of the mercenary)

We don't know to what thieves promote(I bet one of the 2 options will be the assassin with bows and hidden weapons)

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I'd like to see something similar to, if not, the Dread Fighter. Favorite class by far. Has everything I want.

Maybe the oni does promote to one?

I mean onis are often seen as some kind of demon and the original name of the dread fighter is demon fighter(of course it probably means more something in the form of "dude who fights demons",but who knows)

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Maybe the oni does promote to one?

I mean onis are often seen as some kind of demon and the original name of the dread fighter is demon fighter(of course it probably means more something in the form of "dude who fights demons",but who knows)

Nah it's literally demon fighter, as in it refers to the dude itself. Granted the Chinese character they use for demon is also the first character in the word for magic, so maybe it's meant to be interpreted in both of these ways. It would be pretty cool for the oni to promote to dread fighter, I agree.

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Isn't the Oni class counted as IS' take on the Japanese warrior monk (sohei)?

I'd say they are closer to Yamabushi (mountain aesthetic monks) what with their reclusive habits. Their mask and weapon, however, reflects their namesake.

Maybe the oni does promote to one?

I mean onis are often seen as some kind of demon and the original name of the dread fighter is demon fighter(of course it probably means more something in the form of "dude who fights demons",but who knows)

I would like this. Maybe they could share it with Ninja.

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