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Hello everyone ! ; U ; I've been a long-time FE fan and didn't make an account here until just now -I figured since I'm getting the new game, it'd be fun to share stuff and whatnot !

I'm a female, you may refer to me as mima/sho or anything is fine, haha ~

I love art and games -some of my favorites include Pokemon, Bravely Default, FE, Tales, and Chain Chronicle.

I also play just about every game on DMM, Kancolle being my favorite !

I'm currently living in the US, but that's not stopping me from getting FE:if, I plan to buy each copy for the jp release and us release -

I unfortunately missed out on the preorders for special edition, so I'm waiting for the game to come out before buying it ; u ;

I love to chat about all things, English/한국어/中文/日本語 is all fine.

Here's a quick sketch of Elise, though I'm totally joining Hoshido for Oboro first ; u ;


Edited by mimasho
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that sketch is really cute, i look forward to your art thread if you plan on making one

spoiler is [ spoiler ] [ /spoiler ] removing the spaces in the brackets

welcome to the forest

Edited by buttmuncher.ops
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Welcome to the forest! Love the picture! And I don't know how to do Spoiler either, so...

Have fun and enjoy your stay!

Aaah thank you so much ! * U * lol yeah, I did the usual "hover over everything until you see something familiar" but that didn't work out too well xD

that sketch is really cute, i look forward to your art thread if you plan on making one

spoiler is [ spoiler ] [ /spoiler ] removing the spaces in the brackets

welcome to the forest

Thanks so much ! and I just might, haha ~ * U *

also thank you lol, I will remember that for future references !!

Welcome to SF!

And wow, impressive that you know 3 different East Asian languages in addition to English!

Thank you ! * U * and yep, was born to a rather scattered Asian family lol

I have cousins all over Asia ; u ; but it helps when I want to buy things not available in the US !

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Welcome to Airport 1001! *casts Arrivederci on a Plated Boar trying to charge in*

Also, beware the Death Rogumer - it's been spotted flying about near the borders.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Hello, enjoy your stay in SF (and be mindful of things blowing up).

Also, this is how you spoiler things:

[ spoiler]text

Minus the space in the first spoiler tag, of course.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Welcome to Airport 1001! *casts Arrivederci on a Plated Boar trying to charge in*

Also, beware the Death Rogumer - it's been spotted flying about near the borders.

T-thank you ...? ヽ(;▽;)ノ

Greetings, your art is very nicely done.

Now draw Kagerou, because no one has

Hope you enjoy your stay.

Thanks so much ! ; U ;

haha I was planning on drawing her, but then realized I gave Hoshido characters too much love ; u ;

working on the blue haired maid atm, but will definitely draw her next ! She is pretty cool, isn't she ~ though not as cool as oboro haaha lsfjs kapleaseignoreme

Hello, enjoy your stay in SF (and be mindful of things blowing up).

Also, this is how you spoiler things:

[ spoiler]text

Minus the space in the first spoiler tag, of course.

haha thank you ! and I've noticed lol, it's quite interesting to watch ~ ; U ;

and noted, thanks ! * U *

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Yo~! That's a neat Elise pic~!

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you'll want to resize your sig ever-so-slighty. . .'cause sig rules. Oh, and read the rest of the rules, too~!

(end generic greeting)

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