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The english song lyrics


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Why. WHY?

Some people may feel like this is over-reacting, but seriously, why does nobody seem to get that it is totally unacceptable to put the emphasis on the wrong syllable in a song?

The english cast in general seemed pretty good, but for the love of god they phoned in the song translation. Whoever did it doesn't care about musical rhythm at all and was probably just going for as direct a translation as possible.

"Yet the watERs ever change"?

If you couldn't say it that way in public without getting funny looks, it's no more acceptable to make as a song lyric!

Edited by Alastor15243
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I agree, and they probably would have been better off leaving the song in Japanese. Is the song's conveyance of meaning really that crucial to the plot? We know the song is important and probably holds some power without knowing its words explicitly.

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Probably would have been best if they just had it as a fictional language in the first place like with the Tellius games.

Granted, that was backwards Japanese, but it was still exotic to both Japanese and English players.

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The english cast in general seemed pretty good, but for the love of god they phoned in the song translation. Whoever did it doesn't care about musical rhythm at all and was probably just going for as direct a translation as possible.

I just want to point out that the English lyrics actually has little to no relation to the Japanese version, outside of some random water references. It's like listening to two completely different songs. I guess they were trying to make the words match with Aqua's lips as much as possible.

Edited by Ryo
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I don't have well trained ears, I couldn't even notice anything was off.

When she's singing "Yet the waters ever change", the song puts emphasis on the "ER" in waters, which essentially means she pronounced WAter watER. It's an upsettingly common rookie mistake in lyric composing, especially when the lyrics and the melody weren't made at the same time, like in "with lyrics" things or with song dubs, but to hear it done by a professional dubber is REALLY upsetting to me.

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I admit that the syllable thing is odd, but I'm glad we can hear a song in English for once. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like the backwards Japanese for the ancient tongue in Tellius, but song lyrics in English is just a nice fresh thing to see, imo.

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I think this might be one of the few occasions I turn on the Japanese voice cast.

anyway, I think the real issue is that we've been so used to hearing Aqua's Japanese voice when we heard the dub it just came of as awkward

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