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English Name Thread!


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Effie... Effie... Eff ee... FE...

Fire Emblem...

Guys. I figured it out. It's a pun. This minor name change was, of course, all for the sake of a pun. It all makes sense.

Oh wow, if this were actually true, I'd honestly dig it. :D

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Guess they've never heard of King Harold the Unlucky.

Yeah, I'm seriously wondering why the change to Arthur... Harold was obviously a reference to King Harold, considering his profile description and all. I just really want to know what reasons they had for the change since none are readily apparent to me at the moment...

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Yeah, I'm seriously wondering why the change to Arthur... Harold was obviously a reference to King Harold, considering his profile description and all. I just really want to know what reasons they had for the change since none are readily apparent to me at the moment...

I had to dig around for the answer to this. I know they tried to avoid any connections to communism by renaming Marx Xander. I ended up finding a "Harold Ware" who was an American Marxist and part of the Communist. Avoiding that connection was the closest thing I could find, but it seems like a bit of a stretch.

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Why couldn't they leave Kamui alone? It's Japanese. He's from Hoshido. Doesn't take a genius.

...Then again, considering who I first think of when I hear the name Corrin, it actually kinda makes sense (doubt they were aiming to reference that, but...).

That doesn't matter because I'm never using the default name regardless. I'd rather be using other names that I like such as Liam, Mordecai, or Adrian for the dudes and names like Gwen, Brianna, or Liliana for the girls.

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Cyrus' english name is Silas?

...I don't like that. I wish they would've kept Cyrus as his English name too... but I guess I'll get used to it when the game is released.

EDIT: Actually, I think I'm warming up to it right now lol. It's not THAT different from Cyrus, and the name ring is still there.

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Cyrus' english name is Silas?

...I don't like that. I wish they would've kept Cyrus as his English name too... but I guess I'll get used to it when the game is released.

EDIT: Actually, I think I'm warming up to it right now lol. It's not THAT different from Cyrus, and the name ring is still there.

Mentioned this in another thread but...

Silas's name was never Cyrus. All we had to go off of was the Japanese letters (which read 'sairasu'), and we just interpreted that to be Cyrus, but that happened to be wrong. There was never an official English spelling of his Japanese name before the localization (well maybe the Japanese have their own ideas of how it would be spelled in English, but I don't think that was ever revealed)

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Mentioned this in another thread but...

Silas's name was never Cyrus. All we had to go off of was the Japanese letters (which read 'sairasu'), and we just interpreted that to be Cyrus, but that happened to be wrong. There was never an official English spelling of his Japanese name before the localization.

So? That's what we've known him as.

If we were so used to calling him Cyrus, then that's the "name" we gave him. I called him Cyrus, so that's a shock to me. His name was Cyrus to me.

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Yeah, and? I called him Cyrus anyways, we all did (if we were to refer to him).

And now that I'm calling him Silas, that feels odd to me.

EDIT: I'm currently in a bad mood, so I apologize now if I'm coming off as irritated :(

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The point is, his name was never intended to be Cyrus.

Well, maybe. We don't know what the Japanese devs had in mind, only how they chose to localize it. That said, Japanese often have trouble romanizing names by themselves so they may have written it out as Silas even if they were thinking of the name Cyrus.

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The point is, they weren't going to give

Yeah, and? I called him Cyrus anyways, we all did (if we were to refer to him).

And now that I'm calling him Silas, that feels odd to me.

EDIT: I'm currently in a bad mood, so I apologize now if I'm coming off as irritated :(

The point is, Nintendo of America wasn't likely to name him Cyrus based off the possible mistranslation of one website.

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At least it isn't Sirius...

That would have been siriusly ok with me.

This made everything better. Thank you.

Mentioned this in another thread but...

Silas's name was never Cyrus. All we had to go off of was the Japanese letters (which read 'sairasu'), and we just interpreted that to be Cyrus, but that happened to be wrong. There was never an official English spelling of his Japanese name before the localization (well maybe the Japanese have their own ideas of how it would be spelled in English, but I don't think that was ever revealed)

Yep. I was hoping it wasn't "Silas." Cyrus and Silas would use the same Katakana, right?

I'm petty--but now I am resolved to make Silas the best Cavalier the world has ever known because of his name. Matthis Cowlick Cavalier shall be the best Cavalier.

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I've said it in another thread, but I feel like it was intended to be Silas because of the meaning behind the name. Silas was a missionary companion of Paul in the bible and went on long journeys with him, so it kinda mimics Cyrus/Silas following around Kamui wherever he/she ends up going.

Could definitely be wrong, but just my speculation on the matter.

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The point is, Nintendo of America wasn't likely to name him Cyrus based off the possible mistranslation of one website.

Cool. i still don't care. why are you telling me this, i've been told

i said calling him silas feels weird because i used to call him cyrus. regardless of whether that was his intended name or not, that was what i called him.

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Yeah, and? I called him Cyrus anyways, we all did (if we were to refer to him).

And now that I'm calling him Silas, that feels odd to me.

EDIT: I'm currently in a bad mood, so I apologize now if I'm coming off as irritated :(

It's alright, it's perfectly understandable to get attached to what we originally knew the characters as, and find it hard to adjust to localizations.

I just notice that a lot of people look at user-made translations of Japanese media and assume that all of the translations are 100% gospel. Not trying to discredit the translators, they do excellent work, but there are many things in the Japanese language (especially spelling of names that are not Japanese in origin) that are ambiguous to translate to other languages. So we shouldn't treat these user-generated spellings like they are the "official Japanese names" and then wonder why they turn out a little differently than we expected in the localization.

Hoshidan names are a different story though, because those names are Japanese to begin with, and there are ways to transliterate them into English that are more or less accepted as standard (with a few minor exceptions).

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It's alright, it's perfectly understandable to get attached to what we originally knew the characters as, and find it hard to adjust to localizations.

Oh, it's nothing about the Silas situation I'm upset... it's other reasons, personal reasons. My sadness is just showing up in a form of anger, but idk why :(

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I actually really like the name Silas and was hoping that was what it would be localised as. Arthur is...ok? I wasn't really attached to the name Harold anyway, but it seems kind of out of left field, not to mention we already have Arthur (FE4) and Artur (who is called Arthur in the Italian version).

Same with Jakob, although I can see why they did it. Effie reminds me of the character from Acropolis Now...if anyone is Australian and gets that... so it's really hard to take that seriously.

The only name I'm not really 100% down with is Xander. Even Alexander I would've been more on board with, but Xander is strange for some reason. Still probably going to call him Marx.

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Effie and Arthur sounds strange to me, but I'm sure I'll get used to it.

Only name change so far that really strikes me as odd is Corrin, it doesn't really sound like an ambiguous gender name to me, though maybe it's cause I've never heard of it.

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Well, maybe. We don't know what the Japanese devs had in mind, only how they chose to localize it. That said, Japanese often have trouble romanizing names by themselves so they may have written it out as Silas even if they were thinking of the name Cyrus.

Yeah maybe the person who came up with the name was a Miry Silas fan...

The Japanese really are terrible at romanizing names. They release their own romanizations of the Japanese names on media such as official artwork and come up with gems such as Flolina, Eliwod, and Rebacca...

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Only name change so far that really strikes me as odd is Corrin, it doesn't really sound like an ambiguous gender name to me, though maybe it's cause I've never heard of it.

Corrin... I've heard "Corinna" but I've never heard Corrin, either. To be fair, the only unisex name I can think of with a C or K is K/Cameron and I'm not sure how fitting that is for the game. They could've been funky with the spelling (like Jakob) and used K/Camryn, but ehh.

Kamui isn't exactly easy to localize... Still wish they kept it the same, but I knew that probably wasn't going to happen.

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Corrin... I've heard "Corinna" but I've never heard Corrin, either. To be fair, the only unisex name I can think of with a C or K is K/Cameron and I'm not sure how fitting that is for the game. They could've been funky with the spelling (like Jakob) and used K/Camryn, but ehh.

Kamui isn't exactly easy to localize... Still wish they kept it the same, but I knew that probably wasn't going to happen.

Corinne is a girl's name but I believe the emphasis is on the second syllable whereas with Corrin I imagine it would be on the first. Don't think I've heard of a male variation.

Also, for a unisex name starting with C, how about Casey?

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