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Romance! Intrigue! Honor! And WAR!! Let's Max Rank Fire Emblem 4!!

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"Hear that? Pamela and Co. are now a complete non-issue. Why? Because Daccar is going to get all freaked out, and order Pamela to come storming back to Silesia...I dunno HOW he does that, what with them being on completely opposite sides of the mountain range...But hey, I'm not complainin'. "

It'd be a really cool feature if enemy commanders directed their troops by sending messengers out to meet them that you could potentially intercept and reduce the efficiency of the AI. Though in this particular situation such a feature would just make that squadron even more of a non issue but in general it could be used to some creative effects. Especially if certain powerful groups of enemies don't actively hunt down your army and instead patrol certain areas until ordered to do otherwise.

Huh. I always assumed the castle conversations between lovers were actual conversations. Turns out their as generic as Radiant Dawn support convos. Explains why translating is pretty far down on the priority list.

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rereading one of the earlier parts, i could've sworn i saw somewhere that syvlia and claude weren't actually siblings.

i can't find it now tho so i suspect it might be bullshit.

Oh don't worry; your memory isn't failing you ;) :

– Additionally, much like the matter of Levin’s true form, there’s something else that players have talked about a lot…… There’s some dispute over whether Sylvia is really Claude’s missing sister, as you may know. You’ve denied this before in a different interview, but if you look at their conversations, there’s a scene that seems to suggest a connection, isn’t there? It seems like you’re setting players up [to make that connection]. We have to wonder, why did you include that set-up in the game?

So yeah, word from above says that they're not siblings...supposedly. I say "supposedly", because if you look through Kaga's early story ideas, he...had something different in mind...

Sylvia (aged 18) [went] to a monastery at Darna, as per Claude’s recommendation. After leaving Leen behind, she left and wandered around in search of Claude. Three years later, she reunited with Claude, but he had tragically changed. Sylvia became his eyes and his limbs, watching the changing times and keeping an eye on their children. As for Corple, he was born when Sylvia was 23 years old. Afterwards, Leen married Aless and become the Queen of Agustria, while Corple became the head of Edda. Two years later, they finally reunited with Sylvia (aged 38). However, Claude perished after his role ended. Later, his name was carved into the relief at the altar of the 26 saints.

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Status Update: I've re-entered College as of two weeks ago, so I've been busy with that. I had ALSO been giving thorough testing to Chapters 6 and 7, so that I won't have to rewrite entire portions of the route (like I had to with Chapters 3-5, due to finding new strategies). As such, I have not collected any screenshots for Chapter 5 yet.

I HAVE, however, recorded all of Chapter 5, so I'll now be working on GETTING said screenshots for the next update! Plus, I have now finished my Chapter 6-7 testing. Thank you so much for your time, support, and feedback, and God bless you all! Hope to see you sometime next week!

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  • 1 month later...
Heya. I'm still around, and I still intend to finish this once I have time. School is currently running me ragged though, and I recently came down with a rather debilllitating illness. I'm hanging in there though; I'm just about on the mend, and I think I have a plan of attack for getting caught up on my school.

It does, however, mean that there still won't be any updates in the near future. I just want to put in a placeholder post for keeping the thread unlocked, and for letting people know that this isn't over. God bless you everyone!

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Posted · Hidden by Balcerzak, November 5, 2016 - No reason given
Hidden by Balcerzak, November 5, 2016 - No reason given
Heya. I'm still around, and I still intend to finish this once I have time. School is currently running me ragged though, and I recently came down with a rather debilllitating illness. I'm hanging in there though; I'm just about on the mend, and I think I have a plan of attack for getting caught up on my school.

It does, however, mean that there still won't be any updates in the near future. I just want to put in a placeholder post for keeping the thread unlocked, and for letting people know that this isn't over. God bless you everyone!

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  • 1 month later...

That link for the improved arena theme has a track that doesn't work.

And well, you weren't wrong about the future, certainly. Also, yeah that line from Langbolt is certainly one of the best in the game.

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Hmm. Something I never questioned before, how does Andre know Briggid was a pirate? This only works if A)He discovered it sometime during the dozen or so years when she was which is strange since naturally if Andre could discover that fact than Ring could too and likely would have gone and reunited with her, or B)He discovered it recently after Ring was dead which also makes little sense since none of the empire's units were involved in that battle and any information that was relayed would have said Briggid was fighting alongside Sigurd rather than being a pirate. I suppose you could suggest he found out after Ring was dead from some other means but you're looking at an extremely small window of time.

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That link for the improved arena theme has a track that doesn't work.

And well, you weren't wrong about the future, certainly. Also, yeah that line from Langbolt is certainly one of the best in the game.

Whoops, that's a shame. Thanks for noticing that; I just got it fixed!

Hmm. Something I never questioned before, how does Andre know Briggid was a pirate? This only works if A)He discovered it sometime during the dozen or so years when she was which is strange since naturally if Andre could discover that fact than Ring could too and likely would have gone and reunited with her, or B)He discovered it recently after Ring was dead which also makes little sense since none of the empire's units were involved in that battle and any information that was relayed would have said Briggid was fighting alongside Sigurd rather than being a pirate. I suppose you could suggest he found out after Ring was dead from some other means but you're looking at an extremely small window of time.

Hrmmm...maybe Ring asked Andre to look into it at some point, and then Andre lied about the results? Less people to oppose his eventual power play and all that.

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Whoops, that's a shame. Thanks for noticing that; I just got it fixed!

Hrmmm...maybe Ring asked Andre to look into it at some point, and then Andre lied about the results? Less people to oppose his eventual power play and all that.

If that's the case then I can't imagine Andre would actually bother doing any research. Like why bother if you're not going to report the results? Unless he intended to at first but upon finding Briggid he realised what it might mean for his inheritance (I'm guessing Holy Blood takes priority over being male) and concealing the fact began his turn to the dark side, so to speak.

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Always possible. Oh, I know! We know that Sigurd had been sending letters to King Azmur, only to have them intercepted by Reptor's boys; maybe Sigurd mentioned finding Brigid at some point?

I felt like that would be a very adequate explanation but after thinking on it a bit I realised those letters would mention Briggid as being part of Sigurd's new army, while Andre is surprised to see her there.

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I felt like that would be a very adequate explanation but after thinking on it a bit I realised those letters would mention Briggid as being part of Sigurd's new army, while Andre is surprised to see her there.

Hrmm... uh... well, assuming Manfloy didn't talk to him about it... Maybe he originally scouted her out a while ago? Like, he intended to kill her, tracked her down...but then thought better of it when he found out she was part of a band of pirates?

If that's the case, he might have just decided "She's a pirate! What threat could SHE possibly pose to my bids for power?"

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On Chapter 4, I regret not having Claude turn around sooner. I also regret not repairing the Return Staff before giving it to Aideen.

As I understand, isn't it you save money by NOT repair item before selling and let others buy them at cheap price and repair them self?

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As I understand, isn't it you save money by NOT repair item before selling and let others buy them at cheap price and repair them self?

Something happened in that specific instance though. Aideen needed to Return 2-3 people to the Chapter 4 home castle, but the staff only had 1 charge left. So Aideen ended up having to repair the staff herself; and she's not a unit that often has a ton of money to throw around.

If you want to look up the relevant section, refer to...

Chapter 4 Part 2: http://lpix.org/sslptest/index.php?id=145030

...And you'll find it shortly after my rant on the Claude X Sylvia conversation.

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Relevant Post (in regards to Brigid vs. Andre):

I assume that what's being objected to here is referring to Andre as a patricide?

I'm going to take the heat off Boo by noting that this is almost certainly my fault. More depressingly, this usage is technically correct, for all that it does sound terrible. Reasonably certain that at the time I just couldn't find any synonyms which sounded better; of course the proper solution would be to structure the line differently.

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Reminds me of a scene in Code Geas. When I first watched it, probably using fansubs, the line was something like "Don't touch me father killer!" I think the official dub changed it to something like "Says the guy who killed his father." I remember the official one wasn't all that much better at any rate. Which is a shame since the animation makes it pretty clear that the line has a lot of weight to it in the original script. Pity that patricide sounds so awkward when used as a noun overall as on a technical level it should be a pretty useful word.

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That point about the Trabant and Reptor/Alvis scene being swapped is really good. Alvis even says the Tharcian mercenaries should be arriving shortly which would perfectly segway into their actual arrival.

Ooooh, Trabant... wowww. He's got like, depths...and stuff

Is that sarcasm?

Oh wow. Never saw that Lachesis x Noish conversation. I'm kind of surprised. I didn't think Aless got a word in during the first Generation at all. Now I'm kind of wondering why more of a fuss wasn't made out of him. It might be a bit baseless but I was always under the impression that he was slightly older than the rest of Gen 2. Like somewhere between Celice and Shannon in age.

Beowolf and Lachesis conversation still confuses me

Holyn and Aira backstory is just weird and adds nothing.

Okay I think I'll have to pair Aideen and Claude next time because, aside from a rescue staff, that conversation is bloody great. Thanks again for giving all of these alternate pieces of dialogue. I've played this game a bunch of times but I'm really seeing a lot of new stuff because of this let's play.

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