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Famitsu gives the game a 9/9/9/9 score


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For a 36/40. I believe that is the same as Awakening? Though I do not remember if Awakening had the all 9 break down or if it looks different.

Doesn't really say much other than the fact Famitsu likes the game, though.

I also wonder how it was rated as one game if the two games are so different and two different versions...


Edited by Kirokan
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how did they know the scores the new article isn't even out

Also does this mean the new article will be a review

The review scores often come ahead of the release. The review is separate from the (dreaded) 10 pages that will come out in a few hours, so don't worry about that!

I'd like to know what flaws caused them to give it 9/10, can I find that information anywhere?

I'm sure someone will translate the detailed review when it comes out : ) If not, I'll translate it!....if I'm not dead after translating the 10 pages! xD

Edited by Kirokan
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The famitsu releases are always fun because its fun to look at the picture and try to figure stuff out with no context until one of the saints of this forum translate it

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I'd like to know what flaws caused them to give it 9/10, can I find that information anywhere?

That it's neither Zelda nor Smash :P

By Famitsu standards, 36/40 is very decent.

Edited by nocturnal YL
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Oh kirokan your work is always greatly appreciated, don't break yourself translating everything QAQ

But all 9s huh? Gonna take that as a very good sign

I really appreciate this comment. I'll try not to overdo it. Tomorrow will be the biggest task yet! ...I mean 6 hours, rather than tomorrow...

...I ought to sleep to prepare for this.

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I'd just like to cheer you on and thank you ahead of time for any translation work you put in. I can't even imagine what working on four pages must be like, let alone ten. Try not to push yourself too hard. Snack and nap breaks are important.

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Indeed, be sure to take care of yourself above all else. The fanbase can wait, your health is far more important.

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I think, that your health is more important than a translation. Like I said I'm not sure. :p

Nah but seriously, if it's a pain in the ass and/or you're too tired, don't do it guys, we can wait.

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I agree with all 4 messages above me!

You're doing a great job so far and many appreciate it, but don't forget about yourself, your health, and your sanity in the process!

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Kirokan, we're all cheering you on for this translation! But please, make sure you're getting enough rest and nutrients because covering a video game release is not worth losing health over! As the great RNGoddess says, "Remember to take breaks!"

All 9s sounds like a good score to me though. A lot of reviewers refuse to give 10s simply on basis of fact that there might be menial errors or moments that not all people will find fun, even if the reviewer him/herself finds it fun. I do look forward to seeing what the reviews say the high/low points are though, just to get an idea of what's going on.

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Has the Famitsu 6/18 article on Fire Emblem: Fates been released yet, leak or not?

I think you'll see a separate thread for that when it happens, as well as a huge temporary increase of active members discussing it.

In short: no.

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I think you'll see a separate thread for that when it happens, as well as a huge temporary increase of active members discussing it.

In short: no.

Ah, such a shame then. 10 pages should be more than enough to delight me when it comes.

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I imagine it was given a 9 because it's not a perfect game. Fantastic? Definitely. Perfect? Probably not. Fire Emblem getting perfect scores is honestly pretty rare, so I can't say I imagine it would've changed here.

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Kirikoan, thanks for all your hard work. The fanbase can wait a little more for a translation, so please don't overdo it. We should really build statues of appreciation for you and the other wonderful guys that translate all of this for free.

A 9 out of 10 is an excellent vote. Since every one of the four votes comes from a different journalist, and thus each of the votes give a general opinion of the game, I think the games deserve the high expectations they have.

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36/40 is a great score, but I'll take it as a grain of salt since Awakening got the same score, & Awakening was a flop for me.

I'll wait to judge the game for myself when spoilers are out next week (& when I ultimately play it for myself next year, of course.)

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