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Treehouse Day 2: FE Fates (Big early-game spoiler!)


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Just spend 15 minutes going back and forth on the extremely long youtube video trying to see the really fast text I missed.

I feel you. I end up using the share option to go back easily..

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Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=watch?v=ncxTFIEr7GI

For future reference all you have to do is add a v/ after the first / and it bypasses the age restriction.

You are awesome, thanks!

Anyway, my thoughts (for those who missed it, skip to ~4:49:00):

- Garon can fuck off, stage left. That's NOT how to greet someone when they return home!

- Iago reminds me of a certain someone from Lord of the Rings.

- The beginning of the Nohr saga really reminds me of FE3/12 FSR. . .

- Respect points for Marx: UP

- Major cool points for Silas!

- Oh gosh, Elise is hilarious. But I'm still playing Hoshido first!

- Props to Effie for keeping up despite being weighed down!

- Huh. Wonder what else Elise has in her inventory. That's an impressive staff range!


- Elise's pigtails for Jesus tier


- The environment feels like Radiant Dawn FSR.

Oh man, can't wait for tomorrow's one!

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The more I look at it, the more I think Kamui is stupid, as well as annoying and pathetic.

The dude had 'no time' to use his dragonstone because he was 'ambushed' and 'surrounded' by slow monsters who weighed 20000kg that was far away from him, despite him having the time to describe everything, what kind of crappy writing is that ? To add insult to injury, he was 'saved' by the clumsy maid who decided that it was a good idea to jump into the fight Naruto style.

He could have just run, I dunno, they had enough time to have a long chat while 'fighting'.

Interesting, so apparently Mikoto died to save Kamui ? Uh

ROFL, Dat Garon smile ! He looks like he just devoured a canary ! Still wonder what's the logic behind his plan is.

Edited by B.Leu
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Dat animation is smoother than butter. Wish it could have been anyone else but Treehouse, though. Seriously. She had her force completely divided.

In her defense, when you've got to keep up a conversation and have limited time, you can't take very long to make tactical decisions.

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In her defense, when you've got to keep up a conversation and have limited time, you can't take very long to make tactical decisions.

Not to mention a lot of people who aren't familiar with Fire Emblem might get turned off if they see one unit being able to breeze through the map like Kamui did in the beginning, even if it was for demonstration purposes.

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Tactics were Robin's thing. Kamui just...dragons.

Y'know, it's funny, because his go-to idea was pretty much "shit, he's powerful! I'd better turn into a dragon! - Oh no, I'm surrounded and I can't turn into a dragon!"

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Y'know, it's funny, because his go-to idea was pretty much "shit, he's powerful! I'd better turn into a dragon! - Oh no, I'm surrounded and I can't turn into a dragon!"

Imagine if HardMode!Ashnard was like that. Talk about anti-climatic. :p

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In her defense, when you've got to keep up a conversation and have limited time, you can't take very long to make tactical decisions.

I think most people don't realize how difficult it is to hold a conversation + focus on a game that require a lot of tactical decisions (like FE) while still doing both well until they actually try to
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Well, if you could change into a dragon, won't you do it at every occasion ?

Obviously. If I could change into a dragon, no one would be safe. But I'd want a different dragon forme than Kamui's. I honestly don't care for its look.

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So concoctions apparently now come in stacks of two, and heal 20 HP instead of 10.

Also, they mention an ice clan, which means, well... that there's an ice clan. So for now we have wind, fire and ice clans.

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Dat animation is smoother than butter. Wish it could have been anyone else but Treehouse, though. Seriously. She had her force completely divided.

I dont know..that's saying a lot. Im sure you dont wanna see IGN again. That was probably one of the most painful things to watch.

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Concoctions healed 20 in awakening as well, it was vulneraries that healed 10. Only two uses rather than three is different though.

The ice clan is interesting, since it's definitely in Nohr, meaning the clans aren't a Hoshido thing. I actually had a thought that Felicia might be from the ice clan, considering the ice-like effect that her attacks seem to produce, but it's a very tenuous link so it's probably nothing.

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Obviously. If I could change into a dragon, no one would be safe. But I'd want a different dragon forme than Kamui's. I honestly don't care for its look.

It's dangerous. In that form, your mom could be shot in a heart wrenching turn of events at any moment.

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Am I the only one wondering why they didn't saw Prologue or Chapter 1 ?

I'm reminding something Cysx said about a precedent Famitsu issue, and I'm wonering if one of them would have you play with Aqua as the Lord...

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Am I the only one wondering why they didn't saw Prologue or Chapter 1 ?

I'm reminding something Cysx said about a precedent Famitsu issue, and I'm wonering if one of them would have you play with Aqua as the Lord...

Could be. It might explain how Rinkah and Kaze got captured.

I think Prologue might be Aqua, then Chapter 1 is Avatar versus Xander.

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Concoctions healed 20 in awakening as well, it was vulneraries that healed 10. Only two uses rather than three is different though.

The ice clan is interesting, since it's definitely in Nohr, meaning the clans aren't a Hoshido thing. I actually had a thought that Felicia might be from the ice clan, considering the ice-like effect that her attacks seem to produce, but it's a very tenuous link so it's probably nothing.

Oh, that's correct, my bad. I got confused, since their icon is that of the vulnerary in Awakening.

Also, Rinka is of the Fire clan, and her attacks burn with a bronze club, so it might not be that far fetched.

Am I the only one wondering why they didn't saw Prologue or Chapter 1 ?

I'm reminding something Cysx said about a precedent Famitsu issue, and I'm wonering if one of them would have you play with Aqua as the Lord...

Well I don't know. Getting you to control at least four units, including a dancer in the prologue chapter clashes with what they're expecting of you in chapter 2. And there is also that possible Xander battle like VincentASM said.

Plot-wise it could make sense though.

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