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All hopes lost for S-rank supports?

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Please tell me this was intentional. It's too perfect.

Anyway, as I said before I think that if Support conversations are in then at the very least we're pretty much guaranteed to get paired endings since every game that has support conversations (and even a couple that don't) has at least some paired endings.

I was waiting for someone to notice.

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Kids confirmed.

Let that sink in.

I just saw the article when I logged on as well.

Still getting the game(s), but as for having faith in IS, I quit.

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I just saw the article when I logged on as well.

Still getting the game(s), but as for having faith in IS, I quit.

To quote and expand upon what somebody else said, it seems like IS had a change of plans for this game: they started out wanting to make something big and different, but as time went on, they started to trying to play it safe, to try and grab back every single person who bought Awakening. First was the 2nd generation expies, then marriage, before they decided to just go whole hog with it and bring back the 2nd generation.

And here's the thing: nobody's 100% happy about it. This is including those who liked the mechanics in Awakening. Heck, apparently the guys on 2chan are having discussions/debates mirroring the ones on here. It's probably not going to positively effect the game's sales; they're certainly catching flak about it on both sides of the pacific and fandom.

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I know it's not on purpose, but if the fandom keeps calling it a Waifu sim and players only play it for pander then that's how it turns out. If it's called and played for that, then it's exactly what it is. Sad really, when I heard Nohr would relive the classic FE feeling, I was stoked. I thought, "Finally, now Awakening players will know what FE in the past is like. That feeling is rather gone now.

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yeah, i was really pumped for fe:if, and i don't really mind awakening's support system much.

what bugs me is the kids, because to me it implies it's going to be less serious and have a more generic, shallow "save the world" (which, all FE games have a save the world plot, but still) plot, and is going to suffer from awakening's plot problems- awakening's plot kinda took a nerf after the gangrel arc, to be honest. the kids took over and plot hit the backseat, and i really don't want to see that happen. and despite the pettiness of having bad names make or break a game.. i'm hung up on how they're translating the names so far. i get they're trying to make them more "western" or easier to pronounce, but...

we've all heard of naruto at least once in our lives, and we know how to pronounce "tsunami" and similar. if they were really worried about pronunciation, they could have a soundbite of a "i'm so-and-so-" when they introduced themselves. it's not that hard to work around (but mostly... xander. good god, it's so bad).

i'm still going to play it (because i still do really love FE), but i am considerably less excited now.

Edited by falcoknights
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I'm reserving judgement until I actually get into the game, as I seriously don't know the storyline or if it accommodates children. Still, children only theoretically "worked" in FEA because of mandatory Lucina, but I can't see them forcing you to marry someone by a certain point, so I'm obliged to think it's just outrealms mumbo jumbo put in for the sake of it.

Still going to buy the crap out of the game, and most definitely enjoy it, but seems like they're treading down a dangerous path.

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I'm just going to wait on the impressions of those importing.

If it's actually an enjoyable game with a good story and just a few stupid little side mechanics, then alright.

If it's the same BS that was in Awakening, then I start emulating.

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