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We have the answer to "is marriage in this game?"


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I think it was confirmed that the child is this time around dependent on the father,while the hair colour depends on the mother.

Shara has purple hair,because Orochi has purple hair;)

Yes, but as a result of that, their official/artwork hair color would be based on the father, the opposite of Awakening. So Shara's would be brown.

According to my one-day-old Tsukuyomi x Orochi headcanon, it makes perfect sense that their kid would be a little messed up in the head if she grew up knowing that her mother was banging all of the army's captured inmates.

This is all a misunderstanding, they actually have a PS3 in the cell, and Orochi's the only one who knows how to put it on. You know, this being an age of no technology and all.

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Yes, but as a result of that, their official/artwork hair color would be based on the father, the opposite of Awakening. So Shara's would be brown.

This is all a misunderstanding, they actually have a PS3 in the cell, and Orochi's the only one who knows how to put it on. You know, this being an age of no technology and all.

I really don't mean to sound like a dick because I'm actually curious, but what's your point? That she can't be a Tharja expy because her default hair colour would be red-brown? Makes sense, given the Awakening-kid expies all have their default hair, but Kjelle didn't have her mother's hair, nor Inigo, so Shara's artwork hair could still be black.

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I really don't mean to sound like a dick because I'm actually curious, but what's your point? That she can't be a Tharja expy because her default hair colour would be red-brown? Makes sense, given the Awakening-kid expies all have their default hair, but Kjelle didn't have her mother's hair, nor Inigo, so Shara's artwork hair could still be black.

That's pretty much exactly what I meant, yes. You're right, there were exceptions in Awakening, and we don't even know if that's how these children's "official' hair color will work. It's just a thing really.

Personally as I said before, I do think it's Tharja for a number of reasons, but we still don't know for sure at the moment, so I think it's a good idea to consider as many factors as possible.

I have to say though, if a few days ago, I had to select among the male characters from Hoshido, the most likely dad for a Tharja expy, Tsukuyomi would have been quite low on the list. I've accepted it as the truth for a while by now, and yet I still can't wrap my head around it.

Edited by Cysx
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I have to say though, if a few days ago, I had to select among the male characters from Hoshido, the most likely dad for a Tharja expy, Tsukuyomi would have been quite low on the list. I've accepted it as the truth for a while by now, and yet I still can't wrap my head around it.

The best part is that Tsukuyomi's youth might lead plenty to pair him with Sakura (if possible). Imagining the confused looks of those not expecting Tsukuyomi+Sakura=red-haired-Tharja makes me smile.

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Yes, but as a result of that, their official/artwork hair color would be based on the father, the opposite of Awakening. So Shara's would be brown.

If we were going by the pattern seen in Awakening, yes this would be true, but only for the official artwork for the character in general when there is no context given for who their variable parent is. The Shara shown in this in-game screenshot is explained to be the result of a Tsukuyomi x Orochi pairing, so the Shara in this particular file will have the variable parent (Orochi)'s hair color. If we ever get an official profile for her in a magazine, she'd probably have Tsukuyomi's hair color.

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If we were going by the pattern seen in Awakening, yes this would be true, but only for the official artwork for the character in general when there is no context given for who their variable parent is. The Shara shown in this in-game screenshot is explained to be the result of a Tsukuyomi x Orochi pairing, so the Shara in this particular file will have the variable parent (Orochi)'s hair color. If we ever get an official profile for her in a magazine, she'd probably have Tsukuyomi's hair color.

I'm not sure where the misunderstanding is coming from... I do understand why her hair is purple. I'm not really taking it at face value because I think this game will function the same as Awakening on that matter; as in, since the fathers bring in many different hair colors for every child, they went with the mother's on the art in most cases, since it never changes. And if anything, Luna, Lazwart and Odin's appearance heavily imply that the artworks really displayed these children's canonical appearance. I'm simply applying that same logic to Shara, and saying that assuming it works the same this time around, she'd have to be an exception to actually, officially have Tharja's hair color.

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I think I've just grown to not care about repeated character lookalikes, anymore cause I'll bet they'll be more, then people will flip tables or something. I look at them in a "You know nifty? This..." easter egg/trivia kinda thing now.
But do know completely why these lookalikes are made? Maybe it could be this anime look they change into since Awakening and they're having trouble making new character designs for Nohr? I dunno.

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Fire Emblem has changed.

The core idea is reportedly, and I quote from the Famitsu interview, "making an anime you can live in."

Seriously? They said this? So now are we allowed to criticize the new direction they're taking with the series without being called elitists? Because I think we can all agree that really is not what FE is about.

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Seriously? They said this? So now are we allowed to criticize the new direction they're taking with the series without being called elitists? Because I think we can all agree that really is not what FE is about.

I'm really surprised more people didn't make a deal of this sooner.

Looking back through Kirokan's translation, it may not have been the Famitsu interview, but it was certainly in Famitsu.

And do you seriously think the community will escape the "elitist" label anytime soon? It reminds me of the Halo fanbase. There are a lot of people whining about how the 343 games aren't like the Bungie games (different weapon sandbox, more darker and lore-focused story, etc.). Yes, quite a few of them are jerks about it. But most of those who calmly express their opinion and provide evidence for it are shouted out and lumped in with the others. It's arguably worse here, as Awakening was the majority of the existing fan's first experience with it, and it "saved the series" (I'd argue two things called "casual mode" and "advertising" did). Alot of them seem to take personal offense at criticism of Awakening, and thus spread the "elitist stereotype". Of course it, like all stereotypes, holds a drop of truth in it, but really, how many full-out elitists are there here? Not that many. Sure, they're their, but they're a very small part of the fanbase. And the fact that people go out and cite reddit and 4chan makes it look like they just want a reason to hate those who disagree with them.

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Quite ironically NOT having enough elitists is precisely why the series changed it direction (a bit). :P

You guys will need Lucina to go back in time, pre-Awakening, to challenge the fates (no pun intended) of the series to not let waifus take over.

But I will be that Grima to stop her!

Edited by Awakener_
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Eh, I dunno how it was in just after FEA's release date, but for now, I didn't see many people being somekind of hardcore harpy about it.

'An anime you could live in' ? They seriously said that ?

Huh, firstly, that's a rather crappy anime to live in. Secondly, I can assure you that I'll never act like your crappy shonen hero... Thirdly, They seriously have to get their priority staight, start to make sense or I dunno. Like DanMan said, it's confusing. I'm confused. :/

Bah, in the end, we'll have to play the end result to really judge, eh ? But still confusing and/or stupid.

Edited by B.Leu
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Quite ironically NOT having enough elitists is precisely why the series changed it direction (a bit). :P

Fire Emblem's franchise was always small. When it first started, it was big and started decreasing sales after every game, but Pokemon was WAY bigger and also a game that started decreasing after every main game release, but Pokemon started with a bigger fanbase compared to FE and when a game gets to the point where their going to make one more game. They'll do anything. The brink of death will make people do stupid things. "Might as well go out with a bang."

Edit: I didn't mean Awakening is stupid, but I mean... I hope you get what I mean.

Edited by Great Geargia Gateway
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I'm really surprised more people didn't make a deal of this sooner.

Quite ironically NOT having enough elitists is precisely why the series changed it direction (a bit). :P

I know I haven't been a part of this conversation, but people did. The issue with this was that the casual fanbase grew so rapidly that instead of blaming Awakening for changing things, the 'elitists' were given the blame (by the old fans) for not letting FE change. Which led to a whole different issue because the 'elitists' were pretty much forced to keep quiet, because whatever they said was pushed back into their mouths. It was pretty stifling, since no one was allowed to voice their discontent with the change to a game they loved.

In the end though, most of the Japanese fanbase were big fans of the changes, and the rest of the world unfortunately don't have much say in what stays or goes...so I think people just gave up really, although there are still some people around that won't let things go.

Fire Emblem's franchise was always small. When it first started, it was big and started decreasing sales after every game, but Pokemon was WAY bigger and also a game that started decreasing after every main game release, but Pokemon started with a bigger fanbase compared to FE and when a game gets to the point where their going to make one more game. They'll do anything. The brink of death will make people do stupid things. "Might as well go out with a bang."

This pretty much sums it up...

Personally, marriage and kids in general was never a big issue to me, I didn't mind the changes. What annoyed me was the way they implemented it. The supports lacked depth, and the proposals really came out of nowhere. We were usually given no context to any romantic interests in the A-supports, and then suddenly in the S-supports, "you're the love of my life" popped up. I enjoyed Awakening for what it was and still do, but that doesn't mean I'm blind to its many flaws.

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That would be definitely weird since he would be her uncle…

Kamui regularly feels up his sisters in his room. I think we passed the weird threshold already.

Incest is a game the whole family can play.

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I'm really surprised more people didn't make a deal of this sooner.

Looking back through Kirokan's translation, it may not have been the Famitsu interview, but it was certainly in Famitsu.

And do you seriously think the community will escape the "elitist" label anytime soon? It reminds me of the Halo fanbase. There are a lot of people whining about how the 343 games aren't like the Bungie games (different weapon sandbox, more darker and lore-focused story, etc.). Yes, quite a few of them are jerks about it. But most of those who calmly express their opinion and provide evidence for it are shouted out and lumped in with the others. It's arguably worse here, as Awakening was the majority of the existing fan's first experience with it, and it "saved the series" (I'd argue two things called "casual mode" and "advertising" did). Alot of them seem to take personal offense at criticism of Awakening, and thus spread the "elitist stereotype". Of course it, like all stereotypes, holds a drop of truth in it, but really, how many full-out elitists are there here? Not that many. Sure, they're their, but they're a very small part of the fanbase. And the fact that people go out and cite reddit and 4chan makes it look like they just want a reason to hate those who disagree with them.

The community started much smaller, and grew slowly. Over the years we learned all there was in the various FE's and some of us became incredibly elitist about it, they wanted their niche series to stay a niche series and didn't want noobs overwhelming their fanbase. I can say over the various FE forums I've been apart of in the older days of the fandom. If you didn't know your general stuff, like Jeigans and Ests and all that and used "bad" units and strategies you were called out as a buffoon and it was incredibly unwelcome gatekeeping. Since FE13 became a thing, we've had such an influx of new people its effectively cut the fanbase in half. Funny enough also the amount that Awakening had to sell to save the series, had been achieved by like every game in the franchise barring like Radiant Dawn I believe. There are still some people out there who believe FE has effectively died starting with FE12 and well the series will not be what it ever was to them before then.

Awakening as I saw it was a love letter to the veterans in certain aspects. They took as much as they could from previous FE's and mashed it together into a game, the results in terms of the story were a bit messy with the time travel and all, but at least the gameplay was really solid. I also don't think the characters are as one note as some say. I mean look at FE1/3/11/12 there is alot of characterization missing, we filled in the blanks though. But they also made the game look really appealing to newcomers for once, which they hadn't tried since Sacred Stones.

IS is trying to appeal to two different crowds now, those of us who liked the "complexity" and those of us who liked the stuff Awakening brought in or reintroduced.

In the end Fates/IF looks to be quite an interesting beast with a variety of its own twists on stuff like Pair Up and heck the whole weapon system which now lacks durability a first since Fire Emblem Gaiden

Also casual mode was an invention of FE12. I really wish people would stop associating it with Awakening,

Edited by Jedi
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Quite ironically NOT having enough elitists is precisely why the series changed it direction (a bit). :P

You guys will need Lucina to go back in time, pre-Awakening, to challenge the fates (no pun intended) of the series to not let waifus take over.

But I will be that Grima to stop her!

LOL this might be the funniest post I've seen on any Fire Emblem related forum. And I'd read the crap out of this if it got turned into a (good) fanfiction.

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The community started much smaller, and grew slowly. Over the years we learned all there was in the various FE's and some of us became incredibly elitist about it, they wanted their niche series to stay a niche series and didn't want noobs overwhelming their fanbase. I can say over the various FE forums I've been apart of in the older days of the fandom. If you didn't know your general stuff, like Jeigans and Ests and all that and used "bad" units and strategies you were called out as a buffoon and it was incredibly unwelcome gatekeeping. Since FE13 became a thing, we've had such an influx of new people its effectively cut the fanbase in half. Funny enough also the amount that Awakening had to sell to save the series, had been achieved by like every game in the franchise barring like Radiant Dawn I believe. There are still some people out there who believe FE has effectively died starting with FE12 and well the series will not be what it ever was to them before then.

Awakening as I saw it was a love letter to the veterans in certain aspects. They took as much as they could from previous FE's and mashed it together into a game, the results in terms of the story were a bit messy with the time travel and all, but at least the gameplay was really solid. I also don't think the characters are as one note as some say. I mean look at FE1/3/11/12 there is alot of characterization missing, we filled in the blanks though. But they also made the game look really appealing to newcomers for once, which they hadn't tried since Sacred Stones.

IS is trying to appeal to two different crowds now, those of us who liked the "complexity" and those of us who liked the stuff Awakening brought in or reintroduced.

In the end Fates/IF looks to be quite an interesting beast with a variety of its own twists on stuff like Pair Up and heck the whole weapon system which now lacks durability a first since Fire Emblem Gaiden

Also casual mode was an invention of FE12. I really wish people would stop associating it with Awakening,

Yeah; I've heard bits and pieces about the "stop having fun your way, use these units" kind of guys. (I used the Halo example because that's a personal one that resulted in me giving up on the fandom due to a massive split.)

Also, an interesting note: 250,000 (the barrier Awakening needed to break) was roughly the total sales number of Shadow Dragon, with NME selling simliarly (despite being Japan only). And yes, I knew about Casual mode and FE12; it's just that Awakening had it and was localized, which results in it being represented by it more (it kinda helps that it has sold 1.8 million).

Quite ironically NOT having enough elitists is precisely why the series changed it direction (a bit). :P

I've actually tried to engage in thought experiments were the series maintained just enough sales and relevance to stay in it's "popular niche game" spot that it was in before (most had at least heard of it before).

Really, the series has changed, but it's too early to pass full judgement. As annoyed as most of us are at the waifu crap that gets tossed around, FE14 undeniably has a lot of improvements and changes to distance itself from Awakening.

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Well, according to another thread (one of the Dengeki discussions I believe), the children characters--along with whatever means they used to bring them into existence along with the rest of your army--will have no bearing whatsoever on the plot of this game.

I must say hearing that does give me some relief knowing that their existence won't dampen the plot, and that they are purely an optional element of Fates.

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