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So my current hubby's son looks like my hubby from Awakening. Not sure how I feel about this... I'm tempted to make my avatar have dark blue hair now :P

Also, Sophie and Midoriko are so cute!!!! Glad I decided to pair their parents up with my two little sisters :D

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Uuuuuugh as a trans guy PLEASE stop making rude comments about Foleo. "Trap" is considered a slur against trans women, please don't use it! We don't know if Foleo is transgender or a crossdresser yet, please be kinder in your words.

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Betting that second dragon is the final boss or at least one of his forms.

Okay, guy who forwarded those links to me told me that apparently first dragon (with weird orb rock with eyes in mouth) is Toryumaru(Hoshido's holy ancestral dragon thing) and second(the thing with red glowy orb in cage like head) is Anankos.

I guess that kinda does confirm Anankos is connected to melted Garon since glowy red thing? xD(and the fact Garon speaks to Anankos)

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Uuuuuugh as a trans guy PLEASE stop making rude comments about Foleo. "Trap" is considered a slur against trans women, please don't use it! We don't know if Foleo is transgender or a crossdresser yet, please be kinder in your words.

Sorry, my reaction (and I guess others) was kind of a knee-jerk reaction one. It's just... I wasn't expecting it at all (especially considering all the previous speculations we had). Sorry if my reaction came off as offensive to you. :/

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I do love hte designs in this so much better than awakening. I think everyone looks really cool, no unfortunate uniform design elements like the ugly-ass toilet-bowls for cavaliers in Awakening anywhere.

Yeah, but that means less original costumes for each character. (which as a cosplayer, I am sad about)

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....Holy sh*t on a shingle, the amount of hype is amazing. I jumped from page 16 to all the way over here...2016 really can't come soon enough. On another note, thanks to all the people finding all these images...it's helping me hold on to sanity. XD

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Uuuuuugh as a trans guy PLEASE stop making rude comments about Foleo. "Trap" is considered a slur against trans women, please don't use it! We don't know if Foleo is transgender or a crossdresser yet, please be kinder in your words.

I feel you, I noticed that too. I'm sorry.

Also, Foleo doesn't look overtly female to me at all. He reminds me of a Renaissance artist, like Raphael.

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