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Topic of Marriage, Supports, and Children.


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In Silas x Hinoka's B-Support, it shows that

he doesn't attack enemy soldiers who lost the will to fight.

Now I want him to spare a "defeated" enemy soldier that backstabs and kills him.

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Oh my god, this support is trying to kill me. (*q*)

Oh yeah, can someone point me to some Cyrus supports where he doesn't feel as flat and one-dimensional as a cardboard cut-out?

All of the ones I've read so far (except for Suzukaze's) has been 'make the other character's distinct-character-trait extremely showcased cause it's all I ever talk about!!'.

His supports with Elise are interesting, as it seems to imply that he's also quite lonely, maybe that's why he's so friendly and nice?

I also like his support with Sakura, as it shows him being quite smooth.

Edited by Water Mage
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I read through the translated supports for Cyrus, and listened through the untranslated ones on google translate (can understand spoken japanese, can’t read it though), and:

[spoiler=Here I will simply list which female supports were and were not enjoyable to read]

(Just because I won't be mentioning these in the list [as I'm doing this for translations interest sake] most of the already translated ones were the boring ones. [which is what lead me to looking for these better ones in the first place])

(Also, any un-translated support not listed here was neither good, nor bad)

In no particular order--

Enjoyable to read: Rinka, Mozume, Kagerou, Elfie

A real chore to read through (one-dimensional): Nyx, Felicia, Belka

And this looks like a good time to post

Nyx+Cyrus C-support

this is all I'll be translating from their support for a while though (cause it's bland. Not really what I go for in translating...)

Edited by squkyshoes
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Asama/Elfie is out. I'm really liking all of Asama's supports so far.

Wow, much better than I expected. I never really cared for Asama before, but after reading his supports, he's getting to be one of my favorite characters. He has a pretty high strength growth for a priest too.

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I wasn't looking for homosexual innuendos. We get enough of that with the Beach DLC, so I was hoping for context. The support for Zero/Leo hadn't been greened out in the FE14 Support excel, so I hadn't known it was translated.

And wow that was actually a pleasure to read. I was afraid it would be some joke support, so that was a lot more than I had expected.

Do they ever go into detail about how Zero was betrayed in the main story or through other supports?

I'm kind of curious now, but if it's a part of the main story, I'll probably avoid it.

Thank you very much for the translations!

Edited by Minischew
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Here's Asama/Hinoka.

It's certainly... interesting. I have pretty mixed feelings about this one. Someone might want to double-check some of the phrasing though.

I'm pretty disappointed in their S rank. It's just... ehh. It's a bit of a shame since Asama's supports were good so far.

Edited by wvype
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Here's Asama/Hinoka.

It's certainly... interesting. I have pretty mixed feelings about this one. Someone might want to double-check some of the phrasing though.

I'm pretty disappointed in their S rank. It's just... ehh. It's a bit of a shame since Asama's supports were good so far.

I thought the support was pretty good, though a little mixed about the A one. The S support was ok. I'm more lenient on S supports since so many S supports in the game are rushed.

Leon and Zero's support was surprisingly good!

Nice to read more on their backstory of how they met. I wonder why Zero snuck in the castle? He was a thief, so I'm guessing he was there to steal something until he was betrayed.

Also read Belka and Zero's supports. It was pretty good, but unfortunately the S support feels like it came from nowhere too.

Edited by Yuina
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Here's Asama/Hinoka.

It's certainly... interesting. I have pretty mixed feelings about this one. Someone might want to double-check some of the phrasing though.

I'm pretty disappointed in their S rank. It's just... ehh. It's a bit of a shame since Asama's supports were good so far.

Well, the lack of honorifics at the end was its saving grace. That was a nice touch, I think.

On another note, the Nishiki/Rinka supports pleased me more than I expected them to.

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Orochi and Hinata's supports have been translated.

Their S Support is…interesting. Hinata is very smooth. not

"Yeah. Up until now you and I have spoken much right? I only ever thought of you as a sexy older sister something like that, but you were pretty different to what I thought."

... Hinata. What are you doing. Stahp.

Oh my god. I laughed so hard I started choking. I might just ship this because of her immediate, "What, I'm not sexy now?" response. Orochi just leapt up like ten spots on my favourite character list. She's awesome.

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Shigure is apparently older than Ignis in their siblings supports. What.

From what I've skimmed of all his siblings supports, out of Shigure's possible siblings, everybody is younger than him except Siegbert and Shinonome, who are the oldest sibling whether it's Shigure or Kanna. I get Siegbert and Shinonome being older than Shigure, they're pretty much established as the heirs to the kingdoms... but how the hell is Ignis younger than Shigure? And Grey, for that matter? I think Shigure looks at least a few months younger than both of them.

Orochi and Hinata's supports have been translated by Leoppi.

Their S Support is…interesting. Hinata is very smooth. not

...Well. That... was an interesting read. C - A was pretty standard support stuff, but... that S support.

Also, has anyone done Lazwald / Saizou or Odin / Hinata? Just a bit curious about what goes on in them.

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