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Iwata Asks


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After finishing reading the entire interview I'm now hyped once again. Also I actually liked this interview as the people in it really seemed to know each other and it made the interview process very natural. Besides that I must say that IS really did pull out all the stops to get Kibayashi to write the story.

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My hype-meter had been going down for the game for a while now. Then I read this interview, and I'm now back up to full.

The gaining of the spouses class is interesting...I can't wait to see Eugenics Emblem: Extreme arise due to this.

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Wow, this was a great Iwata Asks! I've always loved how in depth they go into the creation of and ideas behind the games they discuss. It really makes me appreciate the games that much more. This one was definitely a fun read and I'm glad to see them address and acknowledge the plot's weak points in Awakening, and how they made an effort to improve that for this game. Kibayashi's passion and overall engagement with his characters is good to see. I think we can trust him to make an interesting tale. (I'm also wary... especially after his "I really wanted to make sure that it would make players cry." bit...)

Overall, the way they talk about the game sounds very honest and it seems like they really cared about making this a good game. And that they actually put some thought into some of the new ideas added, some of which had even been brought up back when they were making Awakening. It seems pretty promising.

Edited by Nakaion
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All the story focus has me hopeful for tomorrow! Here's hoping Kibayashi did a great job. : )


"Even though you thought you were siding with evil, it wasn't actually all evil. And on the other hand, even if you side with good, it's not all good..."

This will give hope to people finding fault with Hoshido.

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So while I was writing this, I started to really identify with the way that the protagonist is feeling and I started thinking "I've done something horrible!" (laughs)

I haven't even played the game but the first Treehouse video made me feel this way. The way they bickered over you tugged at my heart strings.
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So how will the class sharing work for the more character specific classes? Will people be able to share Garu, Spirit Fox, Songstress and... Nohr Prince(ss)? If not, what class will the spouse get? Also, if the character starts as a promoted class that is shared by multiple base classes (such as Hero) what class will be made available? Only the class they are when they get married?

Theoretically, a first gen character should have access of up to 9 different classes, including the base and promoted classes.

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So how will the class sharing work for the more character specific classes? Will people be able to share Garu, Spirit Fox, Songstress and... Nohr Prince(ss)? If not, what class will the spouse get?

Man I hope this is this the case! Getting bit by a werewolf turns you into a werewolf, marrying a prince should turn you into a princess, and marrying a spirit fox... uh... I guess it's like you got taken to the spirit world? To also become a fox?

Also, if the character starts as a promoted class that is shared by multiple base classes (such as Hero) what class will be made available? Only the class they are when they get married?

Well, characters who start out promoted still have a base class associated with them, since they have 2 skills from that base class. For instance, Frederick in awakening had cavalier skills, not knight skills. So marrying him in Fates would probably give you cavalier class options.

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Man I hope this is this the case! Getting bit by a werewolf turns you into a werewolf, marrying a prince should turn you into a princess, and marrying a spirit fox... uh... I guess it's like you got taken to the spirit world? To also become a fox?

Well, characters who start out promoted still have a base class associated with them, since they have 2 skills from that base class. For instance, Frederick in awakening had cavalier skills, not knight skills. So marrying him in Fates would probably give you cavalier class options.

I see. That's true for Felicia and Joker so you're probably right.

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This interview was really touching. I felt a lot of emotions while reading. They all seem to get along very well, and we could feel the love they had for the game and the series. Their honesty was also a great point. They went all out to make a game that would make many people happy. I laughed when they mentioned how the head of the sales department changed his attitude after Awakening sold greatly... Money is everything.

I think I'm going to avoid spoilers from now on. I want to enjoy this game fully !

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I now see better why If/fates is full of fanservice and otaku elements..

In the end is all about money.

I enjoy most of the interview, and i'm really curious to see all the plot and see if i will be able to cry :)

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Glad to see they acknowledged awakening's terrible story.

Yes indeed. I'm releave to know that.

"But on the other hand, the story felt lacking to those fans who were with us from previous games as they wanted a deeper and more complex story line."

Probably one of the reason who push me to learn japanese. It was so bad I thought it was a translation issue.

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