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Name: Slythus (self-named)

Class: Druid/ Dark Sage

Appearance: Tall and slender. Strong but not buff. Dresses in a dark blue and black robe-like outfit and wears a matching head band. He has jet-black hair that flows behind him with the front part of his hair hanging over the headband and has a silver streak in the right area of his hair. His eyes are a complexion or dark-blue with a glimmer of sliver around the pupil.

Personality: He is very quiet and keeps to himself most of the time. He is almost always calm. Even in a desperate situation he can easily manage his cool. Some question if there is even a soul in him (there is). He is neither aggressive nor submissive, nor does he feel like he has anything to prove. The only thing that really affects him is fire. He has been known to snap if left staring into flames for too long. Because of that, he tries to avoid it as much as possible.

Good intentions, evil intentions, or neutral?: For the most part, neutral. He's the kind of guy that flows with the wind. But he finds a reason for joining or aiding the good side.

Age Unknown, but looks like he's in his mid twenties.

Bio:Slythus grew up as a branded. After witnessing both his parents (laguz and beorc) die in a house fire which he miraculously survived, he was sent to live in an orphanage, but was later adopted by a strange man with an affiliation for dark magic. The man that adopted Slythus took him in as his pupil and taught him early on of dark magic and discovered that he could take on so much more because of his mysterious powers of being a branded. It wasn't long that Slythus surpassed his master, but he continued under his training, further expanding his skill and eventually developing a special ability called: Dark Line. His teacher saw Slythus's reaction to fire, but never found a solution or cure to it, but was however, able to help him some control over it. Slythus well-respected his teacher and saw him as a father figure (who never named him but called him as his student), but was not heavy-hit upon his death. Soon after his teacher/adoptive father's death, he set out on a journey of his own, going wherever the wind took him.

Special Attack: Dark Line. In addition to all the other attacks a Dark Sage/ Druid can do, he is able to create a whip of dark magic and control it at his will. This whip is especially useful as it does not require a tome and he can use it in close combat with weapon wielding enemies.

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Name: Branded

Class: ...Hero/Vanguard I guess.

Appearance: see avatar.

Personality: Quiet, sarcastic, irritable...pretty much the opposite of MS. Can be very blunt and to the point.

Good intentions, evil intentions, or neutral?: Whichever side interests me more.

Any special notes/ background information (any special weapons/attacks you have, if you want to die or not, who else on here you have a special bond with, if you want to be someone's love interest 8D, etc.):

Weapon: Bastard Sword called "Obsidian"

Death: As long as it's not pathetic or cliche I'm fine with dying

Bonds: MaSu, Song

Edited by Branded Blade
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Name: I guess Freohr... Though it doesn't sound very much like a girl's name to me...

Class: Myrmidon --> (< is that what you use? idk) Swordmaster --> Trueblade

Appearance: I will get something to help with that shortly

Personality: happy, hyper person; isn't easily anoyed

Good intentions, evil intentions, or neutral?: I guess good

Any special notes/ background information: Not that I can think of so far...


Here's something for the appearance. This is like my character in SE, but I'm not actually going to use it in the game. I've still got Princess making one, and one Angel wants to make to compete.

Since I'm a myrmidon instead of dancer, I guess the outfit could be somewhat similar with orange and red colors to it...

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Name: Nightmare (real name unknown)

Class: Can it be Lord? :3 If not, then Trueblade.

Appearance: Sorta tall, long black hair (silky), wears a kimono-like robe and a blindfold (both of which are black) and...I guess you can say he's more handsome than your average dude. >_>

Personality: Eggman Calm, quiet, perceptive, honourable AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE (i.e. subject to change)

Good intentions, evil intentions, or neutral?: JUSTICE PREVAILS

Any special notes/ background information (any special weapons/attacks you have, if you want to die or not, who else on here you have a special bond with, if you want to be someone's love interest 8D, etc.): He's blind. Doesn't have any specific special weapon (just an iaito). His special attack is, I guess, the Swallow Cut (Tsubame Gaeshi). I have a special bond with Songbird (only person I can think of), friends with a lot of people (>_>) and I dunno about the love interest thing. You can do whatever, I guess. As for special notes: He's very precise and cautious, but not to the point that it would impede whatever it is that he wants to do. His speed is kinda inhumane AND I DUNNO WHAT ELSE GAAAAWD


Andandand, sorry about those overreactions. >_> EVERYTHING IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE (maybe). Also I probably forgot like, a ton of stuff.

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Like with Nightmare, I'm friends with other people, but I don't really have time to list them.

And with the rivalry with Masu, Masu may think of Lyle as a rival, but Lyle couldn't care less. =3


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