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Hopes for FE 15

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-Half-decent story

-Characters with depth (more important than story even)

-Consistent tone

-Balanced gameplay difficulty

-No alternate dimensions

-Another world than Archanea

This is just the first things that come to mind really.

Only way I'd be ok with another Archanea game is if we get to play as the great Anri. We keep hearing about how Marth has Anri's blood in him and how Anri slayed the dragon many generations before...so why don't we experience Anri's story for ourselves and see why he was so great in the first place?

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Only way I'd be ok with another Archanea game is if we get to play as the great Anri. We keep hearing about how Marth has Anri's blood in him and how Anri slayed the dragon many generations before...so why don't we experience Anri's story for ourselves and see why he was so great in the first place?

A problem there is that we're told Anri did all that stuff alone. So either they'd have to retcon some stuff, just say we were lied to in universe and all Anri's friends were just forgotten, make it a bonus mode in another game, or make it a full game with an entirety different style to the standard Fire Emblem affair. Like a Dynasty Warriors style gameplay only with more dragons.

Edited by Jotari
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I forgot to add. . .

FIXED MODE! That would help to de-emphasize stat inflation as difficulty, if only a little.

I also forgot about non-romantic support conversations. I'd be happy if certain pairings were purely platonic. One missed opportunity was Say'ri and Chrom.

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I forgot to add. . .

FIXED MODE! That would help to de-emphasize stat inflation as difficulty, if only a little.

I also forgot about non-romantic support conversations. I'd be happy if certain pairings were purely platonic. One missed opportunity was Say'ri and Chrom.

Oh oh I can agree with this!

Chrom and Say'ri could have given some insight into how maybe Valm told the tales of Alm's quest to liberate it, and the after effects for some more Gaiden fanservice!

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I've just been reminded of another thing I'd like to see them do. A spiritual successor to BS Fire Emblem. Basically a bunch of independent chapters that allow you to visit scenes from the series that were mentioned but never seen or played. Like some stuff with Greil or Michalis and all the various legendary heroes mentioned. I think it could be easy to make, hence cheap to produce and by, and could also have some very creative level designs since all resources would be known going in.
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A remake of FE2

I've been staying mostly clear of spoilers, but I looked at portraits and there are way too many characters who are basically copy-paste from awakening.

Not sure if this was IS's decision or the character designers, but either way I'm getting tired of him and would like a new one.

Especially if we could get the designer from Tellius back

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I want more same sex supports. Females should have more female options, and males should have more male options, instead of mostly consisting of the opposite gender.

Yes, I agree with this!

[spoiler=Not sure if it should go in a spoiler, but it is in case. (regarding fe14)]I was really disappointed that Zero and Syalla's only same sex option was Kamui...

I really wanted Zero to marry like Flannel or something... *sigh*

Edited by Carter
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Hmmm... hopes for FE:15

For one I actually like the idea of kids. I feel that different matches give more replayability if you want them, but unless you min/max they are skippable.

I want an open world map a la 8 and 13- you don't have to grind, but again, if you want to, you can.

I want another Prison like we see in My Castle... If only I could have captured Lyon...

I want it set in Sacred Stones world- it is the only one without another game. Grado was hit with a massive earth quake. This could lead to tensions. Or a prequel, or a timeskip, etc.

Bring back light magic.

What I DON'T Want: Fanservice- really, just unnecessary.

Sword Wielding Lords- Give them Axes, Lances, magic, whathaveyou- just make it "un stereotypical". My three most memorable lords are Ephraim, Ike, and Hector. Of those only one wielded a sword... of course personality is the big thing.

Not the usual story (Fates seems good on this)... no "we were randomly invaded/backstabbed by an ally/neighbor" (this is why I am going Nohr, despite no open map- it's unusual, it's original... for the series at least.)

Neutral On

Having Two Games- I loved Sacred Stones, it was basically 1.5 games based on the seperate chapters. Splitting Fates like this means more money for them. If they really are two games, eventually three, then I like the idea. Lord knows IS and Nintendo need money. They will be more different than two Pokemon games. BUT if they are basically the same story... well then I feel cheated.

Apologies for misspellings- I am on a phone, alone, in a restaurant waiting for my food.

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-Completely new universe. No references to past games in the series unless it's DLC. Fates kinda failed at this with its optional content.

-Lower stat growths, not like what Awakening had.

-A reasonable level and stat cap. Awakening had stats that capped at 60+, which could only be reached if you grinded. Fire Emblem is a SRPG, not a JRPG. Enough with the grinding, it takes away the feeling of strategy.

-No more fanservice. I mean I guess it was okay for Awakening seeing as how it was an attempt to revive the franchise, but don't do it anymore.

-If there's going to be second gen characters, there better not be anymore time travel or alternate universe garbage.

-I would like for Arenas to return, although to prevent it from being abusable, it should be done in FE4's style.

-Better AI, the enemy units should acknowledge the Weapon Triangle. Enemy units also shouldn't need to resort to attacking whenever the see the chance, that's suicidal.

-Better written plot and characters. Don't make them so one-dimensional.

-Better map designs that add strategic value. Really disliked Awakening on how 90% of maps were open spaces.

-Limit each units' support choices in favor of better quality writing. I don't care if a unit only has 2-5 support options, if it can't be written well, you might as well shouldn't do it.

-Pair up could be kept, although it should be made so it isn't a broken mechanic.

-If there are customizable Avatars, there should be ways to change their personalities and skin tones.

-There should be variation in mission objectives, not just routing the enemy.

-Ballistae and Fog of War would be nice to return.

Edited by Zerxen
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- A subdued MU, ala Blazing Sword's tactician.

- If MU is the main character, the option to determine your personality, either at creation or with dialogue choices.

- Children are fine and fun to tinker with, but I'd prefer a timeskip over time-travel/outrealm shenanigans.

- Limited support options for every character. No 'everyone can marry everyone' thing. Quality over quantity.

- Light magic and the anima/light/dark triangle

- Varied objectives and maps (survive X turns, weather conditions, etc)

- More political intrigue, less evil otherworldly monsters.

- Tone down the fanservice, plz.

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If they bring back marriage/children I hope its in the style of FE4, where first half you play as parents and second half you play as all the kids. Makes it more about stats and less about waifuism.

Edited by Agile Tit-Tyrant
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Fates existed before the event of Awakening.

Isn't that just a bit of Owain's speculation offhandedly mentioned by Leon, and it's mostly referred to as a separate universe?

A problem there is that we're told Anri did all that stuff alone. So either they'd have to retcon some stuff, just say we were lied to in universe and all Anri's friends were just forgotten, make it a bonus mode in another game, or make it a full game with an entirety different style to the standard Fire Emblem affair. Like a Dynasty Warriors style gameplay only with more dragons.

Legends are legends; they're not entirely true. I could see that proving a simple enough explanation. Or some crazy-ass magical explanation that all trace of his group was wiped from existence due to something or another.


-COMPLETELY seperate universe.

-No dimension-hopping shenanigans.

-No cameos from past characters.

-Removal of child mechanic. It's just shoehorned in now.

-Make S supports only result in marriage in the post-game.

-Limit romantic supports and focus on platonic supports more.

-Return to weapon durability.

-Make an actual good story.

-Limit the fanservice. It's getting a bit out of control.

-Give us a true lord. Or at least make the avatar a character with a set back-story and personality that you just happen to be able to determine the physical appearance of. And make them wield something that's not a sword. Say, bows and lances.

-This one is pretty likely, but don't pull the split paths gimmick again. As has become painfully obvious, all the paths suffer from that.

-Give us a main villain closer to the likes of Nergal, and not another Medeus re-hash.

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