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I fear for this game's NA Release


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I do have some reasons. For one, I'm honestly kinda sickened at the way the game has been treated by the press. Literally every Fire Emblem Fates article has just been about the Same-Sex Marriages. I hate the sensationalism these people have built it up and it drives people away. To top it off, Westerners have no balls, once news of Incest and Death come around, this game is going to be the center of controversy and it will kill sales. Even if Nintendo doesn't censor this, it will more then likely get an M-Rating. If they did censor it, everyone would complain about how we'd get the stripped version and what not. People have also bashed it with the whole two versions which I think is going to kill the sales.

This isn't Pokemon. This is Fire Emblem a series that has only had one title hit 1 million+ Sales. People do not want to buy two versions for a relatively Niche series, that's the reason everyone tells me why they're taking so long to localize. The way westerners are reacting to the version split and DLC Options all hint to a terrible launch especially considering all the DLC is "On Cartridge"

Does anyone else fear for the NA Release?

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I'm as concerned as you are. I'd rather have an M-rating than a stripped, censored T-rating. I don't think incest will be a big deal because

there's no real incest.

If I can't marry Marx, there's gonna be some problems.

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Yeah, I am kinda afraid of how the NA's release will turn out.

Hopefully it's the same as Japan's release... as in, no censoring, nothing gets reduced, and etc.

I'd also prefer it to get M-rated than T-rated with so many contents being cut off.

Edited by Suzuran
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I have some fears, but I think you're seriously overreacting.

The same-sex thing only came out a few days ago, and it's still the latest piece of news that doesn't involve having the game. Obviously it's going to be the current subject for the game. I don't know about incest, but death? That's literally been a selling point of the series for its entire existence...this game (these games?) will not be rated M unless NoA decides to put a ton of swearing in.

As for the dual releases, we'll just have to see how that holds up over here.

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I don't know about the two versions killing the sales TBH. I and everybody I know who likes the Fire Emblem series is already intending to purchase and play all three paths regardless of the cost or release dates. Between the... let me see... eight of us, that's twenty-four sales right there. And we can't be the only ones who are excited to be getting three games for what I assume will be the price of two.

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I'm scared of what others think of it, but as long as I'm able to purchase both versions (and the later third path), then I'll be okay.

Awakening already got Fire Emblem a bunch of supporters, and I don't think news of incest and death will drive gamers away, either. Besides, buyers won't be picky enough to avoid an ENTIRE game because of a tiny detail that is optional. Even marrying in general is optional (I think), let alone to your "siblings".

I don't think it being two versions will hurt either. People who want Hoshido will buy Birthright, and people who want Nohr will buy Conquest. If they want both, they'll buy both. But they're still buying.

Edited by Carter
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My biggest fear? No special dual edition that has both games.

Incest (if present) will definitely be overlooked, no one really noticed in awakening, but when same-sex marriage was announced, I was like "great, now that's all we're going to hear about this game."

To be honest, I'm not sure how good the gameplay will actually be. Both sides have disappointingly few characters, and I'm still not sure if all the gameplay changes work or not.

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There is literally nothing to be afraid about. Of course video games media are going to be talking about same-sex marriages. It's the new story. I don't understand how people will upset about death in Fire Emblem. That's part of the point of the series. Also, the talk about censoring has been waaaaay overblown. The content is relatively tame, and people are just blowing it up to bigger than it's actually is. There's no chance that the game will be rated M. Furthermore, it's impossible to assess how well the dual release is going to go. The fact that after you buy one you are able to buy a whole other game and a third!) for half price will probably be enticing for a lot of people. Quit whining.

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In Awakening Morgan can either be the offspring, sibling, or spouse of the other children

You can also marry a girl who's only two years old in your time because she's from the future.

Awakening was a mess of screwed up situations including incest and no one cared. All this crap you hear is just part of outrage culture. Once the game is out no one will care.

Though I do wonder what kind of bizarre censorship will happen to the western release. NOA sure is hesitant to say anything about the game.

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I'm more afraid of the unnecessary censorship that this game is going to receive. I mean you saw what they did to a BIKINI picture of Tharja. I can't wait what they do to Camilla. I'm also worried about how they will censor the support conversations and some of the things that are said...ugh, why can't the world just care less about all of these references and suggestive themes?

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I'm worried about the NA releashe also.

As far as I've seen in this forum, the new features of this game has driven it far from a number of people's ideal cup of tea.

While their taste are irrelevant to me, it is relevant to the developers and the company that sells it. I've seen games being censored before they are allowed to be played in NA before and that's what I am worried about. This game may face two option: being censored of certain feature, or not localised at all.

Censorship is one thing. However, I am paying to see the translation and true product the original developers intended me to pay for. I don't want to pay for a product that someone has partially censored for "my safety."

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I'm pretty afraid for the release not from a sales standpoint (irrelevant to me; i'll be getting every version), but instead with how badly things may get censored. I personally really enjoy most things to come out of this game so far (including My Castle and all its features), so I'd hate to see some of them squandered or forsaken in the language that I understand.

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The only thing I've really been worried about is the Same-sex options being censored or something, but that seems unlikely after today's news. I do hope they don't cut anything out big content wise like graphic character deaths or an entire feature(ex: Face-rubbing), but I doubt they would do that.

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I'm worried that they'll butcher content, including unnecessary

I'm more afraid of the unnecessary censorship that this game is going to receive. I mean you saw what they did to a BIKINI picture of Tharja. I can't wait what they do to Camilla. I'm also worried about how they will censor the support conversations and some of the things that are said...ugh, why can't the world just care less about all of these references and suggestive themes?

I too am afraid of stuff like this happening. They let people walk around semi-nude in Xenoblade Chronicles so hopefully the fanservice will be left untouched.

The only thing I'm worried about boosting the rating is the hentai-like dialogue I hear characters saying while being rubbed if you have an S support with them...but I might be being paranoid.They could always just remove it since altering it would be hard.

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Would it really be a big deal if some lewd face-rubbing dialogue is altered?

Yes. Especially since none of that 'lewd' (it's not that lewd anyway) dialogue even starts until you've married the character in question.

Edited by capmalachi
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Would it really be a big deal if some lewd face-rubbing dialogue is altered?

More than the dialogue, I'm concerned people will freak out about eeeeuuuuw incest and we'll either not be able to marry the Nohrian and Hoshidan siblings at all - or we'll just get "Companions" or something.

I know there's no real incest, but that hasn't stopped people from bemoaning it, so i guess it could get censored.

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Would it really be a big deal if some lewd face-rubbing dialogue is altered?

well censorship in general is a pretty big deal in some places and for some people. Plus it pretty much seems that the point of the S rank face rubbing dialogue is to at the very least hint at it being sexual in nature. I mean you have most likely a teenager rubbing the face and possibly chest of a person they are in a relationship with, what the heck do you think they are going to say? your pretty much making out with them at that point. I would be fine with them changing some of Elise's and the younger ones in general but it is more likely they will just raise the apparent age of the characters. So they might just change the ones that point to them being younger. I don't mind much either way though.

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