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I fear for this game's NA Release


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Y'know, Halo is rated Mature, but because it's developed in America and is about guns and the military, I guess it just sells better.

But I do believe that America would put an M rating on Fates due to "suggestive dialogue and sexual themes" if they didn't censor it. America is MUCH more comfortable with violence than it is with sexuality (though the former is still rallied against by some). Game of Thrones somehow manages to do both, and I've yet to hear anyone condemn it... hm. I hope they don't censor it though, and if they do, I hope it's small stuff. I couldn't care less if they cover up cleavage and the like, but keep the dialogue and mechanics in tact, please.

I think my main fear is that they will under stock the game, especially the limited edition stuff. It seems like NoA is deliberately ordering fewer copies of things (amiibos, OMG), but I can't figure out why since they don't make any profit from the scalpers and second hand market and they don't seem to be interested in doing additional orders of stuff. But yeah, I check for places to pre-order maybe three times a day lately.

I'd also say Nintendo has a kid friendly reputation and almost none of it's first party games are rated M, whereas there's not really such an expectation with Xbox or Sony titles's triple AAA titles. I'd prefer it get an M rating over being censored though.

And I plan to preorder the special edition from day one so I can avoid that problem.

BTW, if I'm not mistaken this thread doesn't have any kind of spoiler tag so....:

There isn't incest. Kamui is not related by blood to either family. What I'm more worried about is heavy censorship. The way I see it, there is no possible way that this game is going to get a T-Rating— Unless there is heavy censorship that is.


I'm actually not a fan of the forced death of characters in your party. More so in a game that still to this day is sold on choice. Honestly, lost pretty much the shreds of my desire for this game. For sure not buying Nohr now with all the deaths I heard you can't avoid.


I can see why folks are concerned. I mean not only the same sex and hooking up non-blood related siblings, there is also Foleo. All intent and reasoning is a girl but is indentified by the game and he himself identifies himself as a boy.


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Everything would be solved if they just released an uncensored version for 18+ players like me who is honestly looking forward to a videogame character whispering in my ear.

And a censored version for all the concerned parents out there.

I think the whole censor thing is dumb. It's like "blocking" the Mona Lisa picture and only leave the face left. So all you can do is look at Mona Lisa's face, a small fraction, but not the rest of the master piece. Censorship and disallowing consumers to enjoy the full products is, to me, an "F. U." to both audiences and original developers. It makes consumers pay a full price for a portion of a product, and original developers can only be creditted for only the parts that is not censored.

If a parent is concerned about a certain part of the game, don't let them play in the first place.

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Tbh, I don't recall FE ever being a 'children's game' anyways...

It isnt and never has been. *looks at FE4*

I can see why folks are concerned. I mean not only the same sex and hooking up non-blood related siblings, there is also Foleo. All intent and reasoning is a girl but is indentified by the game and he himself indentifies himself as a boy.

I find it hilarious that you are so hung up on Foleo wow. Hes not gonna get censored because THERES NO REASON FOR IT AT ALL. The only thing that may need any localizing modification is some of Zero's angle (toning it down just slightly so he isnt outright villainous sounding) and some of the S support amie stuff.

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I'm not too worried, but I am a little concerned about how people are looking at already. So far a lot of people aren't happy with being able to marry the siblings (which would be explained later on if they just gave it a chance without overreacting) but mainly, I usually just see negativity to some of the returning elements from Awakening. We're all allowed to have our opinions of course, but let the ones who did enjoy stuff like the marriage and children (excluding the time traveling thing) just.... Enjoy it. Let's not knock it before it even reaches our shores.

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Well, what if we send a letter or an email, as a community?

...Except the community here is split about this; it wouldn't be an e-mail as a community. Also probably wouldn't go anywhere with Nintendo's "silent majority" focus ("100,000 signatures does not mean 100,000 sales", anyone?).

I've seen quite a few people saying "NOA save us!" (or some variation thereof) on this issue. Al ot of fans don't like the fanservice and innuendos in the game, and would like them to be removed (me included).

As for the ESRB, this really depends on multiple things. First of all let me clear up something: they won't tell Nintendo to censor it. Nintendo may tell them they're aiming for a certain rating, and the ESRB may tell them what would need to be removed to get it down to that rating, but they can't make Ninty censor it.

Nintendo themselves would be the one to do it. If they do it to maintain a T rating, it makes sense: basic logic would say they'd generate more sales by keeping the rating lower. Besides, the vast majority of consumers won't even know what was cut (or if anything was), and those who do would be split down the middle about it.

How much would be censored is up in the air (and something that I see just generates arguments). I'd like outfits and most of the raunchier lines, but that's that.

Edited by The DanMan
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Not at all. With how popular this series has been lately, I'm afraid the games might sell out to early.

This is what I'm most concerned about. Seems like when it comes to physical things that Nintendo has a hard time producing enough supply. Even with digital downloads for games this big its bound to give them server problems just look at the smash dlc a couple days ago. Worst case they'd bump it up to M rating for more of the suggestive themes like some of the character designs and face rubbing etc.

As far as gay-marriage goes its already in games like Fable and Elder Scrolls which have primarily Western audiences so I don't really see it being an issue. Plus Fire Emblem has always been one of Nintendo's darker more serious titles its not as if these things are happening in kid friendly titles like Mario or Pokemon.

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To everyone saying this game couldn't possibly recieve an M rating due to its content, just consider that Ace Attorney Dual Destinies recieved an M rating, with the only reasons listed "Violence, Blood, Suggestive Themes, Language". Anyone who's played the AA series knows that nothing in the games ever gets too graphic, and to this day I'm still unsure where the M rating comes from.

Also, ratings in general have been getting more strict in the last few years (like Chrono Trigger and Eathbound being raised to T).

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To everyone saying this game couldn't possibly recieve an M rating due to its content, just consider that Ace Attorney Dual Destinies recieved an M rating, with the only reasons listed "Violence, Blood, Suggestive Themes, Language". Anyone who's played the AA series knows that nothing in the games ever gets too graphic, and to this day I'm still unsure where the M rating comes from.

Also, ratings in general have been getting more strict in the last few years (like Chrono Trigger and Eathbound being raised to T).

Exactly why I think we have hopes for this game to get M rating with little to no censors.

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I'm not worried

​It'll get an M rating and that'll be that; I'm expecting the same with #FE

​Have faith in the Treehouse

Sales'll probably be great too; the gay marriage publicity will do nothing but help it, I feel, and it had some hilariously impeccable timing with its reveal as well

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I'm not worried

​It'll get an M rating and that'll be that; I'm expecting the same with #FE

​Have faith in the Treehouse

Sales'll probably be great too; the gay marriage publicity will do nothing but help it, I feel, and it had some hilariously impeccable timing with its reveal as well

I can't wait for them to announce information regarding this and how they will release the separate editions.

LOL, I also lol'd at the timing.

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That really surprised me when I first heard about it. I guess it's because there's a lot of blood in one cutscene but other than that it's a much less dark game than its predecessor, something that really amuses me considering how edgy Dual Destinies tried to be.

As for the western release, I feel more sympathetic towards the localization team and the voice actors who have to moan while pretending to be petted in front of all the people who're there working.

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In either case I think that just strengthens the possibility and likelihood of Fates recieving an M rating as well, considering most of what happens in AA is simply people talking about intense violence, whereas this game actually lets you see it.

Another thought did cross my mind: what if White/Birthright is rated T while Black/Conquest is rated M, being the darker story with the more graphic imagery? Would one version sell more than the other if that were the case?

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8-4 burned us pretty bad, I'm not expecting much better from Treehouse. NoA's been embracing violence more, but I can't see them doing the same for such blatant sexuality so soon. If it somehow gets here intact, I'll gladly buy all of the routes a second time. If not, oh well, I already own the game in its real form and have no real need to buy half of a game I already own in full.

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In either case I think that just strengthens the possibility and likelihood of Fates recieving an M rating as well, considering most of what happens in AA is simply people talking about intense violence, whereas this game actually lets you see it.

Another thought did cross my mind: what if White/Birthright is rated T while Black/Conquest is rated M, being the darker story with the more graphic imagery? Would one version sell more than the other if that were the case?

I wouldn't say it's so clear cut on which version is more "graphic" than the other

Plus I'm not sure if we're focusing on the fanservice, or the violence anymore

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I'm fairly certain Fates will get pushed to an "M" rating.

ESRB is, in my experience, always on the conservative side. A "T" rating means that they really think this game is suitable for almost all 13 year-olds. Which it's really not. Even though the violence is, to my knowledge, not that extreme, it's present throughout the whole game. And they can't possible censor the fanservice adequately.

Fates got a 15+ rating in Japan, so it's very unlikely to get a 13+ rating in NA.

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I wouldn't say it's so clear cut on which version is more "graphic" than the other

Plus I'm not sure if we're focusing on the fanservice, or the violence anymore

Well since I assume both versions have about the same amount of fanservice and sexual content, what would be a deciding factor in whether or not one gets a higher rating is the violence. For all I know, both could potentially get an M, but it seems a lot more certain with Conquest.

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Well since I assume both versions have about the same amount of fanservice and sexual content, what would be a deciding factor in whether or not one gets a higher rating is the violence. For all I know, both could potentially get an M, but it seems a lot more certain with Conquest.

Anything in particular? I roughly watched both games but nothing comes to mind right now

Minor Spoilers maybe, but, if anything, Hoshido might be (it's subjective after all) more ...violency

Mikoto getting killed and the scene there

Hoshido: Flora setting herself on fire, Lilith dying, Xander killing Elise, Xander's death

Nohr: Lilith dying (what a trend), Ryoma's suicide, Garon's reveal, Takumi's possession (note that Takumi had a scene previously in Chap 23 as well)

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Age rating doesn't bother me at all, I'm just praying that they won't strike this game with extreme censorship when it hits America.

I've never felt so worked up about a game before, but it means so much to me to get my money's worth out of a game.

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To quote Major Chip Hazard from Small Soldiers " Are you scared? We're all scared. You'd have to be crazy not to be scared."

NoA tries REALLY hard to be family friendly but Fire Emblem has a reputation of being for a more "mature" crowd, but they did that Ridiculous curtain covering Tharja bit so it's a crap shoot what will and won't be censored, Fire Emblem has never been more high profile so what is changed is going to be under a much more fine scrutiny that ever before.

The future is mysterious and fraught with both danger and wonder beyond imagining so in the end all we can do is wait and (If you're of a religious bent) prey that the resault will be better than you feared.

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As others have pointed out. Even they did remove a lot/most of the lewd/sexual dialog this game will still probably get a higher rating.

Because of the on screen deaths, regardless if much blood is shown if at all, would be enough to earn it a higher rating. Killing generic enemies in a regular battle is one thing, but on screen depictions of suicide plus Elise and Mikoto's death.

I can think of a couple of games that probably got a higher rating than was necessary because of on screen depictions of death. I don't see them editing TOO much of the amie dialog. Some of it will get changed. The amie feature was probably included to attract fans (mostly female) of otome/dating games or life simulation games. There's a lot of money to be made marketing to that segment - have you seen how much people spend on those stupid otome iphone games? Here's a hint: it's a lot.

Your average 4 to 5 path otome dating sim can easily run you $20 a pop - sometimes more if it's pay per a route instead of getting the whole game. Nintendo would be stupid to ignore that segment since there's a great lack of decent otome/women targeted dating games.

You need to remember games get M ratings for more than just fan service and nudity. There's violence, blood, depictions/talk of drugs/language, references to drinking, and war too can get a game a higher rating.

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I can think of a couple of games that probably got a higher rating than was necessary because of on screen depictions of death. I don't see them editing TOO much of the amie dialog. Some of it will get changed. The amie feature was probably included to attract fans (mostly female) of otome/dating games or life simulation games. There's a lot of money to be made marketing to that segment - have you seen how much people spend on those stupid otome iphone games? Here's a hint: it's a lot.

Your average 4 to 5 path otome dating sim can easily run you $20 a pop - sometimes more if it's pay per a route instead of getting the whole game. Nintendo would be stupid to ignore that segment since there's a great lack of decent otome/women targeted dating games.

You need to remember games get M ratings for more than just fan service and nudity. There's violence, blood, depictions/talk of drugs/language, references to drinking, and war too can get a game a higher rating.

*Cough cough*
You got it right. I was almost tempted to buy those otome games on phone, lol. But my sanity prevents me from doing so, because I prefer console and retail games rather than digital iphone games like those (and yeah, where I must purchase one route after another).
That is why I agree with you, this "Amie" thing is the bait---I mean it's used to attract more people. So, NoA shouldn't really remove it or mess it up so much.
Let's hope...
Damn why do they not say anything yet about NoA release @@ It's killing me inside to know how they will handle the localization of this game and also the version releases method, etc...
Edited by Suzuran
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*Cough cough*
You got it right. I was almost tempted to buy those otome games on phone, lol. But my sanity prevents me from doing so, because I prefer console and retail games rather than digital iphone games like those (and yeah, where I must purchase one route after another).
That is why I agree with you, this "Amie" thing is the bait---I mean it's used to attract more people. So, NoA shouldn't really remove it or mess it up so much.
Let's hope...
Damn why do they not say anything yet about NoA release @@ It's killing me inside to know how they will handle the localization of this game and also the version releases method, etc...

Don't even get me started on the amount of otome games I have on my computer. I might die if people knew how much was spent on those and some of them aren't even all that good. Sort of meh but I am a thirsty girl and needed it. The amount of "routes" aka supports in Fates is far more than any otome game I've played recently. While before that might not have been enough to attract the otome/life simulation fans the MyCastle and Amie is.

To be honest the whole reason I picked up Awakening in the first place was it came recommended on an otome website. Didn't realize it was a tactical rpg until I actually played it. Which was a win for me because I am CRAZY about Disgaea and Final Fantasy Tactics (the original and the Lion Wars remake is the best.)

And I don't think they'll do much about Elise/Sakura being romanceable. Story of Seasons came out not too long ago (End of March) and there's Mistel - basically the most shota-y of bachelors in that game. And you can still marry him and have a kid. And he has some (hilarious) suggestive dialog. Like reminding the player he needs to be played with too when visiting a safari. That game is rated teen.

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